[Jul 16, 2011] SC4 Toronto Top Tiers School Rumble Result

Maybe we could unban Algol to help Toronto fight off evil Americans that made us ban Algol to begin with (which I had nothing to do with, btw). Also, my match versus Thugish shall be played in SC3 just in case.
Or just lose your pride, your money, and your women. Especially your women.

Oh yeah, your weed too. Especially that too.

Maybe we could unban Algol to help Toronto fight off evil Americans that made us ban Algol to begin with (which I had nothing to do with, btw). Also, my match versus Thugish shall be played in SC3 just in case.

Nah, Chaos would lose terribly still; we play all he matchups down herrrre.
What? I have no pride, no money, and no women. (One night stands don't count.) Geez, I don't even smoke weed. Quit wasting your time and stay in America. You've got 14 trillion problems to take care of. My validation isn't going to solve anything.

That being said, LostProvidence is a scrub, or something.
haha CheeCahGo; that's how it sounds to us if you spell out their funny accent. How are the guys from the US compared to you guys honestly? I want a good idea of the competition and such. :)

All aboard the hype train
How are the guys from the US compared to you guys honestly? I want a good idea of the competition and such. :)
A long history has been had with USA players. Some examples: In SC4, OOFMATIC once won a major tourney there, and other times has placed top 3-5. In SC3 I did the same. In SC2 another one of our (now retired) players got third place at EVO. There are other notable contenders I didn't list. USA/France generally win big tournaments, while other countries are rooted as underdogs...like Canada, Dominican Republic, Germany, South Korea (and more). Japan is off the map because they only play in arcades and never leave the country, but they won the arcade Super Battle Opera tournaments for SC2/SC3. All the best players from these countries are close in skill level, IMO.
Hey guys, it was nice seeing you all again! I'm not really sure how I ended up in 5th but it was fun to get my hands on a controller and play again.

Shoutouts to Partisan for being an awesome commentary buddy and actually having game knowledge!
Oh I like watching these ever since I came to the site. I get so excited watching the fights. I can't wait to go to one I will be jumping around the whole time. Even if I lose a lot it will still be fun.
What kind of hypocritical shit is this? Bitch comes strolling in here, looking at my videos, then strikes up a conversation, but when I start one she's all indignant! I hope she never comes out to a tourney with that attitude. Women can't fight, anyway.
umm well Dark is very protective so yea... besides why would u even ask that on here?
I bet I could kick ur ass even though i cant play offline lol.
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