Just Guard

I tried it again after testing some partially related things.

I am having more success pressing G just before I get hit, and not right when I get hit.

You guys rock.

Though, yes, if you mess up Just Guard, you're eating whatever's coming.

And the risk-reward changes depending on the move! Oh Project Soul, why you so smart?

Dude, you're easing my mind with your posts. Here and in the AI section. Thanks.

(My copy is still one week away.)
YES! Do you know how much "press, release, hit" improved my ability? Me (and I think everyone else would agree) that the directions and common sense would tell you to do it AS you are getting hit which made me practice "press, hit, release". Now I am successful like 2 out of 10 times. WAY better than 2 out of 60 times before. In Third Strike you definitely would hit forward right as you are getting hit. Now time to practice and get better. Side note: its really only worth it to do this to slower moves that you can counterattack. If its too fast that they recover before you can do anything, its just a waste.
I've been able to pull it off a few times. It's weird because I still have the "Guard Impact" mentality at times haha
lol in my second online match I hit it first try. It was a Cervantes masher and the timing of 6BB is all too familiar.
Still, I have no idea why the hell they made the GI cost gauge. I mean: did anyone ever think GI was OP?

btw, do we still have the parry? (the backwards GI that sends the opponent to kiss the floor or a wall)
This is brutally difficult. What is the actual frame you have between the release and the hit? It can't be much more than 2 frames? I can get it maybe 50% of the time in training when I know what's coming, but that is probably being generous to myself.

I'm yet to land one when I actually wanted in a match. The catch is that the moves you can realistically have any chance of a JG are the super slow telegraphed ones that will start a huge combo. If you are off, you will eat the whole thing, chances are blocking it would have given you a punish (though probably a lot smaller) anyway. The "hitstop" or slowdown or whatever happens on a JG isn't even that long anyway so you don't have long to react and perform your big punish even if you do pull it off.

Is there anyone that has been pulling this off at all reliably in actual matches? Do you think it's worth the risk?
This is brutally difficult. What is the actual frame you have between the release and the hit? It can't be much more than 2 frames? I can get it maybe 50% of the time in training when I know what's coming, but that is probably being generous to myself.

I'm yet to land one when I actually wanted in a match. The catch is that the moves you can realistically have any chance of a JG are the super slow telegraphed ones that will start a huge combo. If you are off, you will eat the whole thing, chances are blocking it would have given you a punish (though probably a lot smaller) anyway. The "hitstop" or slowdown or whatever happens on a JG isn't even that long anyway so you don't have long to react and perform your big punish even if you do pull it off.

Is there anyone that has been pulling this off at all reliably in actual matches? Do you think it's worth the risk?

Stuff like BBBs are AAs can be JG'd pretty easy if you know the string and your opponent doesn't stop mid string. You know, stuff that people throw out that have locked move properties and come out the same with multiple hits. Cerv's last B is particularly easy to JG and punish, try it.
That requires the Cervy player to actually use the 3rd B blind doesn't it? Do good Cervy players actually do that? I know I sure don't haha.

I can't get the second hit of Pyrrah's BB consistently at all, but I can get her 3B easily enough when I know it's coming. The window cannot be anywhere near as big as 3S or BB's.

Do you hit these during games? So far it seems the only moves that are reliably JGable are the ones you don't really want to JG haha.
i got JG off once in an online mate against devil jin and his swooping down from the sky kick. but i didn't really expect it to happen so I didn't punish the foo'! XD
4 frame is only the button press, we don't know how many frame JG is active for after the release.
so JG is actually active on release and not on the button press?? hmmm... that's interesting
street fighter 3 and garou parry are both active for 6 frames upon release
CVS2 though is only 4 frame, which is fairly tight

but things fly so much faster in a 3d fighting game, i think 5 frame would've been fair
You guys are friggin AWESOME.

Just went into training mode and set the input to controller.

Tried JG'ing Mitsurugi's standing A and standing B, and I was pulling off the JG about 18/20 times, no joke.

It's just like was discussed earlier... gotta time the RELEASE of G with the impact and only press the button for 4 frames... which amounts to tapping G just a little BEFORE impact... the timing will vary with each attack, of course.

The actual window to JG stuff actually seems pretty generous. It's just that we all thought you had to press the button AS opponents' attacks impacted us, which was wrong.

Gonna test online soon, but my huge success rate with JG in training bodes well...
its easy actually..just anticipate an attack and buffer JG
similar to parry buffering in SFIII

cant wait for the shitstorm when someone full JGs a CE or something at evo..daigo parry SCV style =D
The window can't be anywhere near as big as SF3, or else I am doing something horribly wrong haha. Much more strict than iGDR as well, for an in game reference, at least it has been for me.

I can parry in 3S and instant block in BB, but this is gonna take a while.
Wait, how am I supposed to JG strings, if I can't JG immediately after having blocked something? How long do I have to release the guard button for it to work again?

I think the GI still has it's place, it just works completely different. It has a huge whiff, but the impact frames are quite generous, so it's the better panic button under pressure. The outcome is always the same, so GIing a fast/safe character might be more rewarding. It's also much more effective than the old GI because there is no free re-GI. If your opponent has no meter at the edge of the ring, good riddance.
Am I the only one have immense trouble with this feature? Seriously I haven't gotten it once in training @_@
Ive been getting like 4 a game on ranked these days. You get used to it. Go to training vs maxi and set him to guard after attacking with his aaab. Guard the first two. JG the second two.
I've been picking up just guard more and more. Best thing to do is go into training and set it to record the computer training dummy perform a series of attacks. Say B...B...B...B...B...B...B... etc. So you know the timing etc and the hit the playback and just get practicing. It takes time but it's worth it and can be done. No where near as difficult as I feared reading some of the feedback it's been getting.
I practiced with my brother, we were able to JG one after another but, we can't do it in an actual fight. It requieres a lot of practice.
Imo JG is not good. There is GI and AutoGI's, so I won't try to learn it anymore.

There is another thing I want to talk about. Did you guys think this JG or even GI is not based on reflexes? It's actually requires to memorize all moves combos and strings to GI or JG them. It's almost like you can't JG any attack after seeing it, you must know what move is on opponents mind,what he/she willdo next. You have to guess what will your oppenent do.
There is another thing I want to talk about. Did you guys think this JG or even GI is not based on reflexes? It's actually requires to memorize all moves combos and strings to GI or JG them. It's almost like you can't JG any attack after seeing it, you must know what move is on opponents mind,what he/she willdo next. You have to guess what will your oppenent do.

Isn't that the fun part? Reading your opponent is the most rewarding thing in this game imo. Works fairly well too, as most people apply certain patterns. The best players alter them according to your playstyle, but they use patterns nonetheless. Nobody plays random except for a button masher and even those might mash in a predictable way :P
its easy actually..just anticipate an attack and buffer JG
similar to parry buffering in SFIII

cant wait for the shitstorm when someone full JGs a CE or something at evo..daigo parry SCV style =D

Since there is no Shave Damage from special attacks in SCV, JG a bunch of attacks in a string wouldn't be very useful.

I'm still curious if the think about not being pressing guard a little before the JG applies if the pressing of guard was a successful JG. Make sense?

There is another thing I want to talk about. Did you guys think this JG or even GI is not based on reflexes? It's actually requires to memorize all moves combos and strings to GI or JG them. It's almost like you can't JG any attack after seeing it, you must know what move is on opponents mind,what he/she willdo next. You have to guess what will your oppenent do.

If the guy is an experient SC player, if he is in his A game, warmed up and in an intense fight... adrenaline kicks in and his vision starts working on 60 fps. Then yes, he can actually read the opponent's moves with little to no guessing involved, specially in a GI exchange.