Kayane Streaming French Launch Event Sat 1/28

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Kayane, in partnership with Namco Bandai Games, will be hosting a launch event for SOULCALIBUR V in Paris, France on Saturday, January 28th, 2012. This event will consist of casual matches, a 64-man single elimination tournament which includes some very notable French players, and ending with an 8 on 8 team battle consisting of the top 16 from the singles tournament.

This event will also be streamed online by Kayane for everyone to check out beginning at 6PM Central European Time (12PM Eastern). You can find some additional details and an embed of the stream after the break.


Singles Bracket
Kayane was lookin great and all, but whoever was using Sieg after the Kayane vs Hayate final was scary, I assume that's Panto. Leix looks a lil easier to deal with than that.

edit: On second thought, nevermind, think I got sc5 sieg figured out now, but the gauge pressure is pretty ridiculous.
No, sorry I'm not a rat who deserts the sinking ship in terror and cries about it all the time later.
Yet your comment on PSN last night was "RIP Ivy 2008-2012". And I sensed your despair all the way from Poland after what you said :) Just lowering expectations I suppose.
I like the now Ivy. she used to be one of my mains until SC4 because she was super stance have and the moves didn't transition her stances but you had to press buttons. no more holding A to go from sword to whip. that was a huge let down and made a lot of her mix ups predictable. you could tell what moves she had available by the shape her sword was in and if they tried to change stances the sword flashed. i like SC2 and probably this Ivy better.

and are people still b%&ching and moaning about Leixia's BE? it's not that strong compared to other moves. complain about Natsu's are grab that does and s%%t ton of damage. do a CE and that air grab and you can kiss around 60% opponent's health goodbye. that puts algol's 2 bar CE to shame.
let's focus on the real issue here. how fast are you SC IV Ivy whores going to drop that SC V Ivy?

Lol I'll never understand character loyalty and accusations of "tier whoring" among competitive fighting game players. This is the only community that does that. You don't see Counter Strike players using the crappy guns or Starcraft players building the wrong unit for the situation because they have loyalty to a set of pixels or they want an excuse in case they lose.

But you know all about this...and I'm sure you will be picking up the best character possible in SC5, just as anybody who wants to win should be doing.
Lol I'll never understand character loyalty and accusations of "tier whoring" among competitive fighting game players. This is the only community that does that. You don't see Counter Strike players using the crappy guns or Starcraft players building the wrong unit for the situation because they have loyalty to a set of pixels or they want an excuse in case they lose.

But you know all about this...and I'm sure you will be picking up the best character possible in SC5, just as anybody who wants to win should be doing.
you're wrong about this. I, for one, will be playing who I want to play because I like the character. not because they are strong. if that was the case with most people then you wouldn't see Talim players. you wouldn't see Ibuki or Sakura at tournaments either. I'm pretty sure Leixia isn't considered top tier but she won at a french tournament because the player knows how to use them. it's the player not the character.
why can't things go back to how it was in SC2 when any character was good and the skill of the character was based on the player. there wasn't tier whoring back then like there is now. oh well.
Because no game is completely balanced and people like to win
that's obvious but some people don't mind losing. if they are trying to experiment and pick up a new character they are going to lose regardless of whether that character is high or low tier until they get better. losing is a part of winning unless it's a kill or be killed scenario but that's not what we're discussing. i expect to lose for a little while as I try out my character's options and mixups and over all play style.
Why do people hate defense so much, and refer to the slightest wavering moment of non-button presses as 'turtling'? Offense and defence is a balance thing. Sometimes you gotta back off, think, breathe and plan; sometimes you gotta go in there after doing such; sometimes you gotta react quick and improvise.

At times it takes very sound knowledge and amazing reactions to block to the point of turtling; yet for offense all it takes is Amy and there ain't much thought with 50/50 mix-up>combo that leads back into 50/50 mix-up rinse and repeat.

You gotta appreciate both sides of the fight. Both offense and defense are laden with depth, skill and things that are, if understood, appreciated. It's just that people these days can be lazy in terms of thought; so they are easily impressed by flashy offense and don't put the thought required to decipher defense past 'blocking stuff and backing away'.
lol people don't like defense because if everybody mashed they would have a fighting chance. let them enter a tournament and play against good players just ONCE and they will learn better. if they want to win that is, instead of this "honorable" crap i keep hearing from scrubs lately.

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