Soulcalibur V

  • Soulcalibur V
SOULCALIBUR V Delisting From PS3/360 Online Stores
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The official @soulcalibur Twitter account announced this morning that in one week, SC5 will be officially removed from all console shops. While you will be able to continue playing the game, you will no longer be able to purchase it, or any of it's DLC. If you have not yet done so, now would be the time to pick it up!

No reason was given for the delisting, but one has to assume it has to do with licensing rights for music and/or characters.
Valiant Warriors - Soul Calibur V is taking its final curtain call on the stage of history and will be sunset on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on June 19, 2023. The base game and all associated DLC will no longer be available for purchase. Thank you for your continued support.

Vote for SCV to get a pot bonus at BigEGaming's NEC

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BigEGaming has made a poll on twitter to where we can potentially get 500 dollars added to the SCV prize pool. The voting link will be provided below and there are only a couple days left. Thank you for voting!


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It's coming to that time of the year again. The time of hype, glory, competition, and most importantly, saltiness. NECXVII is over 3months away, being hosted on 12/16/2016-12/18/2016, via King of Prussia, PA.

I encourage anyone and everyone to try and attempt to make this trip. As of recently, there has been some discussion about foreign competition attending. One in particular competitor, GOLD Shad, has shown interest in attending. GOLD Shad is one of the best players in EU, and has proven his mettle and skills on US soil. With the placing of 4th at NEC2014 and 2nd at NEC2015.

On top of all this, I have offered a donation towards EU/JP players. I'm donating 100$ towards the attendance of EU/JAP players. Alongside my donation, Bruno (a member of the FR Soul Calibur community) has also promised a donation of 100$.

Anyone is welcomed to follow suit in hopes to sparking, and assisting foreign competition on attending NECXVII. I encourage more people donate to the cause for...

PS Now, Outcast Odyssey, and Japanese PSN store discounts

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A 3-4 month hiatus from Project Soul's social media services has recently ended. What pieces of news are coming around this new year? You guessed it! Things that are not Soulcalibur VI. This brings up an interesting question. How big is the team's budget, and how much time are they being given for the next installment? Let's visit what they've said in regards to their current side projects.

We'll start with the most recent posts on the @hoshino_calibur twitter account. For those of you who don't know, Project Soul has been partnered with the developer of another Namco mobile called Outcast Odyssey. This is the second batch of character artwork to be plugged into the game. If you want to play this game on your iPhone or Android, the characters that have been added to Outcast Odyssey are Yoshimitsu, Taki, Sophitia, Mina, Elysium, Algol, Tira, Aeon, Hilde, Zasalamel, and most importantly Talim! I will link the awesome artwork of these...

SOULCALIBUR V and II HD Coming to Playstation Now

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The official SOULCALIBUR twitter account (@hoshino_calibur) has confirmed today that the PS3 version of both SC5 and SC2HD are currently on sale in the PSN store. They will also be available for streaming play on Playstation Now (at least in Japan) on April 14.

Playstation Now is a cloud based service that allows you to play older Playstation titles on your PS4. With PSNow, you should be able to play various PS3 games on your PS4, with your PS4 peripherals. I can't speak for the quality of this for fighting games, since fighting games are far more sensitive to lag than other genres... but it's been relatively successful for other types of games.

Soulcalibur France declares war on USA! Drops truth bomb on Chicago.

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It looks like it is that wonderful time of the year everybody! Grab your cups and gather some salty tears delivered from the heavens, which is also known as the event known as NEC. For those of you who don't know, NEC (Northeast Championships hosted by @eric) is the biggest Soulcalibur V tournament that will be taking place in December. If you want more information about the event, then check out NEC 16 | Big E Gaming ( or our thread here on 8wayrun in the "Tournament Announcements" section. As of right now, French players confirmed for NEC are Keev, GolD ShaD, Deus Kaliya, and GolD Drataks.

However, the spotlight today is being given to you by GolD ShaD, the creator of an epic video that insults our American players. If you don't know who GolD ShaD is, he is an Alpha Patroklos player who got 4th at NEC 2014 and turned our hero Blueboy into the color red. He has also recently out-placed the Mexican Legend Lolo at the Edge Master Series tournament in London, which transformed him into the Mexican Legend Don Quixote. The heat that has been brought to the kitchen is in the form of a video that trashes LP and essentially challenges him for being known to some as the best Alpha Patroklos.

Devil Jin is now legal to use in SCV tournaments.

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Devil Jin is a character that has been banned since the beginning of Soulcalibur V. Whether your reasoning for wanting him gone was due to his crazy pre-patch ringouts or his Tekken origins, the official reasoning for the ban was from the lack of a character model. This means that we are forced to use character creation mode to access him.

The potential problems with that is that there are certain hitbox issues that can be induced by the custom characters that cause unintended misses or hits. Recently, we have developed a team in response to the online players who use Devil Jin and don't want to go out to tournaments because of the ban.
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