Kogarasumaru August 2009 Monthly (UFC 102)


Last month was a success... but I've decided a few things. Firstly, I'm getting rid of Street Fighter. There are enough weeklies in the area for SF4 that no one cares to have them at my monthlies; so they wont be here. Instead we will be replacing them with BlazBlue, which seems to be extremely popular right now. Secondly, if you don't play, or DIRECTLY show support for a player in the tournament, you are no longer welcome. Attendance is getting way too high for people who don't play any games. So people like Kit, Kit's Brother, Diane, NeoOutlaw, etc are still welcome because they show direct support for the event. However, people who show up just for the party, the alcohol and the barbeque, are no longer welcome.

Jaxel said:
This means that all players who attend this event will be ranked on the 8WayRun.Com Exclusive Ranking Ladder! The results of this tournament will be entered into the ladder and players will be ranked based on their performances on past ranked events.
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Event has passed...

  • 2:00 PM - BlazBlue
  • 6:00 PM - Soulcalibur 4
  • Tournaments will be run on the PlayStation3 Console
  • Double Elimination Tournament (DONT LEAVE EARLY)
  • Sets consist of 2/3 Matches in the preliminary rounds
  • Sets consist of 3/5 Matches in bracket-finals sets
  • Sets consist of 4/7 Matches in grand-finals sets
  • Top players from previous tournaments will be seeded
  • Bracket will be randomized based on player regions
  • Winner Character Lock (cannot switch characters)
  • Double Blind Character Selection available by request
  • Button Sequence Macroing is banned (Binding still legal)
  • All infinite damage combos are banned! No exceptions
  • Pausing may result in forfeiture of that specific round
  • Soft Reset will result in forfeiture of that specific match
  • Matches consist of 2/3 Rounds in all sets
  • Rounds consist of 99 second time limit in all sets
  • BANNED: Unlimited Mode & Easy Specials
  • Matches consist of 3/5 Rounds in all sets
  • Rounds consist of 60 second time limit in all sets
  • Random Stage Selection for first match of set
  • Loser's Choice for new RANDOM stage by request
  • All stages are currently legal for tournament play
  • All matches played at 100% health and soul gauge
    • I will not be supplying Wireless PS3 Controllers
    • I will not be supplying PS3 USB Sync Cables
    • I will not be supplying PSX -> PS3 converters
  • Squatting during casual play is strictly prohibited
  • You must take a shower before the tournament
  • No smoking is permitted inside of the mall area
  • No food and drink will be permitted into the lounge
  • Be clean and courteous, and clean up after yourself
  • Please don't walk in front of TVs durings matches
  • Absolutely don't vandalize the supplied equipment
  • We reserve the right to search anyone suspicious

If you are bringing your own stick, make sure to bring an appropriate converter; I will not be responsible for converter and controller issues. The tournament will be run on as many TVs as I deem necessary depending on the turnout; all other TVs will be used for casuals and money matches. We have one 48" RCA Proscan SDTV and two 50" Sony WEGA SXRD HDTVs. Any match recorded in the main room will be recorded and put on the web for download.

  • $15 Soulcalibur 4 Singles
  • $15 BlazBlue Singles
Please don't be late. If you are going to be late, call us before hand so we can hold the start till you arrive. If you have been to one of our tournaments before, you should have recieved someone's phone number in which you can contact. If you haven't, please send either Kid D Zaster, Bibulus, ShadowFox or Serge a PM.
For anyone who comes to this, Please do all of us a favor and do not park Behind Jaxels mothers car... As we all can tell from the last tourney, it really caused some problems...
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So I had to have ShadowFox post this tournament on Dustloop. The mods there, who obviously know nothing about the internet, keep banning me and deleting my tournament threads. They are claiming that we stole thread information which is the property of Dustloop; even though the license agreement on Dustloop claims no responsibility for the content of their threads. (Which violates their safe harbor provisions; by claiming ownership of information, they can now be held legally responsible for anything posted on their forums)

Even though many of the original authors of such thread information gave their consent; and anyone who asked to have their information removed, HAS had it removed without dispute. Sure, I may disagree with the removal of their content, for if you really cared about the community, you would want your helpful information spread as far as possible. But its their perogative as the original authors, and we have complied with EVERY request made. So of course, they still ban me from Dustloop because they are threatened by our success.

And yes, they keep selectively deleting our tournament threads as well. Which they have a right to... but isn't good for the community. So a word of warning, anyone who posts anything and everything related to AstralHeat.Com, will receive an infraction at Dustloop.


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That is beyond gay, but stuff like that is typical by those who be hatin' on success instead of encouraging a wider community that would be beneficial for all.

In time, more people are going to start making their way over to AH once they hear about it and see what it has to offer. There's no reason to hate on AH, especially when Dustloop is mainly a GG site. But whatever, it is what it is. All I know is that the next tourney is going to be alot of fun.
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Well I don't think Gwyrgyn Blood really knows much about how the internet works. If he did, he would know how pointless it would be to keep on deleting my threads and banning my IP address. I mean, its so easy for me to just connect to a new proxy and create a new account. It takes longer to delete my threads, ban my account and ban the respective IP address, than it does for me to connect to a new onion and create a new account. I haven't been spamming AH; I've just been making tournament threads. So I'll keep on making new accounts and making new threads, because I haven't done anything wrong.

Banning is one of the dumbest things you can do on a forum. It doesn't solve anything; it just creates feuds. When you ban someone, more often then not, it doesn't make people stay off your forums; it makes them come to it more. Not to mention, IP banning is a sort of "shotgun" effect and tends to leave other people in it's wake. Sure, the chances of someone else on their forum having the same IP address as me is slim; but if people come to my house and try to connect to DL... say during a TOURNAMENT, they will recieve banned messages as well. There are MUCH better ways to get people to leave, without banning.
Screw Dustloop. >:( Guilty Gear sucks anyway (Except #Reload :p) ! XD Blazblue and SoulCalFTW !! Any chance your bringing Wildcard back ? :D
If I'm not drunk off dat juice, I want to enter into the wildcard as well. Bring that back.
Being drunk is one of the reasons the wildcard tourney was as fun as it was! Though I may actually enter BlazBlue this time....hmm...
By the time the wildcard tourney usually starts, I'm either drunk off my ass or passed out. So hopefully I will be coherent enough to participate. But I doubt it because boxed wine is going to be representin'
Fucking Jersey people. People always end up bailing by the time the team tourney comes up. Plus I would be too drunk off that boxed wine to do a team tourney unless it was done on Sunday which by then there wouldn't be that many people again to participate. So do Wildcard.
Wildcard Tournament

- Got cops called on Jay's house

2vs2 Team Tournament

- Didn't get cops called on Jay's house

See? We should do Team Tournament instead.