[Las Vegas, NV] What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

I got to pick up the X player and he gets off around 9PM. So, ill come for some early fights around 8ish then go to pick him up and ride back. I'm up for money matches...lol not high rollin...just one dollar bets.

Glad to see the little Vegas community back from the grave.
HYPE. Lol.

Ted, have to ask you for your address again. I better write this shit down somewhere. >_>
man.. great games.

Koichi- i told you time away from the game would make you better lol that asta still can put the smack down!

Sora- i'm glad you're back in LV, bro. your play definitely helps us raise our all around standards to a higher level.

IFB- the best i've seen you play since i've known you. huge stepping stone tonight.

REVAS- fuck your cass lol haha try to bring tony any chance you get his X is great.

it was a good turnout. good times and nice jumpstarting our community again. if sundays work best, i can always have em on sundays. I really want to help put vegas on the map. let's do dis!
Yeah damn GG's. Getting owned by Sora that one night was really educational. Fuck yo' knee caps! Also I got mad WP shenanigan ideas now.
Awesome fights guys. Sundays seems ok, also Thursdays work well for me to.

Im still game for some money matches!! I figured this session was a warm up.
Fights get really tourney style when money is on the line.
Thinkin bout having another gathering in the next few weeks. Im thinking it would be best on a sunday evening might work better since thered be no traffic for those traveling from afar. NOfacekiller & new buddy, nor cal boys, vegas boys IFB, xeph are all welcome to come.

If anyones got a good idea for what day and time im open to suggestions. IM available Mon-fri after 6pm or on sundays after like 3pm, saturdays are family day!!

Where's it at and how far is the drive? I have work monday mornings. I cant make this weekend but maybe the next if it's feasible.

Been feelin much better bout this game after last nights bouts so I'm up for some Cali competition. And damnit I want to play Xeph offline.
Oh snap....you got it all wrong. IM closer than YOU think

BTW...That new poster of Justin Bieber in your room makes me question your sexuality!!

@IFB....Im in San diego, its at least a 4 hour drive I would think. I can accomidate people crashing at my pad if needed. I got plenty of couches and floor to sleep on. It aint the Ritz but its a roof over your head! BTW I leave for work @ 6:00am. Im willing to try and pick a day that is convienent for everyone, so gimme a "best time" sceniro and Ill see what I can do!!

It would have to be a saturday for me. it's the only way i can make enough time to travel there and back. Plus it's an excuse to go to san diego without buying a hotel room :P. I'm in a weird scenario with moving out and...well MvC3 launch, but ill keep track of things and try the second i have an opening.
so, i'm gonna try using sophie lol. she has already made my thumb numb from practicing TAS B lol damn...
lol niiice....Cass vs Sophie is a "make no mistake" intense match up. Some of the best fights I've had online were against a very well played sophie.

They are obviously very similar...but I can't stand her obvious longer range than cass..
yeah. don't worry. you won't be having any epic battles with me. haha i don't know what it is.. but 236 or 214 i can't consistantly do. it's like my thumbs weren't made for street fighter haha but i'll try some other characters.... i guess more character knowledge is better for when i have to fight against them.

so whens our next meeting? different location?? sundays? any ideas?? lemme know or keep me posted.
Thursdays are actually better for me, but if Sunday works for everyone than Im cool with that to. My place is pretty small so I'd say its still up to you Ted since so far you have been the only host.
Ted and me were thinking about potentially gaming on the 15th, Tuesday: MvC3 launch day. I'm bringing an extra monitor to play both SC4 and MvC3 simultaneously (or if people want to play MvC3 all day that's fine with me too).

Invite people who may be interested in MvC3 as well, we need to build community. Lol.

PS. I'm going to an MvC3 tournament by WeGoGamez. Might see some of you guys there.

It's at @ Game Stop (in the Walmart Shopping Center, Centennial Hills) 7910 W Tropical Pkwy, Ste 130, Las Vegas, NV 89149
I will definitely try for the 15th! As for Devastation it's 100% job dependent. If I can get the days off probably...if not no. You best go to EVO tho your in Reno, no excuse not to! I'll be playing MvC3 and maaaaybe MK9 there. but im tootally up for some SC4 matches