Lolipop Chainsaw


[10] Knight
So anyone getting this today? Amazon already shipped out my game so by the time i get home it should already be there. From destructoids review it looks like a solid game but with only 5 hours in length... jeez... Well I hope I have fun in those 5 hours xD
Only 5 hours?
No replay value at all?

I think the 4-5 hour length regarding this game was blown out of proportion. Someone most likely did a speed run, clocked in 4 hours and made it seem like that's the length of the campaign. It was said that a developer could finish Skyrim at around two hours and Demon Souls could have been completed in less than 1 hour.
Well i did end it yesterday and clocked it at 5 hrs and some change but it does have replay value for ranks and trophies and such. Besides that you would only be playing this game to unlock the costumes and skills mostly. It was a entertaining game though but I would prefer it to be 40 cause honestly thats how much the game is truly worth.
Got it yesterday..and i must say...I love this game...its fun to play..finally a dizzy girly girl main character!
I think im still gonna enjoy this after ive beat it and got the bad and good endings.
Hope there will be a sequel.
Oh and one more thing, the boss fight are hilarious =) Same goes to the OST!
its a average experience but it is hilarious which I give suda the thumbs up for. The gameplay was simple and for suda that is a big step because in every game that has his name in it SOMETHING STUPID WAS PUT IN. Like No More Hero's sandbox mode when you couldnt do nothing in the sandbox except to go to point A to point B. At least he stuck with gameplay and it benefited him in the end. Just the length of the game doesnt justify 60 dollars it truly doesn't. Short and sweat but at times can get repetitive.
I just finished it, took about 6-7 hours. I'm...not quite sure what I think of it, really. The first 3 hours were fun/made me laugh/etc. but then it just began to lose steam, and towards the end I was just really looking forward to finishing and being done with it honestly. Funny thing is I came directly from re-playing through Bayonetta to playing LC, and immediately the combat/controls felt so...sluggish in comparison. LC definitely doesn't inspire you to be creative with how you deal with enemies, and the more interesting combos aren't going to be picked up till late in the game, at which point I didn't really care. Different games/purposes, I know, but I couldn't help but draw comparison at points.

Perhaps what kills some of the fun for me with LC is the fact that zombies bore me to death. I was interested primarily by the game's sillyness, and most of the entertaining sillyness happens in the first half of the game.
Phew..finally 1000 gamerscore(damn gondola achievment -.-)
But im STILL gonna play this game!
played the game and beat it in one go. it's about 5 to 6 hours game play which is what i expected for this type of game. it was kind of funny with some good adult humor which i haven't heard since Saints Row 3. that was nice but within the first hour i know the rest of the game was gonna be repetitive. and it was. i got the most powerful chainsaw combo and found myself trying to speed through the rest of the game for high score points and just to beat it. the Sparkle Combo thing where the screen flashes through a brief showoffy cutscene which greatly hinders the action. i don't think the replay value is good enough. another thing that got me was the dodging. it wasn't really traditional dodging but jumping. lots and lots of jumping. you can do a dive right after a jump but it leaves you open for hits. the bosses are pretty damn easy that i'm surprised that they are even considered bosses. at least the first one leaves a good impression. the dude that attacks you with words. i thought that was pretty cool.
the Sparkle Combo thing where the screen flashes through a brief showoffy cutscene which greatly hinders the action

So much this. When I saw the Sparkle Hunting moments in a trailer for the first time, I was like "this is gonna drag out fights -__-", and it really does, 'specially when you let rip with star meter and just want to maul a crowd and be done with it.
well i knew it was going to be a beat it once and not play the game again type of game personally. When suda makes a game it usually is a one time deal for me cause his gameplay mechanics always have something that doesnt make me want to go back.