Marvel vs Capcom 2

You'll see a lot more than Mags/Cable/Sent/Storm for sure, it's not all the game has and, yes, they're very fucking strong, but they're far from being as dominating at low levels than it seems. Plus, the game has a lot of useable non-God tier characters. From the srk wiki on the game:
God Tier:


Note:It is generally accepted that Sentinel and Storm are slightly above Cable and Magneto within this tier, but this is a very very slight difference.

Top Tier:

Iron Man
War Machine
Doctor Doom

Upper Tier:

Captain Commando
Tron Bonne

16 characters right there, for a total of around 50 team combinations or so, and that's only the top tier. Low tier marvel is also really diversified, and there's strict rulesets for low tier tournaments that make them very enjoyable. Hell, JWong even used to play Cammy in his team before using Psylocke.

And for good measure, here's a list of notable teams:
Top Tourney Teams

* Magneto-A/Storm-A/Sentinel-A. AKA "MSS". One of many teams that allow you to exploit the Storm/Sentinel DHC, which generally should allow you to completely kill an opposing character.
* Magneto-A/Storm-A/Psylocke-A. AKA "MSP".
* Storm-A/Sentinel-Y/Cable-B. AKA "Team Cody" or "SSC". Favored as a keep-away team. Make sure to get the rushdown, and watch out for the quick Cable AAA
* Sentinel-Y/Storm-A/CapCom-B. AKA "Team Santhrax" - After Sanford Kelly, a top New York player.
* Storm-A/Sentinel-Y/Cyclops-B. AKA "Matrix" - Storm being Trinity, Sentinel being a robot, and Cyclops being Neo and spreading the code via his optic blasts.
* Cable-B/Sentinel-Y/CapCom-B. AKA "Team Scrub" - this is a fundamentals-focused team that beginning players can do well with. Once Cable has three levels, it's quite deadly.
* Magneto-A/Cable-B/Sentinel-A. AKA "Team Row" - After Rodolfo "RowTron" Castro, a top Seattle player. Rodolfo first played this team in the summer of 2001 and used it (then virtually unknown) at the B5 tournament of that year. He went on to dominate the west coast with it over the next year and took second to Justin Wong at ECC and Evo2k2 in 2002, when the team truly got noticed. He continued to use this team in tournaments for years afterwards until it became widely known as "his" team.
* Magneto-A/Iron Man-B/Sentinel-Y. AKA "Combofiend" - After Combofiend, a top California player. He would use this team either in this order or in Sentinel/Magneto/Iron Man order, which rotates easily between that and the Magneto-base configuration via DHCs. Later players who adopted this team often substituted Sentinel-A (rocket punch) assist for Sentinel-Y (drones assist) in order to get an easy setup assist for Magneto and Iron Man.
* Sentinel-Y/Strider/Doom-B. AKA "Team Clockw0rk" - After Clockw0rk, a top California player. Generally a very interesting team, but if Strider or Doom dies the team is usually in bad trouble.
* Magneto-A/Storm-A/Tron-Y. AKA "MST" - This team does an incredible amount of damage. As Isaac put it, "mash buttons and good things happen."

Top Low Tier Teams

* Rogue-A/Storm-A/Tron-Y. - Played to near perfection by Vegita-X, it showcases Rogue's speed and cross-ups, as well as having a painful DHC.
* Juggernaut-Y/Tron-Y/Doom-B. - Famous as being MikeZ's team, it does incredible damage and generally benefits from a glitched Juggernaut.
* xxx/Cable-B/Tron-Y. - Generally Tron Bonne's assist is very exploitable and make most non-high-tier characters relatively playable.
* Ruby Heart-A/Iron Man-B/Doom-B. - A very serious trap based team. It has solid DHC's, not to mention it can also deal out a lot of damage.

Other Teams of Interest

* Spiral-A/Cable-B/Sentinel-Y. AKA "Team Duc", - After Duc Do, a top Los Angeles player known as THE Spiral player. The team that basically won Evo2k5. Extremely good at trapping and chipping.
* Blackheart-B/Cable-B/Sentinel-Y.
* Blackheart-B/Sentinel-Y/CapCom-B. AKA "Team Watts" - After Mike Watson, an old school Los Angeles player who used this team in the very early days of the game - a very fundamental team that's great at controlling space. Alex Valle used to be a dominant player with this team in early 2001 until Justin Wong arrived on the scene. It's still played in tournaments today by StiltMan and others.
* Storm-A/Sentinel-Y/Cammy-AA. - Justin Wong's second team, and the first Storm/Sentinel team ever to win a major tournament, first seen by a wider audience at B5 in 2001.
* Magneto-A/Cable-B/Cammy-AA. - Justin Wong's first team, the first Magneto team ever to win a major tournament. This team was what he first established his dominance with in mid 2001. Historically speaking, it can still be viewed as the strategic ancestor of Team Rowtron, which first appeared shortly afterward in Seattle and was first used in a major tournament by Row himself at B5.
* Iron Man-B/Storm-A/Cable-B. AKA "Team Japan", - Used by a number of the top Japanese players.
* Iron Man-B/War Machine-B/Doom-B. - One of the many Iron Man/Doom pairings, used to creatively set up the Iron Man infinite.
* Cable-B/Storm-Y/Doom-B. - A very versatile team that can keep an opponent at bay big time.
* Magneto-A/Cable-B/Psylocke-AA. - SooMighty's Team Old.
* Blackheart-B/Cable-B/Doom-B. - A trap based team with a user concept. BH/Doom builds meter for Cable, who then keeps away and uses that meter.
* B.B Hood-A/Juggernaut-B/CapCom-B " A very hostile team. BB fills the meter up then unloads a TeamHyperCombo to punish a mistake.
* Wolverine-A/Gambit-A/Wolverine(Bone Claw)-B "Joe Zaza used this team to take out Soo Mighty's MSP during a casual match.

So yeah there's tons of space for diversity. Shit, JWong won Evo with Mags/Storm/Cyke iirc, and even took out Yipes's entire team with a lone Cyclops. So the game isn't as grossly unbalanced as people make it out to be.
if you look at your "team" list you posted you'll see that the main difference from team to team is only one "kicker" character. To me changing one character on a team isn't really changing shit. Hell... most of the time you can play an win with only using 2 out of your three characters so the last character added could be anyone really a lot of the time. But I was exaggerating al ittle saying there would only be 6-7 characters used.

for a game with so many characters to pick from, while understandable because to balance that many characters would be extremely hard to do, its still a little sad to know that there are about 10-15 characters that are going to be used and there will be pretty much be one or two of the same 4 characters on EVERY team.

that all being said, whomever said it is right. There will probably be a lot of "noob" players on as well that will use ryu and spiderman and megman and such. Which is great. I mean.. think how SC would be if the only characters anyone used were hilde, algol, kilik, and voldo. For the amount of characters in the game thats pretty much how MvC has felt to me. There is nothing wrong with that... to some extent... but it is what it is and there really isn't much around it.

I didn't know they actually did low-tier specific tourney matches though... thats cool. Now if only they could implement that into the online game
9 years ago, the phenomena began. Now, it is coming back from the (semi-?) dead. Beware the MAHVEL MADNESS.
I got most of the char on the Dreamcast..but everytime I get like 8000 points, Ken dosn't show up if I go in & out of thee shop 20 time..

I'm like down to 6 char left..I'm not gettig anything anymore, Keep's on saying "Sold Out"
im still fucking HYPE for this game.
this shit is suppose to be out this thursday on PSN.

XBLer's should have it already...

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