Maxi General Discussion "The Dandy of the Seas

That's what they Patched??????????????
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That's what they Patched??????????????
View attachment 56448
That's what I'm annoyed at too. It was nothing but quality of life changes for the most part . It's annoying. Maxi can't get better through this alone.

This is all the changes I tagged to them in Twitter.

Not to mention the things you mentioned.

There's going to be another patch in Jan

There's a chance Maxi will get more of the buffs we wanted. You see those Red arrows? If I don't see at least 10 or more I'll be upset.
That's what I'm annoyed at too. It was nothing but quality of life changes for the most part . It's annoying. Maxi can't get better through this alone.

This is all the changes I tagged to them in Twitter.

Not to mention the things you mentioned.

There's going to be another patch in Jan

There's a chance Maxi will get more of the buffs we wanted. You see those Red arrows? If I don't see at least 10 or more I'll be upset.
Yeah really. There is more to come. But yeah I agree. He needs buffs.
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So after the patch and a little bit of testing the raw critical edge does 80 dmg and the [A+B+K], K, 66B+K combo does 77.
However, doing the held CE combo still does more damage when it's within a combo.

In conclusion. Raw CE for whiff punishes. [A+B+K] for combos, ring outs or wall splats.
I still don't like using the basic CE. It pushes Maxi across the screen giving up his ring positioning and oki and pressure entirely. It also freezes your opponent's SC gauge when they've popped it. A CE cancel knocks down the SC gauge and delays them while they're stuck in the juggle mostly running it out if you hit them with the cancel. Basic CE also doesn't ring out or wall splat. Just resets Maxi to full screen.

Doesn't seem an even trade for 3 damage at all.

I mean, just look at that space on the basic CE.
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just remembered hitting [A+B+K] at tip range can result in the last 66B+K whiffing for our usual CE combo. This happened pre-patch while fighting my friend's seong mina. haven't had a chance to lab it yet, just dropping it down here before I forget. if delaying B+K a bit by running further ( 6[6]B+K ) still hits, then it would be a non-issue, if it doesn't then there's your excuse for doing vanilla CE
Tends to work better if you let the bounce reach its max apex. If you hit them other points in the bound, it gets harder to predict.
Patch#2 ..Lolololol

My SC6: Maxi Patch Fixes
  • Maxi should be able to "SC2:PsL Stance Jumps" on RE[Hold]. Like Taki, Raph & Talim
  • Wing Sobat: Lo B, K. Kick should be [G]uardable/Cancel-able
  • Li K, K needs its variations.
  • "Rc A,A in air juggle" last hit, A should have the same Lo K air juggle hit properties
  • 236 A should not be SCB only.
  • SCB Ro A+B = "SC2: Serpent's Breath B2, SC3/4:Serpent's Breath 44B" should not be SCB only and should LH.
  • Ro B should be SC5:Ro B [Hydra Talon] CH properties on LH.
  • Increase damage on 1A
  • PushBack/KnockAway on 1B[Nunchaku Lick] needs to be changed/fixed to SC4 Hit properties.
  • WishList: A+B in any Stance should "Canyon Carve" or maybe in "Ro Rc Li only"
  • 236 B Should LH or Hard Knockdown on CH.
  • Fix 3A Lotus so it LHs like it's suppose too. If not 33A should LH. or WR A "Watercutter" should LH.
  • WhileCrouching "3A+B" Hit-box needs to be fixed; and, it's command input needs to be changed. "236A+B" would be fine.
  • Old BL A should be changed: BL A should be SC5: 44A[White Polar Lights] Mid-hit with knockdown.
  • 7 Zodiac Dance should give you permanent access to SCB moves not just MASHABLE FURY.
  • WR A should be changed to SC2 "Serpent's Desire" string
  • WR Ba option or just frame. that goes into SC2 "Serpent's Desire" string
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Question for the maxi players:

When you hit PSL (the continuous looping thing after something like 6A) and you're pushing for mindgames when the opponent is frozen, be honest... Do you guys really keep track of which stance maxi is in the whole time..?
Question for the maxi players:

When you hit PSL (the continuous looping thing after something like 6A) and you're pushing for mindgames when the opponent is frozen, be honest... Do you guys really keep track of which stance maxi is in the whole time..?
Generally I only pay attention to the next two options. Go longer than that, and you typically get wrecked.
Patch#3 ....Namco is trollin.. but I like.lolol


- SC2 Wheel kick is back.. hope its still has stun properties also hope its "SC2:AE version with LI k,K hold 2nd:(K): chargeable".. Namco Trollz
Now question where they put Li K, K. " Original SC2 Dragon Pounce" with variations???
  • Wow they fixed Lo B Combo-Chain tracking, after last patch broke it lolol
  • "236 B" and "WR canyon carve" have new hit properties and 4 more frames lolololuv :)

My SC6: Maxi Patch Fixes
  • Maxi should be able to perform "SC2:PsL Stance Jumps" on RE[Hold]. Like Taki, Raph & Talim
  • Wing Sobat: Lo B, K. Kick should be [G]uardable/Cancel-able
  • "Rc A,A in air juggle" last hit, A should have the same Lo K air juggle hit properties
  • 236 A should not be SCB only. + SCB Ro A+B = "SC2: Serpent's Breath B2, SC3/4:Serpent's Breath 44B" should not be SCB only and should LH.
  • Ro B should be SC5:Ro B [Hydra Talon] CH properties on LH.
  • Increase damage on 1A. - * PushBack/KnockAway on 1B[Nunchaku Lick] needs to be changed/fixed to SC4 Hit properties.

  • WishList: A+B in any Stance should "Canyon Carve" or maybe in "Ro Rc Li only"

  • FIX 3A "Lotus" so it LHs like it's suppose too. If not 33A should LH or HardKnockDown. or WR A "Watercutter" should LH.
  • Old BL A should be changed: BL A should be SC5: 44A[White Polar Lights] Mid-hit with knockdown.
  • 7 Zodiac Dance should give you permanent access to SCB moves not just MASHABLE FURY.

  • WR A should LH or "WR Ba option or just frame", that goes into SC2 "Serpent's Desire" string.
New Season 2: New Maxi ideas.
Like I said since day1 of SC6, This Maxi version is a Train on Rails, "ForEver Forward" with Safety Net A & B Auto GIs. Love it but I Need More.
I was hoping Namco would introduce a new or different Soul Charge Burst(SCB). Currently I feel SCB are Implemented as a Burst keep away tool or to slow down opponents offence. Currently when SCB is used your option is to go on defence or runaway till it runs out.

I would like to see Soul Charge as an actual offensive tool. Example for Maxi and other true close range fighters, when you get a Lethal Hit you should be allowed to SCB without the Burst, allowing you to continue your combo. Maxi Example: BL B LH into SCB still in stance but your now in Soul Charge. Soul Charge without the Burst only when you get the LH.

Season 2 Maxi buff I hope to see:
  • 236 B LHs like BL B, or Launch like Rc B
  • WR A. SC2=Serpents Desire. WR AAB. [WR A should LH or "WR Ba option or just frame", that goes into SC2 "Serpent's Desire" string.]
  • Like B-A-K would like to see, B-A-B= B-A into (Sc2-Serpents Breath=Sc6-Ocean Splitter)~Ro

- Current 3A doesn't LH, change 3A to Watercutter(onhit properties like Li K-hold) if no LH is given to it.
[FIX 3A "Lotus" so it LHs like it's suppose too. If not 33A should LH or HardKnockDown. or WR A "Watercutter" should LH.]

- 7 Zodiac dance is pointless if it doesn't give me access to all Maxi SCB moves hidden behind a pay-wall.
[7 Zodiac Dance should give you permanent access to all SCB moves not just MASHABLE FURY.]
- In season 2 Vid: Maxi SCB Watercutter into Canyon Carve requires a pay-wall to access a normal SC4 move string??.
  • BringBack Brave Edge extentions, 1 meter has 4 sections I should be able to Brave Edge 4 times even 2 would be ok. Just give more OPTIONS and make the fights more dynamic.
  • Li K-hold should LH after a successful auto-A Gi. "with Last hit of Rc A, A. Stun Property"
  • where are the Falling dragon variations.
  • Old BL A should be changed: BL A should be SC5: 44A[White Polar Lights] Mid-hit with knockdown.
  • WishList: A+B in any Stance should "Canyon Carve" or maybe in "Ro Rc Li only"
Stance Specific - BraveEdge (:A+B: input)
Rc- BE into 🐉 Sweep (22K) with the last kick of Lo A, K. "Low, High" Tekken-Eddy style.
Ro- BE into Tiger Pounce
BL- BE into "NewSC6vid" Raging🐉Propeller
Li- BE into Canyon Carve
Lo- BE into 7/8/9B(Cobra Fangs) With "LH BL-B Property"

Fun Fact: If I Crush your Guard and I'm in SCB and I Critical Edge you it should be an instant SC4 Critical Finish. Lolol
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