[Melbourne, Australia] Home of Soul Melb and Endnow's Failures.

I am so lacking in RPG department... or any games actually. I swear SCIV is the only game that I own... and actually play. :S

so many people say 'FF13 gets good 12 hours in' - To me that really is not a selling point. I mean whats it like before the 12 hour mark ?

A good game should be a game that's good from the first minute. You'd have to be pretty hard for the FF series to put yourself through 12 hours to then find yourself playing the actual game. Man, everyone's going for this game... Does anyone else think it's overrated? I'm not going to play a game with anyone called Lightning in it. Also. Facial expressions please.
Thats exactly what I meant when I said ME and Dragon age might be more polished experiences than Morrowind or Oblivion both of which had some pretty wide holes in their gameplay.

Not playing game with someone called lightening in it Jess? Picky much ?
lol. facial expressions?!?! since when do characters have much in-game facial expressions. it's pretty difficult to get facial expressions in FMV let alone in-game. the best one i'd seen is in shadow hearts 2 when Yuri cried....

FF13 got me the moment i'd started playing. it get better after you got the different 'jobs' because it makes battle a lot more interesting. this is why some people are saying the first 12 hours sucks. for me, the most important thing about an RPG is the story, battle is secondary, esp when the battle system gets a lot better. if i want exciting fast action i'd go play Devil may Cry or uncharted or some other shooter/action games (maybe NIER).

and DA:O is not much really better than ff13.
For me with any RPG (or game for that matter) its simply how much I can get into it and I cant actually put into words what about any given game really draws me in. The 2 RPGs I have spent the most time on overall are Morrowind and FFX both of which I would have easily clocked over 100 hours on easily and I will be the first to admit that both games have their flaws but something about them just sucked me straight in. Morrowind felt mechanical at every turn but the architecture and aesthetics of the Game never ceased to WOW me from the Tatoein like Balmora to Vivec Cities epic Cantons it just had a great feel. This is in contrast to ME which is probably an objectively better and more polished game than morrowind or FFX but I just didnt get into it. Also have any of you played Bully or Shadow of Collossus ?
idk... Morrowind seemed way better than ME... at least from what little i'd seen of both game. Morrowind seemed like an RPG with the battle systme of a FPS. where as ME is like a FPS badly disguised as RPG.

this is what i don't really understand. FFX and FFXIII is very similar in terms of world map and story progression (esp speed and method). the only difference between X and XIII is the story and the battle system. but the battle system of FFXIII is just like a mixture of FFX-2 and FFXII. how can some people love FFX to bits while wanting to rip FFXIII to pieces then burn those pieces??

but i guess no reason or logic is needed for matters of the heart.

oh, no never played Bully or Shadow of Collossus.
You know its about time i actually defended FFX it being on my top 5 list.
Check the ratings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_fantasy_10#Reception
So it had critical and commercial success except from edge. I dont understand why this is the case and yet fans hate it? Unless you suggest that Square paid off said magazines but something inside me tells me thats preposterous. The game had improved combat over previous installments and voice acting (tho arguably bad)
Sillycat id argue that FFX doesn't take more than 3 hours to actually get started properly and I found in the hours leading up to Sin attacking Besaid or wherever and Auron joining your party was still good because you felt as out of the loop as Tidus did waking up 1000 years in the future and not knowing anything about the world you had literally been dropped into. But I dont really know a thing about FF13 so I cannot really comment on the comparison. That said I will admit the game has its shortcomings, Lulu, Rikku and Kimari had very little to do with the plot each satisfying either Fetishistic fan service or giving the party its own Wookie. Furthermore Wakka and Tidus are fkn annoying characters so I guess the reason I like it well... . One of my favourite parts of the games story was how your Journey mirrored the same journey that took place 10 years earlier... I actually liked Jeckt, Braska and Auron alot more than alot of the party that I was playing and it was like watching the titanic watching their Vlogs and knowing what ends up happening to them, experiencing Aurons regret about his past and... I dunno just really got into it.

Dude Shadow of Colossus is essential gaming IMO...

i20 UB Wall of Text attack !
just so we are clear, i'm not attacking FFX here, so there's no need to go on the defense.
What i'm beginning to realise is that story-wise, FF13 jumped you right into the middle of it. as it begins after a bunch of important plot points had occured, which can be confusing for... 'some' people. However, battle system-wise, it only allowed full access to the full battle system approx 10 hours into the game. so i guess for many people who are more action/battle oriented, they find the first 10 hours boring because you are only battling using a very basic system in what seems like a long tutorial. furthermore, even after the full battle system is opened, the difficulty is still at easy/tutorial mode until chp 11 (out of 13 chapters). this probably annoyed a lot more people, hoping for some action right fromt he beginning. for me tho, the story is enough to drive me on.

FFX is different. you get full access of battle system soon after you inter Sphere (on arrival of Besaid, i think).

and i agree with endnow. how the journey mirrored each other is cool. esp finding the various sphere recordings.

i think that even though Lulu, Rikku and Kimari doesn't add to plot, they provide a lot of background information on various characters. eg, Lulu on how much Tidus is similar to Wakka's brother. Rikku on Yuna's background. Kimari on Yuna's background (connection with Auron, Braska and Jeckt).
Sillycat did you play fallout 3? I found it a bit hit and miss. The first time you walk outside its amazing but (even tho this is realistic) the place is as devoid of life as Shadow of Colossus and the combat feels mechanical just like Morrowind. I dunno the game grabbed me but it also really didn't. Still im hanging out for New Vegas and I hope it actually has a big city type of place that lives and breathes which was something that I felt was missing from fallout 3.
The only thing that makes me buy Fallout 3 was the chance to make people literally explode by punching them in the face. Do you really need any other reason?

I'm playing Hokuto Musou now, btw.

Oh and I've played Demons Souls, that game bitch slaps and kick you in the nuts from the get go, it was awesome.
Oh and I've played Demons Souls, that game bitch slaps and kick you in the nuts from the get go, it was awesome.

Indeed, this is a game you don't want to fuck around in. Which btw, it's getting localized for PAL release, with a limited edition release. Bullshit, I got a badly translated standard Hong Kong import (at least I think it's from Hong Kong)
i'd played Fallout 3, but i'd only rented it for a week. it seemed like a really good game, but i'm not really into games (esp RPG) without a clear objective or story line... i tend to get side-tracked and then just loose interest because there's nothing to drive me on. it's the same with Oblivion and Buldar's Gate... i just wondered and wondered and lost interest. there were so many side-quests and i just stopped careing.

oh and i guess the other reason is that in those free-roaming games i like to see "what's over the next hill". so i tend to wonder too far and into difficult situations, which ends up killing me over and over again. and everyone knows that there are only so many ways to die and so many times that you get kill before you got bored of getting killed...
Duude that Giant head appears within 1 min of the film beginning apparently! Imagine that man 1974 you go to see the new Sean Connery movie and within 1 min 'The gun is good... The Penis is evil' *guns fly from mouth*. Il email Mihn to Dl this shiz now actually
Hey guys.

I'm sorry to tell you that I watched the second Twilight movie, and actually enjoyed it :(
It is ridiculously corny and over-dramtic, and some of the lines are hilariously bad. But once I got to the second half I started to enjoy it. Overall I give it a 3/5.
I should also mention I was drunk, very drunk.

On a brighter note, I bought a ps3. Will get a copy sc4 at some point and try learn the game a bit better
Cactus I feel like you just punched me in the face twice.

1: You are telling US you liked new moon? This would lead me to deduce that you are in fact... a Troll. And not the normal kind of troll you get on the internet but the kind of Troll that comes from that one movie Troll 2 because my only reaction to you liking New moon is 'Oh My GAAAAAAAAAAAWD!'

2: You can do FotD and you don't even own a PS3 let alone a copy of Calibur??? FML