[Montreal, Quebec, Canada] Revival

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Oh damnit, I didn't know. But hey, we're trying to organize regular gatherings at SFHQ, and it'd be awesome if you came. If you live close enough.

Were you in the team tourney? Our team did pretty good, in that we didn't lose every single round, as I feared we would, haha. Credit goes to Nomac and people's lack of matchup experience against T. Hawk.
I'm not actually from Montreal. I came up with a bunch of the Toronto players! And Nomac was there? I thought I saw him but I've only met him once in Toronto so I didn't want to introduce myself and accidentally mistake him for someone else! Haha.

I was in the team tournament actually. I've just started to play SF. I was on the team with Arturo and Davero.
Emily, you're playing sf4 now? I just got the game last week.

Couldn't make the tourney, obviously. Didn't actually get into Montreal proper until about 4, then had some family stuff to take care of. But my relatives all bug me to come back whenever. It'd be easy to plan a weekend, and I'd have places to stay. I might even spend some time there during the winter, or next year. Next time I'm headed up that way I'll try and get a little warning. I'd love to play some games with different people, or do whatever.
Just to keep anyone from Montreal in touch with the current status here, we are doing weekly gathering at Foonzo every Wednesday night !

Here the website for the place:

There is only one station for Soul Calibur and it is set up with arcade stick. You can sync up a controller on the console when you ask for it. This is a lounge and it is strongly recommended that you buy drink or food when going over there since gaming is free. If you need more info, just send me a private message !
Salut montrealers, part time sc player here, i am visiting montreal on Wednesday with two of my friends and I was wondering if someone could act as guide for us in the city? I would gladly buy you a few drinks in return if you could show us some hot spots in the city. we plan on making on making drinking a good part of our trip 3:).

And if possible i would like to squeeze in a few games of sc4 as well ;) .... Well Bonne Chance to me!
No posts in a few months, but I'd be game to get together with some folks and duke it out. I've estranged my only friend who ever liked Soul Calibur, so some new partners would be in order.
Lulz im getting back on SC and i search for a MTL canada thread. Then i find one and realise i was the one who created it. Just wanted to say that im back in SC and planning to make SC V my main fighter when it comes out.

I talked to a couple of the guysin MTLSf which seem interested in SC V. I personnaly think that we can build a community of SC V in MTL. The game looks awesome and im more than hyper for it and for building an SC community. Il keep you gyus updated on anything of interest and if you have any ideas or just wanna share shit. Then go ahead. Hope to play you soon.
actually, I thought im still the only one in montreal who play sc, the other two player(which names I will not mention >.>) cowadly quit to focus on super stupid fighter 4. I even make a trip to london ontario just to play sc! so yeah sc doest exist in montreal...
Always on to help create a Soul Calibur 5 Montreal Community.
My main language is French but my english is lacking a little bit (Because i do not use it much).
LOL your definitely nto the only SC player in MTL Boystyle. I personally know a few and i do not know a lot of people there. Im from the south shore of montreal too Enrique. And no worries French is my main language also. :D As for me i play UMVC3, GG, SSF IV, VF, SC, Tekken. Maybe we will be able to go to the foonzo in MTL since it reopenend today i think
oh u play doa too? O.O
Yes long time ago, but I stopped cuz my game broke. I will surely wait for the next DoA 5. But first, Soul Calibur 5. :)
LOL your definitely nto the only SC player in MTL Boystyle. I personally know a few and i do not know a lot of people there. Im from the south shore of montreal too Enrique. And no worries French is my main language also. :D As for me i play UMVC3, GG, SSF IV, VF, SC, Tekken. Maybe we will be able to go to the foonzo in MTL since it reopenend today i think
Oh I heard about foonzo before, is that the *Geek* Cafe genre?
I use to go there every thursday with 2 of my friends, but i was the only one playing sc there...the people there just play ssf, dat it!
Hey Guys which Character are your planning on maining or which are the candidates for future main?

For myself im all about Viola for now but really interested in playing Yoshi like always. Nighty, Xiba and Patrocklos look really nice too. :D But damn Viola is HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hum...actually is still too soon for me to decide, cuz I had to try them first to choose my main. for now i though of sticking with my two mains in sc4: tira and setsuka(still wait for a comfirmation of her return)
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