Natsu Questions And Answers / General Discussion

Anyway, I have a few questions about the game in general and how much it's actually changed. Then a few questions about Taki, well Natsu.
first of all, id like to say, thank you for having one of the more deeper questions on these forums i have seen in a while, mostly its stuff like" how do i 236B:4". and secondly i know an old sc2 taki player (one of the best in GA). and while i dont main natsu i think i can answer a few of these for you :
1) for the most part, imagine taki, if everything was easyer, safer, and did waaaay too much dmg.
2)a:6 is i10 , PO a:6 is i7 , and 4a+b a is i8 . also remember how much work you had to put into practicing a:6? thats gone, you can just see the arm now then tap 6. i have horrible execution and i can do it no problems
3) you can still cancel the PO dash with an immediate 44 , but the whole PO dash mix up of poison dart and 3b is gone because poison dart is now a special low
4) imagine taki, super simplified. with hardly any risk/reward and does more dmg meterlessly than most chars can with a bar.
5-6) grouping these together, because they really are not even an factor anymore.

and as far as i know floe and mo-tempest are back and i THINK redzo and magic . but its hard to tell because most good taki players are just lurkers anyways =/
Well... piss!
tEXc being gone and a bitch ass easy a:6 makes me want to wrap a rubber band around my nuts. Also, PO 44 to rush is kinda lame.
Ohh well, I'm sure it could be worse. Time to start watching videos left and right. And is all the hype about there not really being any safe transitions into PO all true?

Can you cancel exorcism (if it's still even there) at all?
Kind of went overboard with the Natsu is god talk. Well, sort of. I still view Natsu as harder than some characters in the game such as Pyrrha/Patroklos/Astaroth. But it might just be me. I have an easier time doing Just Frame stabby thing from Pyrrha than nailing all the A:6. Plus the simplified style doesn't just include Natsu but most of the characters.

There's a few easy transitions into PO, such as B,K4. Most of my PO mixups are when they're grounded because it's the ending part of a combo. And now they have to decide whether to block PO B+K or PO K or PO B or PO A+B+K, K...
my bad i meant, to do PO rush you gotta do 6644 quickly. and who ever told you there was no safe way into PO they need to get slapped in the face. not only are there plenty of ways to safely PO , she can also now use PO (and spend a little meter) and escape punishes completely, im thinking about making a video tutorial on it so ppl can adapt to this part of her BS game play. let me give you an example : say you do 66b with natsu, its -16 . pyrrha goes to 236b:4 you for it. BUT you hold 4 and go into PO, which makes it -14. well typically this would mean you get stabed, but if you spend meter and do PO BE you teleport through the 236b , are in pyrrha's face and you get POa:6 FC a+b 4a+b (50 points) and a PO mix up on there wake up... yea its pretty dumb.

it seems like what you want its a methodical rushdown character that rewards you for the amount of time you put in (aka a sc2 taki player) in that case, you got two options: look at some one else, or trade in sc5
the methodical rushdown characters (the few that there are)are NOT rewarded at all in this game, in fact the three best chars are natsu , patroklos, and pyrrha. and they are coincidentally the easiest characters to play .

oh on a side note i forgot to mention that magic is the old sc2 player i know. when he played natsu one of the first things he said was " why does she have all of this?"
Haha! Man, you're absolutely right about the methodical rushdown. That's exactly how I play. I'll just adapt it in this game I guess. And about PO 6644, can you PO 66~g
Another dumb ass question. X and Cass have new names too or are they done sir done?
x is... different, imagine x if she was made to play just like kayane likes ( run up and hit buttons to victory). cass and sophie have had there moves jumbled between 3 chars (pyrrha,patroklos,and omega pyrrha) if you want deeper answers or have more questions just PM me. since this is the natsu genreral thread and this is most definatly not about natsu anymore haha
Guys, if there weren't enough pros that were recommending the FuturePress guide to you, let me be a competitive newcomer that recommends the guide. That thing is absolutely amazing and you know what else? It doubles as a makeshift weapon in times of need! Seriously...roughly a 4 pound book + hard cover. That thing could kill somebody.
Chacha is still around too. No G to cancel POR though, just PO 664. And no EXC any more at all. A lot of the PO transitions are unsafe, but some like 4A+B6 are safe enough that PO A or PO K will beat out most punishers.
I just got the game and haven't tossed it in yet. I'll dig in, be prepared for some stupid ass questions LOL
I just got the game and haven't tossed it in yet. I'll dig in, be prepared for some stupid ass questions LOL

I don't know, man. I've browsed SRK before. Hard to imagine that any question you ask will be as stupid as the average SRK post.
Hot damn! Played for about 20 minutes and A:6 is way way way way easier than SCII days. I miss fluid PO transitions.

HeartNana: Are you playing on XBL or PSN? Also where are you located?

From your matches it seems like 6A+b is the new thing to pressure with to get into PO.
Anybody else having trouble connecting PO A:6 in online ranked? I do it 9/10 times in practice mode, but I barely hit half online and it's costed me so many wins. -_-
Anybody else having trouble connecting PO A:6 in online ranked? I do it 9/10 times in practice mode, but I barely hit half online and it's costed me so many wins. -_-
I screw up PO A:6 constantly. I can only get it maybe 50% in practice though, but I'm much worse online.
I also mess it up. I'm at around 80% online though. I've played about 20 matches but I've only been playing for a few hours :(

I'll get it down though.
I think the problem is I never have a steady connection, it's always different from one to another. I got a nice streak earlier though where I seemed to nail most of them for 6 straight matches; then it got super laggy and I was forced to spam BB and AA lol.
6:A with a blindfold will get you consistency. Yeah, it sounds stupid. It works. I'll say it like this. The input is 100% the same with or without lag. If you used a programmable joystick/controller and programmed the combo and press play. It will connect on any connection unless the the connection is dropping packets all together.

Just think about it like this-
You have 3 setups with 1 input split into the 3 following:
TV1 is a CRT
TV2 is an Asus Tourney Monitor
TV3 is a cheap ass super laggy 60 inch LCD TV

You'll see the lag between the 3 but you're only doing 1 input. Your 6 on A will visually happen at 3 different points BUT you're still doing A:6. Your XBOX/PS3 will still receive the input at the EXACT same time regardless of each connection. If you have it as muscle memory instead of going off of a visual queue you're going to nail it every time because you're not going to fumble around with the input according to what you're seeing.
@Galen: I actually never knew that. I always had the mindset that internet lag required me to change my inputs. ;_; Looks like good news for me! Now to find a blindfold...
Yep yep! If you have access to a P-Stick just try it. Just to give the the assurance that a blindfold makes for yummy muscle memory goodness!
How do I Play Natsu........ I play street fighter Kappa?!

What is the Ideal way to play Natsu..... What should I be doing. (besides learning to use bombs)

I think I need to get in close, and look for counter hit to land combos.

She is the fastest character in the game right?

Do I need to get in close and use her attack speed to my advantage?

The safest thing to do in SCV is to Attack Kappa?

Just Hit buttons like Kayane and win?

I just got the game. Have not played Soul Calibur since The Dreamcast version.

I finally beat legendary souls with Natsu...... I took me about 3 hours! WTF!

I swear to god fighting my way out of HELL has to be easier! WoW!

I'm going to take a day off to read all of the Natsu threads. I really want to Level up Kappa.

I have No Defence.