Natsu Questions And Answers / General Discussion

Did you have any sort of competitive play back in the Dreamcast days or did you just play for fun?

I had No idea what completive play was back then. I just played the cpu for Hours on the hardest difficulty 3 rounds.

I use to beat up on my friends..... they had No defense agains't me. I out lasted all of them. They really liked the game but I was sooo good they just gave up.

Later that year I found out that Otakon was holding a Soul Calibur tournament..... I was going threw everybody with Sigfried un-tell I came cross a Rock Player who eliminated me with ring outs.

I stayed to watched the Finals and it was....... Maxi vs Taki/ Hwang Player.

I think i witnessed some high level Play. I never seen those character used like that before. The Taki player won. I eventually dropped Sigfried and wanted to play Taki like that dude.

I kept playing but i quit because I had not comp. Cvs2 came out a few years later And since I'm form Maryland I could always get really good compeition in that game and I never looked back at Soul Calibur tell now.

So 12 years later Hear I am.

I'm serious about this game. I plan to fly France gonna steal a kiss from Kayane Kappa.

As an old School Capcom player the company as let me down. I just want to play a good quality game again. And I think SCV is it.
Sorry for my blank post that consisted of just a quote from earlier. I was using Internet Explorer because that's what the work computers have. Here is the post I intended to make:

Hmmm... the best advice I can give is read a lot and watch high level play.

Not only that, but you should also definitely look into the frame data. Study it, learn it, love it. In most 2D fighters, you can get away with not knowing frame data to the T. In 3D fighters (especially Soul Calibur), not knowing the frame data results in a very long, very rough road for you.
Thanks's for the advise guys Guy's.

Yo I got a question about Natsu's Command throw out of PO SS , 366B+G. I can't execute this throw consistently ...I can get it to come out probably 1 out of 10 try's. Is anybody else having this same problem executing this throw out of PO.....

Is this throw a secret just frame Kappa?!
Well, you're not even going to get it once out of ten if you do 366, it's 466B+G. And the trick is to hold 4 as you go into PO, then once you see her in the stance, hit 66 and then B+G during the POR. Also, I believe you have to hold the second 6.

So from standing, it would look something like 21[4], 6[6]B+G
Well, you're not even going to get it once out of ten if you do 366, it's 466B+G. And the trick is to hold 4 as you go into PO, then once you see her in the stance, hit 66 and then B+G during the POR. Also, I believe you have to hold the second 6.

So from standing, it would look something like 21[4], 6[6]B+G

Ok........ so there is a trick to this then. Thank's for the Help.
POS is possession. It's her crouching stance where she has moves you can't get from standing position. It ducks under some highs when you're in POR, or when you do her unblockable Exorcism move. Wind roll is the stance where she rolls on the ground and has another different set of moves. It ducks under all highs. Side wind roll, which is now called Distorted Breeze, evades verticals and goes under highs. From that you can do all her 22 or 88 8wr moves.
Is anyone else here having a little trouble closing gaps against certain characters? I have been playing a lot online lately for lack of time to drive an hour to play offline. That being said, I've had some matches with good players and I have been just eating insane amounts of punishment from whiffs on moves that in SC4 with Taki I never had a problem with. Maybe its just because I don't know the property of the moves well enough but good lord its infuriating sometimes. When I say whiff I'm not talking about the opponent stepping, I'm talking about a flat out miss. Mainly with 66B. I've noticed a trend while playing Pyrrha and a few others where its damn near impossible to get any string to hit because they attack with their string or poke or what have you and immediately step back and out of range of any safe attack. So my first thought is ok i'll close the gap with A+B. Unsafe. Well what about 66K? Unsafe. So i'm either getting punished on block with unsafe moves or I try safer options and still get punished because they have back stepped and I get punished even worse. I realize that Natsu is going to have poor range because of her character type, but it almost seems too hindered. Its seems like you are forced into unsafe moves if you ever want to get into someones face. I also noticed something really annoying while playing an Aeon. When we would get toe to toe in a close range situation, I would try a 2A to interrupt a particular move and almost every time my 2A would miss regardless of my close range and I would get punished, but of course Aeons 2A hit every time. I know he has better range but damn I was right in his face when I was doing my 2A. If anyone has any suggestions on how to kill the back dashing opponent, please share with me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A+B is just BB punishable usually, but I had this problem for a while till I found out I was relying too much on 66B, A+B, etc. Try putting in more simple strings such as BK, which should hit before they try to backstep, or 3KK, which has greater range than BB, and leaves you +2 on hit. There should be videos that show proper spacing in the Natsu Videos thread, I would suggest watching a few matches by skilled people. Oh! and of course 6A+B, it has deceptive range and on CH leads into a 100+ damage combo! I would set that up after getting frame advantage.
A+B is -12 iirc so that's only AA punishable. A+B4 gets you out of said punishment but ends up being -21, so you/them have to guess.

Why do some people think you always have to do something when trying to get in? Relying on (unsafer) moves to "get in" and be at - frames, or there's the option of just inching in closer and blocking too. So another option, is to do "nothing" to get in. i.e., walking in closer and blocking what they do to push you out. Now you're "in". Not saying that you should always do this, or that it will always work (because some characters literally do push you back out if you block), but it's also an option to keep in mind.

Natsu can't really rushdown as well as Leixia imo, because Leixia is just generally that much safer.. so I think it's unwise to simply "throw out" attacks just because.

Natsu can't really rushdown as well as Leixia imo, because Leixia is just generally that much safer.. so I think it's unwise to simply "throw out" attacks just because.
I have this theory at the moment that there is a way to bait CH opportunities with safe pokes. She seems to have quite a few. What do you think?
I have this theory at the moment that there is a way to bait CH opportunities with safe pokes. She seems to have quite a few. What do you think?

Not sure what you're trying to ask. Are you saying that there's consistent ways to hurt mashing idiots? If that's the question at hand, then yes your theory would be right. Let's see, you have 2A (hit) > WR K and 1K (hit) > FC A just to name two of the most consistent traps. There's more, but I feel like the fact Breaks fall into that category is really obvious. Is that what you were talking about?
Not sure what you're trying to ask. Are you saying that there's consistent ways to hurt mashing idiots? If that's the question at hand, then yes your theory would be right. Let's see, you have 2A (hit) > WR K and 1K (hit) > FC A just to name two of the most consistent traps. There's more, but I feel like the fact Breaks fall into that category is really obvious. Is that what you were talking about?
I mean a general concept that she has moves which are completely safe and hopefully they lead to combos but they also bait people to throw a move at you which, having superior frames most of the case, Natsu can counter with a combo of her own.
So poking at them with safe moves and fishing for counterable lashouts is my general theoretical concept of how I'd play Natsu if I wasn't still learning all her inputs, spacing and nuances.
I mean a general concept that she has moves which are completely safe and hopefully they lead to combos but they also bait people to throw a move at you which, having superior frames most of the case, Natsu can counter with a combo of her own.
So poking at them with safe moves and fishing for counterable lashouts is my general theoretical concept of how I'd play Natsu if I wasn't still learning all her inputs, spacing and nuances.

Okay, yeah. She has stuff like that. I described two means of it already. Check out the frame data posted on this board (or in the FuturePress strategy guide) and you can get some ideas to try out in the lab. It's the best way.
Okay, yeah. She has stuff like that. I described two means of it already. Check out the frame data posted on this board (or in the FuturePress strategy guide) and you can get some ideas to try out in the lab. It's the best way.
Yep I have the frame data chart open, that's what I'm working on :)
Just need to wrap my mind around all this info, characters here are incredibly versatile, there are far more options than in mk9 which I'm used to.
Natsu has her share of frametraps, yeah, things as described above. But what you're primarily asking are ways to safely fish for CHs for her more damaging combos right? That's what Natsu's all about, anyway.

2A, WS K is a good one since she's +8 after 2A on hit, but once people start looking out for places where you can WS K them, they'll be more patient and block/step your WS K (sort of like recognizing strings where Leixia can WS B BE after, etc. you become aware of these strings and learn to respect WS B BE.. same with Natsu's WS K). WS K is steppable to natsu's right (SSL) so that's a way of countering 2A, WS K. Be prepared to mix it up with WS A to cut step and 66B+G_A+G.

1A (hit), WS K is also uninterruptable too, iirc.

As Bolverk-GTM said, look at the guide and come up with your own frame-traps to bait CH. Things you should be looking for are WS K (i14 from crouch), 6A+B4 PO (i16, tc), 4B (i14 high). Just remember these things shouldn't be autopilot, as if you become too predictable, these CH potential moves can be evaded/stepped leaving you open for punishment - they're all linear (for WS K, SSL).

Look into other things just like 3KK WR since on hit, WR BBB is uninterruptable. Remember other options like 66B+G, etc.. There's a lot of stuff though.. hope this starts you off.

@ASZ yes, thank you very much!! :) these are all very useful information to take in and practice. My biggest problem is that I'm to be considered brand new to this game (last soul I played was some ten years ago) and even that was in arcade so go figure.
So I sort of want my hand held I guess because it's horribly overwhelming. I'm just doing all the homework everybody gives me on the forum for now :P