[New England] Booze + Puritan Values

Malice, i myself would LOVE to go to pretty much any tourney outside of NE(not excluding NE of course) but lack of my own transportation prevents me from doing so...i've worked out a ton of match up kinks since FSAK amongst other things, its a real shame i haven't been able to exploit them either :sadface:

Well, i will say this... if permitted by the gods, you will see me there!
I know how tough it is to travel, especially when you don't have your own vehicle. Hopefully something works out.

If you want to catch the bus down here, I can pick you up no problem. Just hit me up.
Malice, much obliged man...i'll check some prices and see what i can do... if i can make it that way, i would for sure need to have a spot to crash my ass in a room if i cant afford(most likely not), to get a room myself.
Megabus.com got some stupid dumb bus prices. I don't know how they are pulling that off, but hey, that's an option.

There should be at least somebody you can crash with at the hotel if you happen to come down by yourself. If not, we'll figure something out.
Sooo I plan on going to GU this Friday hope to see some of you there, I would rather play sc4 but I see myself playing some mvc3 tho. Anyways hope to see some of you
no winter brawl for me, also no jaxeldome for me as well cuz ill be in florida on vaca

but Justkill still hosts sessions almost every saturday night yuup
No Winter Brawl for me either. My professors sandwiched this weekend with tests and assignments. It would be completely irresponsible for me to go.
No Winter Brawl for me as populating this apartment with material possessions has left me on a budget =(
Scratch that, looks like I have 5 am airport Taxi duties for the rents on Jaxeldome night, won't be able to go.
Why not.. you guys seem active:

CEO 2011's 2 month countdown is about to begin.. it's the ONLY MAJOR east-coast tournament hosting/streaming SCIV. Everyone in the South Eastern region should make it and represent for Calibur!! This is looking to be big, show your support.

CEO 2011 FGC Orlando, FL June 10th-12th / Check here for lot's more info !!
Crimson, the players may be active, but this thread is not, lol...and sadly enough a person like myself has trouble getting to places for tourney's whether it be no transpo and or lack of funds(and maybe a tab bit of lazy). I'm actually fortunate enough i was able to make 2 EVO's in a row!, but that was basically due to a friend paying the cash for plane tickets/hotel room up front and me paying him back the money in bi-weekly/monthly payments , and i am trusted enough that it is known he would get his money back in a short period of time...

Anyways, maybe a few of the players that are still actively traveling/playing will make it to this, as some of them(the traveling players) occasionally make it to a J.Dome tourney(s).
Yeah, I've posted this along the East Coast of the Regional Matchmaking, hoping to bring out the regulars, but new blood as well. It's always an option for those that don't speak up is all.
By the way, if anyone's out there, last session at PWA was huge. Last session I started playing with some BBers and turned around 20 minutes later and it was a full room. Couldn't leave without squeezing by people.

Not sure what it was like this week. Didn't go. Had to work, but they had just about every game you can think of last session, except no one is repping SCIV. I set it up once one session and played some Street Fighter player who BBBed with his Raph. I also let my setup alone for a bit and it got some attention from some walk ins who apologized for ring outs, set health to 200%, and did Kilik 6A+B and 22AAA. That said, would love to see anyone stop by. I'll try bringing my setup again.