[New England] Booze + Puritan Values

Mike, that vid made me crack up laughing several times. Every time I go to a Bruins game, they always have the announcer's hype commentary followed up by a clip of Rick Flair going WOOOO and the rest of the crowd mimics. So sick.

Batman has the bomb: THE BOMB. (spoilers)
Icy have you tried checking the BONE thread for results? lol
The last 2 BONEs had 4 people and 3 people show up, respectively.

Also, is there really a tourney down the street from me (on Somerville Ave) in 2 months?
Really? Thats it? :/

Are you too young to stay in state or have people over, or go to someone's house to get some sessions in?

Just got myself a PS3. XBL/PSN = Icychains. :D
I can have people over yeah, and I don't have XBL currently. XD
I'm pretty terrible still...still trying to understand this game on a competitive level. >_>
Make sure you play a generic character to get the hang of calibur. I played a pretty shitty character in 4, and then two years later..I had to learn the game all over again because that character had me thinking that everyone's BB was - on hit. Little things like that. I'd be glad to get some sessions going sometime. Feel free to message me about it. I know some other people in the area too. :D
Okay, well I think Pyrrha is good and easy to learn so I should be okay. XD That and the punishing stuff with 236B is fun. And okay, I'll message you eventually when I know where I can go and stuff haha.
Anyone planning or wanting to go to either MLG or Summerjam? It's been too long for me to not be in a major, or any tournament.