[North Carolina] Let's make a scene

Yeah, that's the one. Actual matches start just before 27 minutes in, and go for a little over an hour. They show off just about every character, some more than others.
Omfg Natsu:
Possession cancelable now
-Ninja Cannon!!!!! (This looks soo less risky now, you can even air grab from BT now if you PO dash behind the opponent)
-wr AA

-wr B cancelled into ninja cannon!!!
-Ninja Cannon, Super, PO dash air grab comboed!!!!?! Shit did A LOT of damage

-Gloomy moves only take off her health ON HIT now
-if in gloomy stance during super she does an extra hit
-new high guard crush attack
-couple other new moves / brave edge extensions (66B, brave edge)
-fast new low, brave edge so it cost meter tho
-looks like she can do some really cool stuff on CH JS 4A(I think that's the move, I'll check tomorrow) now
-obvious damage buff

Sigfreid 44B feint made me lol
All right anyone up for beginning to make plans for a get together in Dec. Crazyfirefly said she can come after the 10th so I wanted to start this up soon that way we have a set date to put in calenders. I really want to play all of you.
Hi. im gonna be in durham from nov 14 till dec 15 or something loke that, hope to meet you all
@Q: Word on the mean streets of france, Tira is top in this build. Still, that will prolly change considering we still have a ways to go before the game goes gold.

@lolo: Can't wait. We need more community!

@Rikkugrl25: Let's us know the dates so we can plan. Thanks for getting something started!
She looks a lot better than ever but I wouldn't give her the crown yet. Sucks I wont be here when it comes out.
Well, considering the game isn't out yet, it isn't even worth analyzing. Ivy was the strongest before and now she's balanced. And I don't believe Leixia is going to keep all those fast guard breaks. Pressure insanity!!!
Soul Calibur 5 will be at NEC this December. Hypeee!!!

I might as well crack out on it while I can. lol.
That's incredible! Please get some good matches and fill us in! I wish I could go this year.
Well we got a month til December so lets start working out place and time.
1. Where should we play?
2. Dates: Dec.10, or 17th? both saturdays
I know many are excited for NEC but some can't go but I'm sure it would be nice to have a get together that wasn't as expensive.
I like December 10, only because a good session would be a great way to start the holiday break from school. Need to release that stress from exams. I'm good w/ driving to Raleigh or Winston.