[North Carolina] Let's make a scene

Sounds great! I really needed to hear that. :)

I also noticed she always has meter too except against Natsu. It seems she's now JUST in that distance where she can poke, apply pressure and won't have to worry about her fellow pixies and she can get an early start on her pressure against Ivy and Nightmare. I'm excited for our early copies in January!
Yeah, like Justin said, Lexia isn't too slow, just slower than Xianghua. Overall, she's still gonna be faster than a lot of characters. I'd say she's right in the middle in terms of speed. The only move I can think of that was ridiculously slow is 3B. But that's like one move.
@Ceron i just want to play some people in greensboro
I am pretty close to Greensboro it's like 20-50 miles I think. I was actually planning to go to Greensboro to play aganist one of my online friends. Mainly to troll them offline for all the mitsu 1A spam I get from them online. When I go to visit him maybe we can play as well. Most likely it will be on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday-Sunday. Let me know if this sounds good maybe we can all get together.
Whoa! This NC community is looking very divided. There are conversations between the SC2 OG's and the people we haven't even met yet. We should really all get together soon so we can all get acquainted. I feel like we can really have a strong community in NC.

First, everyone state where exactly do you live and if you have a spot for people to get together at or not and how many. I know that some of you would only like to invite people that you already know and trust in your home and I understand that because I'm the same way. Also, tell us which characters you plan on "maining" and two other characters you plan on trying out. This will give us a good idea of what resources we have for characters within our own state and what we need to prepare for against out-of-state.

How about this template to start...

Name: Will
Handle: Ceron
PSN: XianghuaFlow
XBL: IbukiFlow
SC5 Planned Main: Leixia
Also Trying: Tira, Natsu & Pyrrha
Location: Wilmington, NC
Hosting Status: 3-4 people in my home for a session. Looking for a venue in Wilmington to host sessions and planning to rebuild Lucky's (in Greensboro) for tournaments.
Name: Daniel
Handle: Smeesh
PSN: nope
XBL: Smeeshed (when I actually get on, which is rarely)
SC5 Planned Main: Aeon
Also Trying: Asta and Pat
Location: Wilmington, NC
Hosting Status: Up to about 5 or 6 people in my home for a session.
Name: Doug
Handle: longshot
PSN: longshot1gg
SC5 Planned Main: Pyrrha
Also Trying: Nightmare, Viola
Location: Clayton, NC
Hosting Status: Up to 6 people (I know) in my home for a session. Somebody would have to bring an extra setup for that many, though.

Also, Will: Right now, the main place people are using for tournaments is Elite Zone in Fayetteville. I'd suggest looking into that first, Lucky's second.
Name: Rob
Handle: 7thFonon
PSN: Seventh_Fonon
XBL: Seventh Fonon
SC5 Planned Main: Lexia or Viola (I'll know after I get the game)
Also Trying: ....Probably only gonna use one character.
Location: Chapel Hillz
Hosting Status: Not Applicable

I don't play online... to anyone who wants to add me on PSN / Exbox.
Also, Will: Right now, the main place people are using for tournaments is Elite Zone in Fayetteville. I'd suggest looking into that first, Lucky's second.

But Doug, nobody wants to actually go to Fayetteville. That place is a toilet.
But Doug, nobody wants to actually go to Fayetteville. That place is a toilet.
True, but the venue itself is comparable to Lucky's, and that's where the main action for NC tournaments is at the moment. And if it stays that way, then I don't want to potentially reduce Calibur's draw by having its tournaments somewhere else. If you can make Lucky's work for Calibur, great, I'm just not sure which way would be better right now.
I'm collecting all of our information in a database. Once SC5 drops, I'll see if we can start a new thread w/ that information on top to help everyone out. Thanks for contributing!

I haven't been to Elite Zone yet. Fayetteville does seem like it is becoming the NC hotspot for fighters since everybody moved to this side of NC and the Charlotte players are losing their minds (mostly MvC3 players). But also, historically, the Triad area has been friendly and convenient for players traveling from Atlanta and parts of VA. The tournaments in that area (particularly Soul Calibur) have been sort of a pipeline for those regions. No offense to South Carolina (sorry, Justin), but our turn outs have been better in the Piedmont. But it is fair to say that we haven't really tried in this area yet.

Personally, I would love for reoccurring tournaments, ranbats and sessions to happen in eastern NC. And for majors to take place in either the Triad area or Raleigh. There are airports. :)

In other news...
I just finished watching a shit load of match vids. I can say, I'm impressed with and scared of Pyrrha. She seems like the strongest character in that outdated build they were playing at NEC XII. And the final two characters in the grand finals seem very reminiscent of so many grand finals for SC2 and SC3!
Actually, besides Charlotte, Fayetteville is pretty much the only place for tournaments in NC now. Lucky's hasn't hosted tournaments since that one where the electricity blew everything out or whatever. D:

Oh and Gamefrog... Forgot about that too.
Name: Scott
Handle: D4rkSch1sm
PSN: D4rkSch1sm
XBL: Not Active
SC5 Planned Main: Astaroth
Also Trying: Mitsurugi and Dampierre.
Location: Mocksville, NC
Hosting Status: I live in a small appt. so none at this time.

I'm never positive on who my main will be really it's who ever I get the best feel for.
Gamefrog... lol
Ed still runs those? Man, I've really been out of the loop since I stopped reading SRK.

Yeah, it took out all the PS3 slims and CRTs. The foundation would need some serious rebuilding. But for now tournament venues seem to be:

Myrtle Beach
I'm never positive on who my main will be really it's who ever I get the best feel for.

It's cool. We're really doing this to get an idea on who is going to try what characters when they open that plastic wrap. That way we can exchange information with someone that has experience with the character already. The idea is to expand our region's pool of character information, knowledge and experience.

Personally, I've always considered myself a Talim player. I've tried Talim out in SC3 and SC4, and it didn't work out so well. I can tell you about her, but I leaned towards Xianghua in the end for both those games. So in the end, I will probably end up changing a lot of that information.
Ceron, want to go a few online?It can be an unofficial meeting. I'll be online today after work around 6 or 7. Maybe some other PSN NC players will come. We can discuss ideas for an offline meeting there.
We can do that actually. I must warn you though: I'm not the biggest fan of SC4 online. If you say about 6 or 7, I'll log on about 6:30p. Maybe longshot will join us (who also isn't a fan of online SC4)?
Ehhh... yeah not an online play fan w/ 4, doubly so after having played 5. I dunno, if y'all see me online around that time, send me an invite and I'll at least play a few matches.
Yeah, it's almost like your reactions mean nothing. But it should be fun to at least preview a little of NC. I'll be on tonight! :)

Friend request sent!
Name: Caty
Handle: Rikkugrl25
PSN: Rikkugrl25
SC5 Planned Main: Tira
Also Trying: Aeon & Natsu
Location: Mocksville, NC
Hosting Status: Same as D4rk
I really just want to play offline with others.
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