Omg is she coming back?!

might I say that Natsu is a gift from god to you taki fans because without her or some other apprentice she would have just been dropped like any other non-copied style in the game. I'd stop looking gift horses in the mouth and accept it for what it is. A new improved Taki. Just as pyrrah is a new and improved Sophie. Take it or leave it its true.
i'm tired of people saying that they don't want Cassy or Sophie to return because there would be too many sword & shield characters. quit looking at the weapons and look at the fighting style. yes pyrrha has some moves that came from her mother. okay that's a GIVEN! but pat doesn't have any moves that are from Cassandra. the only thing he has in common is that he's aggressive but then so is pyrrha and sophie in their own way.

P.S. Fuzzie this isn't directed at you but at everyone that's talking about how they don't want S&S characters.

But see what would truly pain me about Cassy returning at this point is the fact that yes indeed we already have two sword and shield charactrs, there are plenty of other original styled characters left in the roster to return, and there are plenty of other weapons to design styles around. Honestly I would not be satisfied at all, eventually it will just be Alexandriacalibur. Sophitia the saggy 146 year old hag and her great great great great great great great great grand children.

While I'll admit that Cas and Pat don't look similar in terms of moves inherited, i think, judging on the game-play videos, he is just as mix-up / aggressive rush-down based as cassandra and until you get your hands on him, who knows? He could have the same exact principals, just with out all the booty involved.

Again I think Taki and Cassy and Sophie and blah blah blah will be DLC bonus costumes for the replacements, so odds are you'll see her again anyway. Just I don't want one of them wasting a spot. Its just my opinion anyway, and I'm entitled to post it.
foooooourth, I really, really, reeeeeally hope neither Cassy NOR Sophie return. I appreciated both of them at some point in the series, but to have four similar styles, all of whom blonde and turquoise eyed would make me want to vomit.
They're not really similar in the way you play them however. Sophi's strength being punishment and Cass's being pressure. Just saying, I think you could find room at the table for either by playing around with the sliders for both, unappealing as some people might find that prospect.

. Honestly I would not be satisfied at all, eventually it will just be Alexandriacalibur. Sophitia the saggy 146 year old hag and her great great great great great great great great grand children..

That's what this is really about isn't it? You're 17 and you can't imagine having to look at "old ladies".

Look at dis here:
Look at that face, she's gorgeous, she's like a freaking super model, what are the odds? These people are not real, I assure they will still be gorgeous.
Lmao yes you caught me! Even though I was the one defending hilde in the 30=hag debate. Wtb new weapons I could care less about faces, he'll I really want talim back and if he doesn't return I'll miss her but I'll move on, did once with Lynette and I'll do it again and I suggest you taki cassy and Sophie fans brace yourselves for the worst, not to say it's 100% true and if they do make it in congrats to you all. I'll be disappointed but that's besides the point
But see what would truly pain me about Cassy returning at this point is the fact that yes indeed we already have two sword and shield charactrs, there are plenty of other original styled characters left in the roster to return, and there are plenty of other weapons to design styles around. Honestly I would not be satisfied at all, eventually it will just be Alexandriacalibur. Sophitia the saggy 146 year old hag and her great great great great great great great great grand children.

While I'll admit that Cas and Pat don't look similar in terms of moves inherited, i think, judging on the game-play videos, he is just as mix-up / aggressive rush-down based as cassandra and until you get your hands on him, who knows? He could have the same exact principals, just with out all the booty involved.

Again I think Taki and Cassy and Sophie and blah blah blah will be DLC bonus costumes for the replacements, so odds are you'll see her again anyway. Just I don't want one of them wasting a spot. Its just my opinion anyway, and I'm entitled to post it.
namco made both tekken and soul calibur right? so how come no one's complaining about the 4 or 5 kazuya characters in tekken? actually you can go ahead and find that just about every fighting game 2-D or 3-D have a family in the game that is often made up of at least 3 to 4 members. so this is no different. and those characters have something that tie them all together as well. so this is nothing new.
I wrote something like this to daishi and i'll write it here:

We had clones (characters that share a set of weapons and more or less moves) in most All SC games, Cass and Soph since SC1 i think? + Lizardman.
Mits/Yoshi, and so on, most for several iterations of SC.

So i think it would be nice to put in 2 dual Ninja sword users just once.
After having rock 'n asta, mina 'n kilik, siggi 'n nightmare... you get my point.
Especially if it saved Taki from standing aside and watch and/or die.

And i'll write a bit more:

Look how versatile they made the above-mentioned clones styles.
Something simple like a Greatsword: Night 'n Sieg are both quite unique and the styles also changed a lot from SCI to IV.
And by the way both are in SCV, again.

Don't you think you could make 2 unique styles with dual ninja swords?

What i want:

Natsu as she is and Taki having reinvented the Ninja style for herself, with a lot of new moves, stuff natsu hasn't adopted, different variations from the stuff natsu has like her old 33ABBB against Natsu's AAB.

What i don't want: Taki as a skin for Natsu. This is actually the worst case scenario for me and Namco.
It would make the introduction of Natsu rather useless for Namco.
And for me it would just feel wrong and half assed for Taki, an affront actually, making her a clone of her own clone.
Like in Shura etc. clone eeew. I'd rather have her go with dignity. Even if i should logically be happy to have Taki it would bother me a lot. Call me irrational.

What we'll probably get: Taki as non playable character, or as a skin, for Natsu. Please no skin Namco.

and you want soul calibur to be just like every other fighting game? While we are at it, lets throw in a tic tac toe esque system of fighting, and lets give all of the characters twelve or so outfits but no way to customize them, and throw in three more ninjas, remove the weapons and rename the game Dead or Alive.

in all seriousness I'd prefer it if SC didn't conform and did things there own way, avoiding the "Half of the cast is related" syndrome most fighting games have caught.
and you want soul calibur to be just like every other fighting game? While we are at it, lets throw in a tic tac toe esque system of fighting, and lets give all of the characters twelve or so outfits but no way to customize them, and throw in three more ninjas, remove the weapons and rename the game Dead or Alive.

in all seriousness I'd prefer it if SC didn't conform and did things there own way, avoiding the "Half of the cast is related" syndrome most fighting games have caught.
whoa there. calm down. I was only talking about that namco made tekken and soul calibur so it shouldn't come as a surprise if there are several related characters in the roster. the comparisons to other games was just an example. SC is already different in A LOT OF ASPECTS as a 3D fighting game. i'm talking about the roster anyway. i don't know wear all that other stuff came from. it's the same with fighting games having a young person in the roster and having a goth person in the roster. and on occasion a black guy. there were 3 S&S characters in SC3 but no one complained. each fighting style was different. S&S for story mode was different as well as cassy and Sophie. i think it's dumb when people misuse the word clone character. clone characters are the bonus characters in SC4 that don't have their own individual style. cassy fights much different than sophie, pyrrha, pat, and that SC3 S&S.

THE POINT of that post was to say that I think soul calibur vast selection of assorted weaponry gives each style a much much more unique feel than that of say Sophie and Cassy, who a majority of us agree have the same principals and similar moves.

I apologize if it seemed like I was attacking you, but I meant it as a sort of example. Cass and sophie and pyrrha and pat? I will pass when there are so many other weapons to explore.
i don't really care about the weapons. it's how you use it. if there is kilik with his bo staff style and xiao xiao with his bo staff style they are completely different in the way they use it. same thing with seung mina. she has some similar moves to kilik but plays differently. she's has (or rather had) more moves in common with kilik than the others but no one complained. I guess cause one was female and the other was male.
check around 60 seconds. i know it's not soul calibur but overall I'm just talking about the way he fights. those moves could be put to a 3D fighter if someone really wanted to.
but when you have the possibility or either a. a variation on a similar weapon or b. a completely new weapon and style I would choose b. I don't want this to be like a weapons version of Noah's Ark, two of everystyle with differences. I'd rather it be an extremely fail version, with completely different weapons.
the game is about styles not weapons, who cares if theres 300 sword and shield characters. like nightmare and sigfreid fight similar so do sophie cassy pat and pyrrha so that doesnt mean they cant all have different styles bc they have the same weapon

im shocked as to how my point is not getting through to you guys, cassie and soph weren't even compelling characters! Cassy was just as snotty and arrogant as yun, and sophie... well I can't speak for sophie, because I like talim and once you take away religion they are very similar.

Love for characters > rational thought.
im shocked as to how my point is not getting through to you guys, cassie and soph weren't even compelling characters! Cassy was just as snotty and arrogant as yun, and sophie... well I can't speak for sophie, because I like talim and once you take away religion they are very similar.

Love for characters > rational thought.
[GASP] @_@ you take that back! Cassy had the most realistic and outstanding personality from everyone else. Cassy was snotty and arrogant but in a much different sense than yun. talim's character was pretty static and seemed like she was a pacifist in denial. (Low blow! how do you like it) I love talim and i'm saying this. you can't talk smack about my main cassy and expect to get away with it. expect Patroklos at your door any time now.
at least talim's style didn't revolve around throwing her ass at people :P That and her style is unique at the very least :)

That and quite honestly I seriously do not understand why Cassy can be as "realistic" as she wants but people hate Yun for it.

no offense to cassy mainers in general but I dislike her. I mean come on. What is the overdone standard sword and shield combo compared to something like this: original.jpg

The possibilities for new weapons are endless, and I am not interested in sophitias played out self anymore considering she already has pyrrah who is an exact copy.

Personally, I'm at the point where all I have is hope for Talim to return, there have been no signs of confirmation anywhere, and if Cassy or sophie take spots, making for five possible sword and shield esque characters - counting lizard man, I'm going to be disappointed.
more talk about my cassy. sophitia has pyrrha so I don't care.
oh yeah? well...well...Talim throws her face at people's feet! but yeah cassy's style is unique too. no one else does a lot of her moves. I'm pretty sure that Talim and cassy are gonna return because Tago-san said that some fan favorites would still be returning and those to are certainly in that category.