Opponent waking too early?


[11] Champion
I've noticed this a few times, particularly when fighting against Amy. I'll slam her down with a knockdown with plenty of frames to spare and follow with a fairly fast move, and before I can get half way through my hit she's already landed WR B, as if she cancelled the knockdown and gained frame advantage. I see no flash to indicate just ukemi. Has anyone else ever noticed this?
You hit her when she was in Mid-Air. Some of your Attacks, when landing on a mid-air opponent, will lead to her being able to recover really fast.

ie. Asta 4B on Air Opponent. Opponent can punish Asta 4B.
hmmm...so one could actually use it as a suicidal mind game? Take a hit in order to get a free punish? Thanks.
oh cool, good to know. maybe i'll go on the offensive next time i get hit, while in the air. :D
Seems very move dependant though.
You better test this in training.

Amy has the fastest move (that can be hit with reasonnable range) that can be thrown out from full crouch in the game : 6BB. For example she's the only character who can punish her own 3BA (-11, opponent finishes full crouch) on block.

IvyFanboy you seem very bitter/angry/whatever (I just checked out your signature links out of curiosity).
What's up with that ? Is is it from so much online ? I know I used to get angry at online play, so I stopped doing it and now it's all good ^^
Its just my way of being educational while also getting a chance to make fun of the constant online asshole. It's too much effort and a burden on the community to point names out all the time so I prefer to write articles that focus on a stereotype even though sadly they unaware they're apart of it. We can at least all relate and I find it even more amusing people actually know me online because of these and refer scrubs to them when they apply. I'm a very happy guy...I'm just hella sarcastic.