
with all the hype I ended up buying no Man's sky yesterday
took me 25 mins to start my space ship
landed on the sec planet, looks the same with different color pattern and animals which act the same, can't do much on there
flying to the next planet same as above, can't do much there other than scanning weird looking animals and gathering stuff for my space ship
REPEATING the same process 10x times
dem every planet is like the same
all the hype for nothing

going back playing some overwatch until FF15 gets released next month...
There should be a new update coming soon after the Summer Games event. Supposedly they will reveal it at Gamescon in addition to the Bastion cinematic.

On top of that there will be another new character releasing soon. One more new character is also scheduled for this year.

To elaborate, we've known for awhile that'd we would be getting 3 new heroes, 2 supports and 1 tank, this year. We knew about Sombra and Doomfist, but not many understood the hints regarding Ana, or confused them with Sombra.

Anyway, the new update should include some new content in the form of maps and play modes.
just ran into a 6x DVA team which were attacking, the same team picked 6x torbjörn on the next attack match. this made me lol, they almost made it to the goal twice, but only almost :P
I'm still appalled that D.va's think they can take on Zarya and win, when Zarya is one of their major counters.

Of course, Zarya's beam needs help on smaller targets and actually aiming correctly.

If you don't want to play Zarya, though, you can always try Reaper to counter D.va.

As for Torb, that's easy to counter too. Soldier, D.va, Zarya, Winston and Reinhardt all work well.

Of course, if you get into the groups I get into, you're likely to see players ignoring turrets, tanks flying off and ditching allies and D.va players complaining that our team needs a tank.
Anyone wanna get a team of mediocre players together for s2 ranked on PC? For reference I only played 10 games last season but it placed me at 45. I usually hang between 55%-60% winrate otherwise. I prefer to play soldier, roadhog and ana/mercy in that order but I am pretty flexible in that regard. I think it could be fun.