Prop 1A SCAM


[10] Knight

Before any of you check out the link above, let me give you a quick summary. California has a budget crisis. There will be a special election coming in a few months which will have a few propositions to address the crisis. This thread is about Prop 1A, the spending cap proposition.

I'm not here to debate whether Prop1A is good or bad. I'm here to discuss the scam and conspiracy behind Prop 1A. Believe it or not, the general summary of the proposition that will be in your voter pamphlets is INCOMPLETE. What they don't say is IF YOU VOTE YES ON PROP 1A, YOU ARE ALSO VOTING YES ON EXTENDING THE "TEMPORARY" TAX INCREASES FOR ANOTHER TWO YEARS.

How did this happen?- Because this is a special election, the summary description of the propositions is determined by the heads of the parties. "Coincidentally," all the participating members from BOTH parties decided on excluding that clause from the definition.

Why is this happening?- Remember the horribly embarassing budget negotiations at Sacramento that lasted for... just far too long? Well, it greatly reduced the approval ratings of the state legislature. They knew that any more cuts and tax increases would make them even more unpopular to the general public. So they lied by saying that the budget negotiations actually solved the budget crisis, when in reality it would hinge on propositions passing months after the negotiations. They knew they couldn't pass a long-term tax increase due to voter backlash, so they created "temporary" tax increases that would last only a few years in the bill. They would then sneak in an extension to those tax increases into one of the propositions in hopes that its passage would truly balance the budget.

The Outrage!- Seriously... both parties CONSPIRING against the voters. This is illegal, but no one is calling them out on it because everyone is Sacramento is in on the conspiracy! I honestly don't know what to do, but if someone has an idea, or even cares, post here.
STFU Joe, Tabor Sucks and you know it.
Eh. It all comes down to your views on taxation. If you think taxes are evil, then it's manna from heaven.

Does TABOR work in that regard? Yes. It makes every single tax increase a voter issue, and it ratchets down the funds the state's allowed to keep etc.

I kinda prefer roads and a non moribund state government over a $15 tax rebate tho.