Random Post Thread

Lol. I was talking about real women about the "whore" argument.

To the 2nd part, yes, that is correct.

Rambling archetypes that could annoy you....

Tsunderes act like "whores" to the main male characters in animes because they could be a tsundere(mean but actually nice ladies in japanese). They're annoying because you hate the tsun part. So they're whores to you.

The flirty big boobed one is into teasing the spineless guy to get their way of course it doesn't. So you call them whores because of the obvious part of flirting with their body....

The last one could be you hate kick to the groin characters(sophitia for instance) because you feel it's unfair for males to get hit by it so therefore you call them whores.

Ironically, none of these ladies have ever banged a bunch of dudes or so.....

So what would be the best substitute instead of the wrongly used and abused term whore and slut? Bitch?
Very well. Anyways, what do you think of the misused word "whore" I used for trying to understand his silly point of view?

I dunno, I only typically read the first of his posts, then the hilarious rebuttle, Then I usually skip the rest cause its mindless rambling. but lemme check it out.........

I refer back to my "mindless rambling" statement!

I dunno, I only typically read the first of his posts, then the hilarious rebuttle, Then I usually skip the rest cause its mindless rambling. but lemme check it out.........

I refer back to my "mindless rambling" statement!


You whore! See what I did there? xD
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I dunno, I only typically read the first of his posts, then the hilarious rebuttle, Then I usually skip the rest cause its mindless rambling. but lemme check it out.........

I refer back to my "mindless rambling" statement!

How dare you diss me? You peasant!
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I like how you combined the modern day "diss" with the medevil phrase "peasant".

youre a crafty little "in the closet" guy! I like it.

You know what? Im even gonna give you a "like" cause you deserve it.
I'm not "in the closet". I'm just single and forever alone because I'm unattractive and unemployed.
I'm not "in the closet". I'm just single and forever alone because I'm unattractive and unemployed.

whos fault is that? Those sound like things that can be fixed. Quit feeling sorry for yourself, quit blaming the world for your problems, leave the little anime video game girls ALONE, get knee'd in the nuts, AND GET OFF YOUR ASS AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!!
whos fault is that? Those sound like things that can be fixed. Quit feeling sorry for yourself, quit blaming the world for your problems, leave the little anime video game girls ALONE, get knee'd in the nuts, AND GET OFF YOUR ASS AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!!
How can I fix my ugly body?
How can I fix my ugly body?

"Ugly" is subjective to the individual. Have confidence in yourself, and your beauty will shine through.

Take DIME for example. Homeboy is one ugly fuckin hippy. But homeboy portrays himself with confidence and charm, and dude gets more bitches than Brad Pitt in a womans jail.

Dont gimme this "Im ugly, whaaa whaaa whaaa" bull-fuckin-shit. Girls dont like guys that lack self confidence. Grow some fuckin balls and the rest will follow.

This concludes the after-school special about how beautiful people are. For the rest of the day yall are a bunch of fat kids!!
oh oh so last year i got invited to perform at carnegie hall , but at one of the smaller recital halls
on saturday i was given the opportunity to perform on the main stage, stern auditorium with the new england symphonic ensemble
the outside of the building looked jank because of scaffolding but w/e
The thread is fucking GOLD. ITS GOLD DAVE PURE GOLD.

Also HRD is right, the whole "Ugly" thing is subjective but you don't want to hear Juece talk about psychology, no you want to see Juece dance.... well fuck you I'm not your fucking munky.
The thread is fucking GOLD. ITS GOLD DAVE PURE GOLD.

Also HRD is right, the whole "Ugly" thing is subjective but you don't want to hear Juece talk about psychology, no you want to see Juece dance.... well fuck you I'm not your fucking munky.

Dance munky boy....FUCKIN DANCE!!