Natsu's stage is so small if NM starts the round with a 3(B), 236kBE he gets a wall combo right off the bat. Lol
Aaand the "Epic Comment of the Week" goes to Benjeezy!
(gonna nominate from now on every week are the very first)

Well thanks :D

Seriously though, holy smokes guys. This turned into Casual vs Hardcore so fast my neck snapped trying to follow it.

The differences are what make us a community. The thing I love most about this site is that it's a great mix of both types of player.
Okay, I apologize if this has been dealt with, but anyways does anyone actually know any more information about why DLC was cancelled? I understand the twitter post, but I would like more of an explanation. (I sincerely apologize for asking this again, but I want to know without searching through these forums for hours...)
Short answer: We don't know.

Long answer: Could be any number of reasons. Here's some likely ones.

1. All support is being diverted to TTT2.
2. MS/Sony is charging them too much to store the data.
3. They just don't have the time or resources.
4. They have a massive update in the works involving rebalancing and maybe an expansion pack, which will launch the 2nd season of DLC.
The inclusion of infinite stages was a really nice touch.
It removes all ability of predicting which grab to break for most characters.

Hey we got one balance patch and a ton of stupid dlc....this sounds like sc4 for some reason.
It was 4 years ago that they released SC4 and they only worked on SC5 for little over a year. I don't get why people expected this to be the second coming of Jesus.
Well thanks :D

Seriously though, holy smokes guys. This turned into Casual vs Hardcore so fast my neck snapped trying to follow it.

The differences are what make us a community. The thing I love most about this site is that it's a great mix of both types of player.

Nah, just misunderstandings. Someone wants an answer to a rather simple question, yet the other person skirts around, dances and doesn't answer it with honesty. Just kinda blows up and thinks "what a jerk" to the person who just wants an answer.

When it comes to opinions, everything becomes tense to me. Notice the subjectivity Pocky Yoshi displayed?

But for the most part I agree with Warui_ne. Deja vu is happening again haha.
Ew, SC3 Rock. Get that shit outta here, lol.

SC3 Rock was badass.

Just saying.

On topic, I do really hope that if no more DLC is on the horizon, we'll at least see Super Ultra Mega Time-Space Continuum Shattering Soul Calibur V. I'd like to see a few more characters. Talim returning would be nice, and I'd like to see some entirely new ones. And I'd especially like to see some more modes. Story modes for each character, team battle, survival, etc.
I typed quite a bit, so here ya go. I hope you guys read all of it and think about it.

In a perfect world, I see SC6 like this:

Owned and developed by Project Soul and co developed/produced with Platinum Games on their own dime.
Think about that for a moment. PS would have freedom to work on it at their own pace, PG would help in the fine tuning and animation bits and the customers would get a great item.

In reality: No way would that ever happen even if all the money that was needed was achieved. The major publishers would most likely never give PS the time to finish it. Hell, they might even do more of the DLC bs when said DLC was already written to disk (thankfully, scv was not that much of a problem in that regard).

What I I know is the problem with making another SC game is not particularly DLC or publishers (though those are huge contributing factors), it is more so that the community and the developers communication is not so good as a whole. This is a problem considering that we all have feedback on this (obviously, just read every single post on this site alone), yet we have many huge roadblocks that we do not even think about.

A.) Different languages: Majority of these guys only speak Japanese, and SC is a franchise with fan bases in many countries. Not much can be done about this, however, I do believe that is highly possible to work something out rather soon.

B.) Division in Ideals: This spans into either west vs east thoughts (which are not too different depending on who you ask), but also (and more importantly) Hardcore VS Casual. Let us be honest here, we all are not gonna get our perfect game until we all realize that both sides have equally important input to making a fully realized product...

A full product must be made to sell to the general audience, but there must also be a rich rewarding combat system that equally draws people in. I care not if the story itself is trash or not (which it is), however, the mode itself gives someone something to do with the game and unlockables such as concept art or armor parts help in such a way. Yet the latter is a bit more difficult to tackle. Making any game that is rewarding enough would take, at best, 3 years (assuming you have the most amazing team ever. making games is not easy).

C.) Market: Lets face facts people, the fighting game as a whole is being kicked out the door more and more every day. What is the hottest games? Mostly shovel wear first person shooters. What is the most quality of games? Usually, a fighting game is never mentioned, you get great games do not get me wrong, but the fighting game itself has lost touch. Personally, I think more games that want to be fighting should try the more boxing and bushido blade routes....But, fact is, none of us can remember the last time a fighting game was brand new and was well received enough to warrant a game of the year or even commercials.

Yet these can all be helped. More and more you guys keep supporting soul calibur in hopes it will make things better for the series. If we want any chance of this succeeding in any way shape or form 3 things must happen. First, Bamco listens and we actually have an open dialogue that works. Second, new designers who want to keep this alive or make another series superior must step up into this field. Finally, you guys keep doing what you are doing.

We all have complaints about sc5, but the best thing one can do is continue it's support and keep mentioning what good can come of changes that are needed (and I mean needed for a whole product including it's lasting power). If you dislike how sc5 is now, best thing you can do is support PS and give them reasons to continue. There does need to be many changes, but we need to let both PS and Bamco know that we need to be heard on this. This is a series we love and we should not let our immaturity take hold of what we love so dear.

Troll if you must, but this is what needs to happen as a fan base. If you love it, do what you can.