Rushing That Shit Down: Possesion

Thanks for the notice Halister, I remember seeing another post that stated that this string of moves was a staple. Anyway any suggestions about 1A and when should be inserted as a follow up?

Everyone was using it and no one had a problem with it when the game first came out. Most likely my post you saw.
Something simple before you start getting the hang of stuns and strings is
ex: Hover B, WS K, 1BA, PO B.
Mess around with PO K, or even 3Bk~PO in combos.
Ok thanks, ill try my luck with 3Bk~PO cause I cant execute it properly with the d-pad :P Which one of the two moves gives more frame advantage the PO K or the 3Bk~PO ?
On block PO K gives advantage.
On hit PO K takes it again.
In stuns though 3Bk_3Bk~PO Knocks down.
So it's all about preference.
At times you can prolly still get a PO B/ PO K after the 3Bk.
But it'll get scaled.
PO B is faster than what? her hover options? yes

However, PO B is her slowest standing PO move and there is nothing that is guaranteed after it hits, so it does not link into any combos. I can be used in combos, but it's an ender move.
So i just decided to start getting serious with Taki a few days ago. I really like her possesion options, i've been using them almost exclusively. Coming from a Maxi backround, i'm pretty good at reading the reactions of the opponent, so picking the right PO option to avoid the opponents attacks comes pretty easy to me. I was just wondering, should I really be focusing my game on PO, or should i start using more safe things like 3K. In most of the videos I saw, there wasn't a whole lot of PO usage. Is it just a playstyle preference thing, or is full on PO whoring not really viable?
So i just decided to start getting serious with Taki a few days ago. I really like her possesion options, i've been using them almost exclusively. Coming from a Maxi backround, i'm pretty good at reading the reactions of the opponent, so picking the right PO option to avoid the opponents attacks comes pretty easy to me. I was just wondering, should I really be focusing my game on PO, or should i start using more safe things like 3K. In most of the videos I saw, there was a whole lot of PO usage. Is it just a playstyle preference thing, or is full on PO whoring not really viable?

Jumping bandwagon lol kidding. It's match-up specific. PO does wonders on characters who don't have good answers for it. As for the ones who do I.E. Voldo, Kilik, etc...definitely make a smarter application/use of PO. But yes it mostly boils down to preference seeing as your opponent actually makes more of a difference in how you use PO than the character he's using. If a Voldo player is good but has no experience with PO then by all means use it.

If you fixed your damn connection I could definitely show you some stuff. We had about two to three good matches and the rest were dog shit lol.
Haha, yeah i guess i'm on the bandwagon. I thought i needed another character and I tend to like rushdown characters, so Taki just seemed like a good choice. I still like Maxi's tools better. Just curious though, what gives Kilik and Voldo good answers to PO? Asura?

And yeah, i dunno whats up with my connection. Damn Comcast. With some people, its fine, but with others, it lags off and on.... or just on.
Haha, yeah i guess i'm on the bandwagon. I thought i needed another character and I tend to like rushdown characters, so Taki just seemed like a good choice. Just curious though, what gives Kilik and Voldo good answers to PO? Asura?

And yeah, i dunno whats up with my connection. Damn Comcast. With some people, its fine, but with others, it lags off and on.... or just on.

Well for Kilik, just his range and how safe he is gives her a really hard time. Asura is just an added annoyance bonus. If Taki can't get in then she's fucked. I would have given Hilde an honorable mention but it's almost a given with her haha.

Voldo is just RETARDED. Incredibly safe, can punish the hell out of anyone not just Taki. He can completely isolate her from PO use with little effort. He also can TC/evade most of her PO options naturally which doesn't make sense. A Taki combo is basically equivalent to two hits from Voldo. He makes that dmg back with one or two mix-ups. In fact I recently just started playing Voldo just to gain general knowledge of how he's played as well as how to play against him. To me he's a lot worse than Kilik for various reasons. Because you play Maxi and he as well requires a lot of hard work, you'll definitely grasp Taki's concept very easily.

oh, but it feels so good when that hard work pays off.

Anyways, I was also wondering how viable PO rush cancel is in this game. I've been using a lot of PO A and PO B after 1BA to get them to wait for my attack, and then I start using PO 661BA / PO 664 Throw. I know people used to do a lot of PORCing in past games, is it still a good tactic?
oh, but it feels so good when that hard work pays off.

Anyways, I was also wondering how viable PO rush cancel is in this game. I've been using a lot of PO A and PO B after 1BA to get them to wait for my attack, and then I start using PO 661BA / PO 664 Throw. I know people used to do a lot of PORCing in past games, is it still a good tactic?

Haha yes it does my friend. The harder you work, the more obvious your skill becomes to others.

As for PORC It is still incredibly useful, especially when meaning to close in on characters off a KND or wake up. As far as standing PORC it's a bit less applicable in the sense that you can't badger your opponent with it anymore. But against characters like Asta then shit, go ahead lol. His 2A isn't fast enough and when he does start trying to interrupt PO rush with 6K then you have PO sidesteps and can. Taki just naturally gives him hell once you're in. Just make sure you know which characters you can absolutely pick apart with PO and which ones you can't. We both know there are so many ways to play Taki, so do what you feel works for you bro. Eventually you'll know what works and what doesn't the more you play her.
this might be useful or just a glitch. please confirm/deny.

Voldo ducked my PO A+B yesterday while backturned. Both players went WTF, but really it's the first time i've seen a situation like this and that's what happened. Did not get to test it afterwards unfortunately.