SC5 resolution drop


oh riri
sup guys, this isn't really an important thread, but just a kinda interesting observation I had... so I decided to put this in the "casual" forum as well. I hadn't really seen it posted anywhere else about this, so I guess I will bring it up.

I'm not really sure how familiar people are with Tekken Tag 2, but the game runs in 720p resolution at most times, however, at times of heavy stress / heavy computing [ie. more than 2 characters on the screen], the game will drop in resolution so it can keep up with the frame rate and smooth gameplay.

when SC5 came out, I was pretty shocked how they could keep up such smooth looking graphics with virtually no "jaggies" at all. if you compare with Tekken 6 [I come from a tekken background], that game is plagued with jaggies everywhere in the gameplay. not a big deal, but mainly just a visual flaw. I didn't understand how SC5 looked far superior visually and yet it is a similar game with zero load times [T6 has awful load times] and smooth graphics all around.

well I recently acquired a stick with turbo function and I was in practice mode randomly the other day and for whatever reason, my turbo function was turned on. I was practicing combos when I had done a position reset [L1+R1 buttons on a ps3 stick] ... since turbo was turned on, it looked kinda funny to repeatedly position reset at turbo speed ... but then I noticed that the resolution dropped quite a lot after about a second of holding down L1+R1.

I tried to cap a vid using my xbox, but I also noticed that the resolution drop in the xbox version is not very noticeable unless you're really looking. however, I went back and capped the ps3 version and it is very apparent when the resolution drops. again, this isn't really a big deal, but just something interesting I noticed... I took some comparison screenshots below and it is very easy to tell. the first is obviously the standard game, the 2nd is me holding down L1+R1 at turbo speed on my stick.

That's an interesting workaround for crappy console hardware. I'm guessing Capcom doesn't use a similar system, because a lot of their games experience framerate drop.

It's good to see Project Soul pioneering in the field.
Capcom does use a resolution drop to maintain framerate. At least in SF4. Maybe SFXT but I'm not sure. I don't think it's used in UMVC3.
That's an interesting observation. Looks like the resolution drop is pretty drastic, but that's better than framerate getting worse.

The difference in performance and visual quality between Tekken and Soul Calibur is something I've always found surprising. With both teams being so close I had assumed they'd share more tech. I'd say that Tekken 6 looks and performs worse than even SC4. As a side note, they could also take a few hints from SC when it comes to animation. It's baffling the Tekken series is still using animations from the first Tekken games.
Capcom does use a resolution drop to maintain framerate. At least in SF4. Maybe SFXT but I'm not sure. I don't think it's used in UMVC3.
I heard that the stage with the cars caused frequent framerate drops in SF4 on the PS3 version and that a lot of players stuck with the training stage as a result.
It's funny how one of the things that PS3 fanboys are the most proud of is graphics, which is like the console's greatest weakness.

Doesn't the PS3 have more/better processors for graphics and just processing in general than the 360? I recall reading various things to the equivalent of the PS3 having blatantly superior hardware but the multicore processors being something a lot of programmers fail to understand even today, similar to how in the 1990s the Saturn had marginally better processors than the original PSX and yet it was a chore for programmers due to the multicore processors(which of course was unheard of back then but meh). At least that's how I understood it.

But yeah, one way or another games do tend to look at least marginally better on 360 than PS3 if they're released on both.
It's not out of the ordinary. There's plenty of games that lower their resolution or quality to maintain 60fps.

The PS3 still has the superior hardware, but it comes at the price of being more complicated to develop, where as the 360 is just a PC in the shell of a console using DirectX and usually why the 360 titles look better than their PS3 counterpart, but if you look at the first party PS3 titles, the 360 does not have anything graphically that compares to them.

I'm sure this will change again if the rumors are true about Sony and MS both using AMD hardware for their next next gen consoles.
Okay. So just for the record. The GPU in the PS3 is weaker than the one in the 360. But the PS3 has the ability to use the Cell processor to do additional work on the image which is what allows the PS3 to surpass what can be done on the 360 provided a game is developed specifically for it. It's not cut and dried. Just know that for general graphics stuff PS3 is in fact weaker.
I solely based my console purchase on the tournament requirements and the quality of the online scene.
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