SCV Character Creation Discussion

This guy has some online videos going and it seems like much less of a crapfest that was SCIV's online. Lag will still be present, but is far more tolerable and none gamebreaking.

On a side note, I'm SO glad they slowed down Mitsu's 1A. It was way too fast in SCIV and lag made things easier for the laggers that abuse it online. I have a friend who loves to spam it consistently online. He always says hes sorry and didn't mean it, but goes on to do it again. It got to the point I was going to remove him, but I'm going to let him stay, since it seems like he lost his get-out-of-jail-free card lol.
This guy has some online videos going and it seems like much less of a crapfest that was SCIV's online. Lag will still be present, but is far more tolerable and none gamebreaking.

Keep in mind that the game hasn't been widely released yet. When the 31st hits, expect a lot of servers to die. Fast.
Im thinking its probably having to do with the mesh of characters. Perhaps they designed a specific one for Algol so that all those weapons could come out of him - transforming the mesh can be difficult - so thats probably why they left it out for CAS. My opinion anyways.
Sounds plausible to me.
OK, from recent vids it looks like not only are CAS still limited to 50 slots, but those 50 slots are still shared with main character recolors. Now, I really have not bitched and moaned about almost any aspect of this game so far (especially not relative to how some people seem to make it their job to do so), but really Namco? 50 slots between both CAS and main cast is very limiting. I probably made over 100 formulae in SCIV (and yes, I’m talking about careful, detail-oriented, creative formulae, not throwaway generic sh*t) and very likely would have made significantly more had I not felt so restrained, having to delete a character every time I wanted to make a new one.

This is really the only aspect of SCV that I’ve expressed any public disappointment about, and it is admittedly a trivial one; but this is an issue that could have been solved in ten minutes with infant-level programming. CAS formulae do not take up significant memory, and there is zero reason to limit the number of slots so heavily. If you’re concerned with clutter, implement a folder system (e.g. five folders, with customizable names = 250 slots, way way more than enough for 99.9% of people). Lame.

Post-script: people arguing about quality vs quantity apparently can’t fathom a world in which someone is capable of making a high quantity of high quality offerings, especially for a game which one might be expected to play for several years. More to the point, artificially limiting the quantity doesn’t necessarily force people to concentrate on higher quality; it can just as easily mean that someone will simply stop experimenting with CAS once they hit the max.
Post-script: people arguing about quality vs quantity apparently can’t fathom a world in which someone is capable of making a high quantity of high quality offerings, especially for a game which one might be expected to play for several years. More to the point, artificially limiting the quantity doesn’t necessarily force people to concentrate on higher quality; it can just as easily mean that someone will simply stop experimenting with CAS once they hit the max.


I love you a little.


You're asking for too much if you think 50 is still a small number compared to the 10 and 16 we had in 3 and BD.

Asking too... much? Like Gabedamien said, it doesn't take a fistful of effort to remedy this problem, its not asking too much at all.

And besides, 50 slots is the same amount we had in SCIV- we should be improving! We need to go up! UP! UP! 1000 slots! 100,000 slots! ONE MILLION SLOTS! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-HAAAH!

You're asking for too much if you think 50 is still a small number compared to the 10 and 16 we had in 3 and BD.
To a degree, 50 is a small number. One could could make plenty of quality costumes for the original characters and then want to go on to make a number of their own. Sometimes they'd want to give each of their own characters 2Ps and 3Ps (which is what I do). That could make the count go well above 50. I've said this before, but it would've been much better for there to be a character creation profile that increases with each costume that gets made. To some people that's a bit much to ask for, but there are players who would know how that profile to good use if it was made.

This could actually be done with a patch; LBP has done it in 2010.
To a degree, 50 is a small number. One could could make plenty of quality costumes for the original characters and then want to go on to make a number of their own. Sometimes they'd want to give their own characters 2Ps and 3Ps (which is what I do). That could make the count go well above 50. I've said this before, but it would've been much better for there to be a character creation profile that increases with each costume that gets made. To some people that's a bit much to ask for, but there are players who would know how that profile to good use if it was made.

Can someone with the game, and access to a recording device PLEASE record a decent CAS video that uses every feature... and can we please get someone who isn't a retarded hulking guido with an extremely nasal voice and a libido that is the same as an 11 year old catholic boy to give decent commentary... Is this too much to ask for?
EXTRA BONUS!!!; Can we get a look at all of the weapons available?
Can someone with the game, and access to a recording device PLEASE record a decent CAS video that uses every feature... and can we please get someone who isn't a retarded hulking guido with an extremely nasal voice and a libido that is the same as an 11 year old catholic boy to give decent commentary... Is this too much to ask for?
EXTRA BONUS!!!; Can we get a look at all of the weapons available?

Can you wait a day and a half?
an additional 50 slots WOULD be welcomed... but I'm comfortable with 50. It kind of forces you to make big decisions when it comes time to scrap old data. And it really adds value to CAS data that is dated back to the first week of release. I have a sophitia CAS from August of 2008, and she has forever remained in slot 2.

....until tuesday.
I'm just gonna have to agree with everyone saying 50 is a bit few. That's not even two color edits for each character (and we could do that even in SC3). I would have been satisfied with 10-15 slots per original character, and then 50 slots for our own custom characters. From a technical POV, 50 separate slots for each original character wouldn't have been hard to implement either.
Yes, 50 is a big number, especially for the tourney and hardcore players, who wouldn't use all 50 anyway with the exception of some color edits for their mains...

If y'all wanted more slots, ask them to release them as DLC.
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