Setsuka A+B Interruptions: JI and GI Edition


[08] Mercenary
So I decided to come up with a list of strings by every character that can be inturrupted by Setsuka's A+B parry. Some of them turned out to be pretty useful, some of them may be a bit more difficult to pull off due to lack of use of certain combos.

Before I get started, I'll review some things about the A+B parry.
There are five different attacks you can get by successfully pulling off the parry.
The first one ranges from 1-3 successful parries
The second one ranges from 4-5 successful parries
The third one ranges from 6-7 successful parries
The fourth one ranges from 8-9 successful parries
The fifth one ranges from 10+ successful parries

Each A+B guard impact raises you one level
Each A+B just impact raises you three levels

Therefore, the easiest way to get to the tenth level is three just parries and one regular parry.

Now, onto the list...
Just for references, the first attacks of the combo need to be blocked and then Setsuka can parry the attack that's {BRACKETED}.
"Just" label describes commands that are AUTOMATICALLY TIMED so that Setsuka can Just impact it with A+B.
"Guard" label describes commands that are AUTOMATICALLY TIMED so that Setsuka can guard impact it with A+B.
"Either" label describes commands that are NOT AUTOMATICALLY TIMED, but can still be parried.

Okay, with that in mind, lets get rolling.

Oh, and by the way, I KNOW there is another thread about A+B parry, but I just want this guide to be the main focus.

GUARD :6::A::A:{:B:}
GUARD :6::B:{:B:}
GUARD :4::B:{:A::+::B:} (Bubble bounces back)
GUARD :6::6::B:{:A:}
EITHER :6::2::3::A:{:B:}
EITHER :6::K:{:(K):}

JUST :6::B::B:{:B:}
JUST :4::K:{:K:}
GUARD :4::B:{:B:}
EITHER :4::B:~{:B:}
EITHER :6:{:A::+::B:} (2nd attack)
EITHER :4::B::+::K:{:B:}

GUARD :B:{:B:}
GUARD :4::K:{:K:}
EITHER :B:{:(B):}
EITHER :3::K:{:(A):}
EITHER :6::6::A:{:B:}
EITHER :1::1:_:7::7::B::K:
EITHER :1::(A):{:B:} (Jump low)

GUARD :3::A:{:K:}
GUARD :2::B:{:B:}
GUARD :2::B:{:8::B:}
GUARD :B::+::K:{:B:}
GUARD :6::6:_:3::3:_:9::9::B::+::K::A:{:B:}
GUARD :A:~{:B:}
EITHER :3::A:{:K:}
EITHER :4::A:{:B:}
EITHER :B::+::K:{:(B):}

GUARD :B::B:{:B:}
GUARD :6::B:{:B:}
GUARD :4::K:{:K:}
EITHER :3::A:{:B:}
EITHER :B::B:{:6::B::+::K:}
EITHER :B::B:{:6::(B)::+::(K):}
EITHER :6::B:{:(B):}

Darth Vader
Don't have him unlocked... sorry.

EITHER :3::B:{:B:}
EITHER :2::2:_:8::8::A:{:B:}
EITHER Full Crouch, Charge Level 3 :A::K:{:B:}
EITHER :1::K:{:K:} (Jump low)
EITHER :2::A::+::B:{:K:} (Jump low)

GUARD Coil :6::A:{:A+K:}
GUARD Coil, While Rising :A:{:A:}
GUARD Coil :4::4:_:1::1:_:7::7::B:{:B:}
GUARD Coil :B:{:B:}
GUARD Whip :4::4:_:1::1:_:7::7::B:{:B:}
GUARD Whip :B:{:B:}
EITHER Whip :4:A::+::B:{:B:}

JUST :B::+::K::6::B:{:4::1::2::3::6::B:}
JUST :B::+::K::6::B:{:4::1::2::3::6::B:} (Just Framed)
GUARD :aB:{:B:}
GUARD :A::A:{:B:}
GUARD :B:{:B:}
GUARD :3::B:{:B:}
GUARD :4::A::+::B:{:B:}
GUARD :B::+::K:{:6::B:}
GUARD :6::6:_:3::3:_:9::9::K:{:K:}
EITHER :2::2:_:8::8::K:{:B:}
EITHER :6::6:_:3::3:_:9::9::K::K:{:B:}
EITHER Full Crouch {:A::+::B:} (2nd hit)

GUARD While Rising :K:{:K:}
GUARD While Rising :K::K:{:K:}
EITHER :2::B:{:K:}
EITHER :4::4::B::+::K::A:{:B:}
EITHER :1::A:{:K:} (Jump low)
EITHER Lizard Crawl :A::+::K:{:B:} (Jump low)

JUST Left Inner :A:{:A:}
GUARD :2::K:{:B:} (No block)
GUARD :6::B:{:B:}
GUARD :6::B:{:B:} (Just Framed)
GUARD :4:{:A::+::B:} (2nd hit)
GUARD :4::A:{:B:}
GUARD Full Crouch :1::A:{:B:}
GUARD Left Inner :A::A:{:B:}
EITHER :2::K:{:B:} (Jump low)
EITHER :B::+::K::B::B::B:{:A:}
EITHER :2::2:_:8::8::K:{:K:}
EITHER Left Outer :A:{:K:}

GUARD :4::K:{:B:}
GUARD :6::6::B:{:B:}
GUARD :4::4::K:{:B:}
GUARD :1::1:_:7::7::B::A:{:B:}
GUARD Mist :B:{:4::B:}
GUARD Mist :6::B:{:B:}
EITHER :2::K:{:B:} (Jump low)
EITHER Full Crouch :1::B:{:B:}
EITHER Full Crouch :1::B:{:(B):}

JUST :4::(K):{:B:}
GUARD :A::A:{:B:}
GUARD :3::A:{:A:}
GUARD :2::2:_:8::8::A:{:B:}
GUARD :B::B:{:B:}
GUARD While Rising :A:{:A:}

GUARD :6::B::B:{:B:}
GUARD :2::2:_:8::8::A::B:{:B:} (Can be on normal hit or block)
GUARD Full Crouch :3::B:{:B:} (Can be on normal hit or block)
GUARD Vurkolak Envelopment :B:{:B:}
GUARD Vurkolak Envelopment :B:{:B:} (Just Framed)
GUARD Preparation :B::B:{:B:}
EITHER Preparation :B::B::B:{:B:}

GUARD :B:{:B:}
GUARD {:4::A::+::B:} (2nd hit)
EITHER {:4::(A)::+::(B):} (2nd hit)

Seong Mi-na
JUST :A::A:{:B:}
JUST {:6::A::+::B:} (3rd hit)
JUST {:4::A::+::B:} (4th hit)
JUST {:4::A::+::B::4::A::+::B:} (8th hit)
GUARD :B::B:{:B:}
GUARD :6::B:{:B:}
GUARD :4::A::+::B:{:B:}
GUARD {:2::B::+::K:} (2nd hit)
GUARD :3::3:_:9::9::A:{:A:}
GUARD :6::6::K:{:K:}
GUARD :3::3:_:9::9::K:{:B:}
EITHER :1::B:{:K:}
EITHER While Rising :A:{:A:}
EITHER Full Crouch :1::K:{:K:} (Jump low)

JUST :6::A:{:A:}
GUARD :4::4::B:{:A:}
GUARD Full Crouch :1::B:{:B:} (Just framed)
EITHER :1::A:{:A:} (Jump low)
EITHER :1::A:{:A:} (Just Framed) (Jump low)

GUARD :B::B:{:B:}
GUARD :B::B:{:(B):}
GUARD :4::B:{:B:}
GUARD :4::B::B:{:B:}
GUARD :4::A::+::K:{:K:}
GUARD :4::4::B:{:B:}
GUARD :4::4::B:{:(B):}
GUARD Chief Hold Stance {:A:} (2nd hit)
EITHER :4::K::K:{:B:}
EITHER :A::+::K::A::A:{:B:}

JUST :K:{:K:}
JUST :1::1:_:7::7::A:{:A:} (No block)
JUST :9::A::+::B:{:B:} (Press A+B twice, 2nd parry will just impact)
GUARD :4::A:{:B:}
GUARD :2::B:{:B:}
GUARD Full Crouch :1::B:{:B:}
GUARD :B::+::K:{:B:}
GUARD Angel Sidestep :B::A:{:B:}
EITHER :4::A::A:{:A:}
EITHER :B::2::B::B::B:{:2::3::4::B:} (Crouching guard will push Setsuka from lows)
EITHER :2::B:{:8::B:}
EITHER Full Crouch :1::B:{:8::B:}
EITHER :9::A::+::K::A:{:B:} (Jump low)
EITHER :1::A:{:A:} (Jump low)
EITHER :1::1:_:7::7::A:{:A:}
EITHER :6::6::B::+::K::A:{:K:}

JUST :B:{:B:}
GUARD While Rising :A::A:{:A:}
GUARD :B::B:{:B:}
GUARD :3::K::K:{:K:}
GUARD Wind Roll :B::B:{:B:}
EITHER :2::K:{:K:} (Jump low)
EITHER :2::2:_:8::8::K:{:A:}

GUARD :6::A:{:K:}
EITHER :4::A:{:K:}
EITHER :4::B:{:B:}
EITHER Back Turned :B::+::K:{:A::+::K:}

The Apprentice
JUST :B::+::K::B:{:6::B:}
GUARD :A::A:{:B:}
GUARD :3::B:{:6::B:}
GUARD :B::+::K::6::B:{:3::B:}
EITHER :2::K:{:B:} (Jump low)
EITHER :3::3:_:9::9::B:{:B:}

GUARD Jolly :4::4::A:{:B:}
GUARD Gloomy :6::A:{:A:}
GUARD Gloomy :3::B:{:B:} (Just Framed)
GUARD Back Turned :B::+::K:{:B:}
EITHER :2::A:{:B:} (Jump low)
EITHER :4::B:{:K:}
EITHER Jolly :4::4::A:{:A:}

JUST Blind Stance :6::A::B:{:B:}
GUARD Blind Stance :6::A:{:B:}
GUARD Blind Stance :3::3:_:9::9::B:{:B:}
EITHER :6:{:(B):} (2nd hit)
EITHER Blind Stance :2::B:{:K:}
EITHER Blind Stance :2::B:{:(K):}

JUST :A::A:{:B:}
JUST :6::B:{:A:}
JUST :1::kA:{:A:}
JUST {:4::A::+::B:} (2nd hit)
GUARD While Rising :A:{:A:}
GUARD :aK:{:K:}
GUARD :1::kA::A:{:K:}
GUARD {:6::A::+::B:} (2nd hit)
GUARD :6::6::B:{:B:}
EITHER :6::bK:{:B:}
EITHER :4::B:{:B:}
EITHER :4::4::K:{:B:}
EITHER :1::1:_:7::7::B:{:A:}
EITHER :2::A::+::K:{:K:}

GUARD :2::3::6::K::K:{:B:}
GUARD :6::6::B:{:B:}
EITHER Backflip :A:{:B:}

JUST :3::B::+::K:{:B:}
GUARD :6::A::+::B::B::B:{:B:}
GUARD :6::6:_:3::3:_:9::9::B::+::K::A::+::B:{:K:}
GUARD :6::6:_:3::3:_:9::9::B::B::+::K::A::+::B:{:K:}
GUARD Reflection :B:{:K:}
EITHER :6::K:{:K:}
EITHER :9::B::+::K:{:K:}

GUARD While Rising :A::K:~{:K:}
GUARD :6::K:~{:K:}
EITHER :6::K:{:K:}
EITHER :8::K::K:{:K:}
EITHER :2::2:_:8::8::A:{:B:}

GUARD :1::B:{:B:}
EITHER :6::A::+::B:{:B:}
EITHER :6::A::+::B:{:(B):}
Very intersting study, thank you for your work Radar !!

A lot of things I didn't know ! A must have for every Setsuka's autoGI lover :D

Can't X's 33B be autoGied on the third hit?

We could probably make an intersting evade/guard/GI/autoGI thread as well with the best choice everytimes (what I mean is sometimes it's better to GI, sometimes it's better to block and punish, sometimes it's better to autoGI, sometimes it's better to use an evasive move like 4A)... but it would be a lot of hard work.

Can I use this study in my french guide? (I made a setsuka guide in and I made an A+B autoGI study from CheeseOfTheDay original post)
good work !!
for kilik you can auto GI the second hit asura(6B)
when i have much time ,i try to help to have more precision for some character
Since I don't see Vader, thought I contribute to this sweet study :).


Guard :B:{:B:} Note: Lvl 1 seems to miss, other levels hit fine.
Guard 3:K:{:B:} Note: Lvl 1 seems to miss sometimes, other levels hit fine though.
Guard :B:+:K::B:{:B:} Note: Lvl seems to miss, other levels hit fine. However, after countless tries, seems the if you get the Just version of of Lvl 1, it hits.

That's all I got so far. I'm testing to see if 11_77:A::B: can be parried, but so far it seems the :B: in that is rather fast. It be might be able to be a Just, but so far my attempts are rather fruitless XD. I'll keep trying. Same issue with his 6:B::B:, the second hit is too fast, I assume. I'll update this if I find anything on those two moves.
Great work Radar.

Sorry, I haven't been here for a consistent time since I haven't had access to an Internet connection for the last 3 weeks but I fixed that for now.

i've been using setsuka for a while now, and i have NEVER gotten the impact off. is it because i'm mainly an online player or is it just difficult to time?
i've been using setsuka for a while now, and i have NEVER gotten the impact off. is it because i'm mainly an online player or is it just difficult to time?

Its actually pretty easy!

The best way to pull it of is doing it after a move like 4k since it leaves you at 0 frames it will have a higher chance of impacting lots of moves..... but if it doesn't work you're looking for a BIG punishment

Use in mirrors!
Actually, it is indeed hard to time just in reaction to some random move. Places in this list are generally where you're going to be hitting it most of the time if at all. I think her aGI has a smaller window than a normal GI, actually. Also good to note is it'll hit mids, special mids and special lows. (Though I think that's in the other thread somewhere.)

Also- If you're going to fish it after a move, regardless of the danger, I think 11B and 2B+K are better than a 4K.
Actually, it is indeed hard to time just in reaction to some random move. Places in this list are generally where you're going to be hitting it most of the time if at all. I think her aGI has a smaller window than a normal GI, actually. Also good to note is it'll hit mids, special mids and special lows. (Though I think that's in the other thread somewhere.)

Also- If you're going to fish it after a move, regardless of the danger, I think 11B and 2B+K are better than a 4K.

Thas true!!!!!
Pretty cool this forum.If only i knew there was something like that before.I would´have spend 3 years learning to play Setsuka.Just awesome.I still wonder how i can find the entire frame data.