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  • Can you play soon?
    On Sunday afternoon your time. I come back to bordeaux at 20h30gmt+1 so you can expect me near 15 or 16h your time. Is that okay for you?
    Congrats at NEC. :D
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    Reactions: Frayhua
    Thanks man, it wasn't easy, but France too strong.
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Yeah. I'm just glad Voldo is getting some love in the competitive scene now. Definitely a well rounded character.
    Maxou Maxou: Why did LP disable his facebook account ?
    Today at 4:53 AM
    Maxou Maxou: Did the french vid kill him ?

    Congrats on murdering LP.
    This confirms Leixia vs Viola is officially a 10-0 matchup in Leixia's favor.
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    Reactions: Alex.J
    I'm sorry for upsetting you my friend. Let's calm down and start from the beginning. Let me know about your Ex girlfriend. Why did you guys break up? I'm here for you man.
    48 minutes ago - Maxou: If there's a frame data moderator, could you say to him that Voldo BS 2K is not -5 hit but -2 hit. ---- Done.
    lol @ viola ban thread being deleted. Way to resolve the "Viola problem"
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    Reactions: Frayhua
    Some people think the thread makes the community look bad, so someone closed it and moved it. : |
    It was not only moved, it was gone for quite some time. My posts werent in my activity anymore at all. It wasnt public. Then it came back somehow. whatever this site is worthless.

    Now we rather have broken stuff in the game cause discussing it makes us look bad. Dont know to who but well. So just lets not talk about any issues this game has, very good feedback towards PS i guess.
    But pretending a problem doesn't exist is always the best solution.
    When you said that match vs. Akire was ugly, I was expecting it to go the other way lol. I hear Docvizzo sold us out to go play Cervy. Disgraceful. *secretly goes to practice iGDR*
    Oh Doc's Alpha sux. It's no wonder he switched to Cervantes ha ha ha.

    But of course he is stronger than me :( And I play a much much more broken character than him :( :( :( (jk)

    Seriously : Cervantes is easier to use than Alpha Patroklos. Alpha Patroklos is harder skill wise and mind game wise. Still, his damage is stronger overall though.
    So your pick ;)
    CONGRATULATIONS MR. APAT. I've read your wake up options for aPat as well. it was VERY useful :D thanks for everything!
    No problems :) I hope I won't be as lazy as I am and finally put everything I worked on with Alpha on "paper"
    Maxou I´m already in the chat! I´m afraid! there is a lot of famous people there @.@ how does the chat works? xD
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