Setups For Opponents Who Roll On The Ground


[09] Warrior
As with all the Maxi players here, I love when my opponents pop up immediately when they get knocked to the ground. It keeps my offense going.

However, when I face opponents who always roll on the ground, it slows down my offense and I have to wait for them to get up for me to start again. Sure you can throw out the occasional 1K, A+Bg or 2KB if they stand still on the ground but we need some setups that do damage.

That's where this discussion comes in!

I'd like to hear what your setups are for people who loves to roll on the ground all the time. We'll make them fear rolling against Maxi. I'll get it started.

From what I experimented with, you stand up after 4 rolls, and that's when your holding the direction left or right. It doesn't matter if their head or feet are pointing at you. Otherwise, you can stay on the ground if you tap the directions.

With that little bit of intel, lets get on with the setups:

22_88K, Repeat

The beauty with this setup is unlike 3K which pushes the opponent far away from you, it barely pushes them away PLUS you move a little closer to them. It does 10-12 DMG each time so if they refuse to get up off the ground, you may potentially deal 50-60 total DMG or more that easy.

If they had enough of getting hit, they make try a WS attack assuming it's possible. That's when you throw out the second K in 22_88KK to protect yourself in case of that possibility. You may get a CH.

If they block your 22_88K, you can again throw out the second K to hit them if they stay crouched. If they wise up and know to block the second K, go from 22_88K immediately into a Throw Attempt. They won't see it coming.

I tried doing various ways to GI while on the ground, and it's somewhat difficult. So I wouldn't worry too much about them GI'ing you. It they do, all you have to do is mix it up with pauses in between your attacks.

Standing Still, BT B+K

I normally chuckle when I setup someone with this move. Remember what I said earlier about it taking 4 rolls holding left or right? If they do hold down the direction to roll, you already know when their about to stand up, so count in your head the number of rolls while standing still then WAM! Chucks to the face. It will really hurt if they tried to attack you. If they know to block when they get up, simply go for a Throw Attempt. Isn't fucking with the opponents head so much fun?

Jump Over While the Opponent Rolls/Stays On the Ground, BT B+K

This is the Fhwoarang Cricket jump ~ Chucks to the Gut/Spine technique. I've actually learned this from watching his vids. If timed correctly you jump over the opponent when he's on the ground, avoid his WS attack then smack him good. Of course your opponent may or may not get up right away, so dance a little with Maxi until you think he will get up.

This setup requires the power of Yomi (Knowing The Mind Of The Opponent) so don't use it too often if you don't have this power.


Alright, those are some of my setups. Hopefully, this will encourage the opponent to not hang on the ground so much against Maxi or they'll get punished for it.

Oh yeah, post your setups if you have any.
Hmm vs siderollers, i use 236A, 22K, FC 3A and 2B+K exclusively, a few of those and they don't sideroll anymore. From there i use any mid i feel like it, usually A+B since that also hits grounded.

236A on ground hit, makes BL B uninterruptable
2B+K on ground hit makes, A+BG as well as many other attacks uninterruptable, a 2nd 2B+K is unsiderollable
FC 3A is for my far knockdown, like post BL KK juggles, and RO AK(CH)
22K i use in certain situations like post RC A for example.

My wakeup game when maxi is in neutral is very plain and easy, compared to my looping wakeup game.
2B+KB is the most braindead and damaging. I think Maxi's oki is actually decent. If you wanna be really simple you can do things like

A+G/RO aK (common techable knockdowns) > 2B+KB if they stay down/roll. if they start standing up you predict and do a short dash into 3B/4B mixed with throw/low

B+G (common untechable knockdown) > 2B+KB if they stay down/roll. if start standing predict and do 3B/4B mixed with throw/low (no dash needed)

interesting that 2B+K maintains the strong knockdown I did not know that, I will try to implement it
Yeah lol, it's morally damaging to land multiple repeated 2B+Ks cuz they try to sideroll, and then they tech all angry and shit, and i CH them with something 8WR left A or something. Which is not uninterruptable if they tech, but they gotta be quick ;)
maybe 236A not so bad if it hits grounded opponent

I forgot I use A+G G a lot too, tis good like hotnikkelz says. not safe but it's fast and hits the ground so whateva

sometimes I do 44B or even 33B. usually i regret doing 44B but not always. i virtually always regret doing 33B
i dont think 236A is a good idea...i do it sometimes and i end up with the disadvantage:(

On ground hit it's awesome and most damaging and you get ADVANTAGE. If you do it vs tech, then it sucks. Observe how your opponents behaves when they're on the ground and work accordingly.

I hate 44B....33B is good in certain situations's not reliable when used randomly vs grounded.

I am hardly ever punished for A+BG regardless of what the data says, it's one of those bad data moves, that's actually good in actual play. They hesitate just enough to not be able to interrupt RC A or i will end up blocking their attacks. I guess eventually they'll wise up and retaliate since i almost always guard cancel but they never risk it hahaha. Eating that part on CH is sooo...embarassing lol.
sometimes I do 44B or even 33B. usually i regret doing 44B but not always. i virtually always regret doing 33B

This sounds exactly like me haha.

Lately I've been trying 236B to get over them instead of just jumping in order to do BT B+K.
my favorite thing to do against grounded opponents is A+Bg into loops. PSL1 lead to RO in one shift, which to is a pretty good stance to be in on wake-up. Another fun option is A+Bg~PSL3=> LI B_. Opponents will often stand up into the charged LI giving free mix-ups. If you don't think they are going to stand up into the LI, you can still bait them into standing into your attack with LI cancel into RO.