
So far, only Stanley and Brain Drain look like they would fit. Maybe Mrs. Victoria but I'm thinking she'd be like Double in a more subtler way. The rest look like reject Megaman villains.
I like: Umbrella, Brain Drain, Feng and Leduc.

Does anyone know how this voting thing works? I actually want to vote for my faves but I haven't really been following this SkullGirls campaign closely so I am unfamiliar with the details.
From the Eliza playstyle speculation: "Each time she is hit, she bleeds MK-style, and the blood stays on the stage, and certain specials and supers can then use it." ...also Ileum ...Ms. Fortune ...Double

"Squickgirls" (TM)

Oh, I like Stanley, Mrs. Victoria, Umbrella and Minette from the options so far.
I personally like Scythana. The ability to pick up KO'd characters and use them as weapons is a hilarious concept.

But I personally feel another male character wouldn't be a bad in a top 3(outside of my personal preference for Scythana) I would vote for...Stanley(Shark dive anyone?), Brain Drain(I REALLY like his style too), and Issac(cause Mike Z sounded really, really interested to work on that character)

I already got the character I wanted REALLY badly though, Big Band. aka: The Sax Daddy.
I just donated. I also copied the amount they had and refreshed the page and they made about $1731 in like 1 hour. We need $600,000 for the third character vote... Do ya think we'll make it?