So let's talk Nightmare Wall Combos.

So, today is the first time I've gotten to play since 1.03.

I'm playing my buddy KaB right now, and for some reason, when I wallsplat natsu with fc B+G, 4KK, iwr B won't connect. Neither will 4kk 4kk. Did Nightmare get a secret nerf or something? I'd test it, but I'm hosting a room right now.

Edit: nevermind, finally got around to test it. Looks like it was just me mistiming it. Dunno how you can mistime 4kk 4kk, but whatever.
I have, concocted a new combo for my 'combo book' in my head, I'm not sure if it was on that video I was refering to.
It's startes with there back against the wall and depending if it starts with a counter, the combo changes

WR(B) W! NSS A+B GS K BE W! 4KK/4K BE - 2A+B

WR(B) CH - NSS A+B - GS K BE W! - 4KK W! - 4KK/K BE - 2A+B

I tried it in training, and they can try and ukemi out from the 2A+B in any, and you can clearly see them get up and inch before falling into the attack throw, I call that a troll XD
I konw the 2A+B after the counter combo works, because I kept doing it in awe of the damage, 129-130
but I'm not sure if it works for the top one