Soul Calibur 5 Guest/Bonus/CAS Character Discussion

He also say

"Daishi_CALIBUR Daishi Odashima
Who do I want to for a guest character? Personally, FF characters. I’m Japanese so the first thing I think of are Japanese games."

Well, I think that's pretty good.

The only reason I'm okay with a FF guest character is that since I NEVER play FF, it will almost be like having a new SC character, as I'm completely unfamiliar with all of them. I like Lightning though. Every game needs more hot female characters.
I don't quite understand why everyone thinks Lightning will fit in with the cast. Isn't she from a futuristic setting? (One word: Gunblade) Not that I don't like her, I've played FFXIII but I think Altair/Ezio would work better.
I agree that Altair/Ezio would make a better selection. However, from a logical business stand point, Lightning is better. Namco is aiming most of it's content towards Japan, so characters like Altair and Ezio wouldn't make much fiscial sense because the japanese don't follow the AC series like americans do. Lightning on the other hand was made in japan, is known by many japanese people, and would be an easy selling point.

You can't look at guest characters as a fan and say "They don't fit", you have to look at them from a business stand point and what will sell. This is why they included the SW cast in 4.

And concerning the gunblade, one word...Cervantes.
I fear they will add Lightning since she is the latest FF main character instead of a FF character which story is based in a more medieval themed world which would match SC universe. And unfortunately they don't care about which games universes match with SC universe, they only care about popular characters that will help the game sell.

Well I can only hope her costume will be the FF XIII-2 one since it's more medieval looking... What about Jack Sparrow?! Anyone?! Or a character from C(r)apcom since the two companies seem to get along.

Also fantasy characters who seem to be taken out of an anime/manga are not as cool as more realistic characters like Jack Sparrow...
Jack Sparrow? No thanks, not a chance, thank God. Capcom is a possibility, a fist fighter has been added once to the series, I can't see why another extremely popular fist fighter wouldn't be added.
I really hope they don't add someone without a weapon. It was dumb when they did it with heihachi. And Jack Sparrow is cool in his own movie, he doesn't belong in SC though. There are plenty of other real historical pirates they could use, (but surely won't).

Guest characters don't fit at the best of times. All you can hope for is that they don't look utterly ridiculous like the Star Wars people and stages did.

As for Lightning, Cervantes has a gun which he only uses for throws and unblockables. Her gun could be used the same way. Speaking of which, gunswords were a real historical thing, or so I have heard.
Yep, if they're going with Lightning, I'm pretty sure they'd be using her XIII-2 costume (because that'd be the game they'd be marketing). Her armor kinda reminds me of Sophie's P2 from SC4. Appearance-wise, I'd say she's acceptable as a guest character, but she'd also be another sword&shield weilder.

You can't look at guest characters as a fan and say "They don't fit", you have to look at them from a business stand point and what will sell. This is why they included the SW cast in 4.
At this point why not a GIANT Coca Cola sign in the middle of the arena? Don't fit but hey,it bring teh money!
A McDonald advertising between round 1 and round 2 can work too

Why not both?

A guest that bring in $$$ AND fit without ruin the atmosphere.
SW thing was the lowest point ever touched by SC saga. Ever.

And another thing... WHY?

Other BeU series apparently don't need to get prostitute to sell. Why SC MUST insert random bs?
SE, SC1, SC2(one guest,but nobody care about), SC3
All great BeU with balls

SC4? The casual accessible noob friendly guest party commercial wet dream.
Why this is happened?
Why Namco one day chosed that SC don't deserve the same BeU dignity as Tekken?
Because you know, i remember a time where SC was the classy thing and Tekken the commercial one
At this point why not a GIANT Coca Cola sign in the middle of the arena? Don't fit but hey,it bring teh money!
A McDonald advertising between round 1 and round 2 can work too

Why not both?

A guest that bring in $$$ AND fit without ruin the atmosphere.
SW thing was the lowest point ever touched by SC saga. Ever.

And another thing... WHY?

Other BeU series apparently don't need to get prostitute to sell. Why SC MUST insert random bs?
SE, SC1, SC2(one guest,but nobody care about), SC3
All great BeU with balls

SC4? The casual accessible noob friendly guest party commercial wet dream.
Why this is happened?
Why Namco one day chosed that SC don't deserve the same BeU dignity as Tekken?
Because you know, i remember a time where SC was the classy thing and Tekken the commercial one
I love this post. I wish SC wasn't the Namco fighter they whore out to guest characters. But Tekken apparently has more fans, so I guess they give it more respect.
I love this post. I wish SC wasn't the Namco fighter they whore out to guest characters. But Tekken apparently has more fans, so I guess they give it more respect.
the sad thing is that's a cursed circle

->more the game get casual -> more the community get worse -> more the game after get casual -> more the community get worse ->
Well if I had to guess, I'd say none... Of the above

I think Daishi's been messing with you all personally, his remarks up until today have never been all that serious, and he has given away very little solid info until now.

Ezio... Lol, if we saw an AC character, I'd think it would be a newer character, can't believe some of the same people saying how some guests just don't fit can then say a guy who hides and blends into crowds (pretty much the opposite of the spirit of the game), does, best...
Ezio... Lol, if we saw an AC character, I'd think it would be a newer character, can't believe some of the same people saying how some guests just don't fit can then say a guy who hides and blends into crowds (pretty much the opposite of the spirit of the game), does, best...

Hide like this?




My friend, a precious advice: sometimes know what are you talking about may help.
The main difference between Altair and Ezio is that the first is more about be stealth,where Ezio is more about being an very skilled weapon master

Oh, and Taki is a kunoichi.
Ninjutsu way to "fight" is exactly the same.
No honour duel bs, find the target and eliminate it ;)

But you know, maybe i'm wrong, i suppose darth vader fit better :)
I'm not seeing a point anywhere in there... Taki was always a boring character, story-wise, in my opinion, and all those pictures show is him beating up on a bunch of hapless patrolmen...

Those games have still been all about hiding and blending, no matter how many brute axes you steal and leave stuck in their former bearers...
I don't quite understand why everyone thinks Lightning will fit in with the cast. Isn't she from a futuristic setting? (One word: Gunblade) Not that I don't like her, I've played FFXIII but I think Altair/Ezio would work better.
FF XIII-2 not XIII, XIII looks like middle age and Lightning's armor looks like a valkyrie armor.
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