Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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Is there really something wrong with patience? Getting upset/impatient will accomplish nothing for you or anyone else. SC6 will come when it comes.
Of course he cares. Pretty much everyone here cares but as he said there is no point in getting upset over a non existant announcement. It´ll happen eventually. If it comes to Namco standards you can be happy their twitter/facebook page is active again atleast. They are obviously working on something. Just be patient.
Link cares enough to make an effort and show up to offline events...not many people in this thread can say the same thing tbh
not everyone has that opportunity and I can appreciate that, what I can't appreciate is people who idly sit down and do nothing and tell players who still actively support the game that they "don't care".
not everyone has that opportunity and I can appreciate that, what I can't appreciate is people who idly sit down and do nothing and tell players who still actively support the game that they "don't care".
I didn't say that he didn't care at all though, I was commenting on what the other guy said.
right, right
Yes because "you" can't mean people in general, right? Why would I be talking about him and then quote the other guy above him? Don't be silly.


right, right.
so you were quoting link, but really you meant to address the other
You're just embarrassing yourself now lol, it was obvious that I was referring to people in general when I said that but I was also addressing what Link said by then referring to what the other guy said because that's what Link was talking about. =) English isn't that difficult.
so you were referring to people in general, by quoting link because he was talking about what someone else said that kind of thought process is too meta for my old brain
You're just embarrassing yourself now lol, it was obvious that I was referring to people in general when I said that but I was also addressing what Link said by then referring to what the other guy said because that's what Link was talking about. =) English isn't that difficult.
Within the next 10 years, the thousands and the ones will recognize the twos. Once that begins, the side routes of the abmormal wavelength function will congregate and aggregate into a concretion. Once we achieve this focus, the next five will know the seven.

This is for ZER0. He knows what I'm talking about
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