Soul Calibur Humor

It's never mentioned anywhere of his orientation. I was just saying it wouldn't be a bad thing if he were.

You're fine girl :) Well he loves Amy (*rolls eyes) and when doing 66A+G on females, he bites them on their necks but only clutches the stomachs of males. There's some proof. He even says "tasty" after biting females but only "good" for males.

I dont really think Raphael actually thinks about anything else but Amy.

For example: He wakes up in a dungeon and his first thought is "AMY" like wtf. He doesn't think think " WHERE AM I?", "HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN HERE?". No, his first thought is Amy. Lmao her even thinks about her in battle shouting her name "AAAAMY". So yeah...

This is a problem. The obsession with stupid Amy too bland and laughable. Raph needs a new companion and another turn in his storyline. Darkwings and I will tweet the devs when they come back on twitter.

Now I wish that SC had an overly flamboyant character in it's roster. Now THAT would be interesting.

But that's another topic for another day.
You're fine girl :) Well he loves Amy (*rolls eyes) and when doing 66A+G on females, he bites them on their necks but only clutches the stomachs of males. There's some proof. He even says "tasty" after biting females but only "good" for males.

This is a problem. The obsession with stupid Amy too bland and laughable. Raph needs a new companion and another turn in his storyline. Darkwings and I will tweet the devs when they come back on twitter.

Hm. I think Raph's sexiness factor would double if he bit the guy's neck too. Especially among the yaoi fangirls >:D oh btw on female CaS's using Raph's style, do they bite the females neck too? Or do they just do the stomach thing?
Hm. I think Raph's sexiness factor would double if he bit the guy's neck too. Especially among the yaoi fangirls >:D oh btw on female CaS's using Raph's style, do they bite the females neck too? Or do they just do the stomach thing?
I actually think they bite their necks too. I'm not 100% sure but I sorta remember a female CaS bite down on my female CaS. I was like O_O

I guess they looked over that tiny detail.
A Taki.jpg

Just wanted to contribute :D
Just wanted to contribute :D

I've seen that already somewhere else on 8wr, but it doesn't hurt to bring it up again XD.

On the Siegfried/Raphael thing, one time, I was looking for an Amy avatar, and I accidentally saw a naughty picture of Raph and Sieg T^T ;_; My poor innocent eyes.

Lol people do crazy things like that all the time. Raph better go beat up Siegfriend!!! Lol.
Am I the only one who likes Amy? Raphael without Amy would be... well... a completely different character.

btw what the hell happened to this thread XD. I blame Fendante.
It wasnt as hot as Tira's or Cassandra's XD

Ohhh babbyy...Any guy who has those CFs done on him would die happy.

Am I the only one who likes Amy? Raphael without Amy would be... well... a completely different character.

btw what the hell happened to this thread XD. I blame Fendante.

That's the point. Amy drove Raphael insane and hurt his potential to be more badass and cool. Hey what did I do lol?? You should be happy I was able to bring to life a fun discussion on one of the very underrated characters in the game XD.