SoulCalibur IV in 2021


[08] Mercenary
Hello Does anyone Play Soul Calibur IV Nowadays? Because It's been so long since i last played a Soul Calibur Game, and I Figured I should start getting back to it, beginning with SCIV.

I have the Playstation 3 Version and I Recently got the XBOX 360 Version and it's the Premium edition.
actual discussion unfortunately happens more at the individual character discords its now decentralized
Hello Does anyone Play Soul Calibur IV Nowadays? Because It's been so long since i last played a Soul Calibur Game, and I Figured I should start getting back to it, beginning with SCIV.

I have the Playstation 3 Version and I Recently got the XBOX 360 Version and it's the Premium edition.

I've played sc4 for years and have always preferred it over the others, unfortunately the online player base I think is pretty must completely dead now unless people host private games I'm not aware of, a year or two ago at certain time there will still people around sometimes, including old good players.

I've got a few old friends I'm trying to get to get together to play with but don't know if it'll happen or not.

I'd be happy to play though, actually found this thread by searching if there if there are still sc4 players around, don't know if I've got here too late.

My psn is kerrod123, same goes for anyone, feel free to hit me up on psn, I have ps3 and 5 so hopefully will see messages on ps app on my phone at the very least! 😊
actual discussion unfortunately happens more at the individual character discords its now decentralized
Darn...I figured as much. I don't understand the appeal with Discord. I have an account there, but I hardly go on it.
It's confusing considering I have no idea who I'm referring my conversations with, because of the constant traffic of commentaries that gets posted over the other. I guess the site really lives up to it's name. XD But I don't understand the reason for such a preference. Like is there really a difference? This community site has a private Message too. That's like, switching coffee mugs, because the last mug seems half empty, so it gets poured into another cup so it would feel like it's half full. Seems like the same difference to me. XD Only with Discord, I have no idea how to keep up with individual conversations in an open forum. I don't get it. This site seems pretty good. I love the page layout and headers and how the logo flips when I move the cursor, and stuff. I mean, this site is so well designed with the love for the franchise in mind. What's not to like? I drop by here every once in awhile to check up on any latest activity. But it's been sort of like a ghost town around here. All we need is a digital tumble weed to blow by. XD
Hello Does anyone Play Soul Calibur IV Nowadays? Because It's been so long since i last played a Soul Calibur Game, and I Figured I should start getting back to it, beginning with SCIV.

I have the Playstation 3 Version and I Recently got the XBOX 360 Version and it's the Premium edition.
Hi. Yeah, I still play SC4 and 5 on my Xbox 360. Though I only play them offline. I tried online play years ago, but I don't really enjoy it. Between losing constantly because of lag, and losing constantly because I'm up against players who practically live and breath fighting games 24/7, all my hours of gaming practice would fly out the window, as my character seem to just stand around as my buttons seem unresponsive. Too many frustrating experience. I'm just not cut out for online gaming. I'm more of a casual gamer anyway. Now a days I just don't have the time since I'm working full time, and living in a rented room. I'm striving for financial independence. So it's not easy affording such luxury of time. I do miss gaming though.

I have SC6 but I don't own the PS4 console. Every console I ever own seems to mess up on me. THe Xbox belongs to a friend of mine. And my SC6 game is with my sister, since I can't really play the game. It's a long story.

I feel you though in wanting to get back into it. I wanted to also. Such a beloved franchise. It made such an impact on me, that I was inspired to do fan related projects, like a fan video, my own OC SC6 character trailer. (Though it's more like a video since it's more than a minute long. XD) and currently I'm working on a fan comic as an indirect follow up to my fan video. XD
Hi. Yeah, I still play SC4 and 5 on my Xbox 360. Though I only play them offline. I tried online play years ago, but I don't really enjoy it. Between losing constantly because of lag, and losing constantly because I'm up against players who practically live and breath fighting games 24/7, all my hours of gaming practice would fly out the window, as my character seem to just stand around as my buttons seem unresponsive. Too many frustrating experience. I'm just not cut out for online gaming. I'm more of a casual gamer anyway. Now a days I just don't have the time since I'm working full time, and living in a rented room. I'm striving for financial independence. So it's not easy affording such luxury of time. I do miss gaming though.

I have SC6 but I don't own the PS4 console. Every console I ever own seems to mess up on me. THe Xbox belongs to a friend of mine. And my SC6 game is with my sister, since I can't really play the game. It's a long story.

I feel you though in wanting to get back into it. I wanted to also. Such a beloved franchise. It made such an impact on me, that I was inspired to do fan related projects, like a fan video, my own OC SC6 character trailer. (Though it's more like a video since it's more than a minute long. XD) and currently I'm working on a fan comic as an indirect follow up to my fan video. XD
Indeed I Think SC4 and 5 are underrated
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