Soulcalibur VI 2P Costume Thread

I've recently been playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Evie has this gorgeous DLC outfit that I think would suit Ivy really well. Minus the hood of course. Or maybe with the option of the hood? She does have that one concept design with a hooded cloak.
In some way, it strikes me as a bit of a mashup between her SC3 2P and her SC2 2P.

Overall, I'd personally want mostly new 2Ps rather than updates of older designs, since that's what we're getting with their 1P outfits for the most part.

Quite cool costume, but i would like an option to remove the hoodie.

That costume that is very covering outfit would also make a good and interesting contrast with her very revealing 1P outfit.
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Rather than just talking about all the great costumes I'd like to see return, I'll talk about something else we probably won't get:

Character-specific customization options! I've wanted this forever, so I'll just mention a few items that I really want access to for each character.

This one is most obvious: her mask. Her default, "open fangs"-style mask is neat, but I prefer her close-fitting cloth one from SC1. Her full metal mask from Soul Edge should also be an option. A few other cool options would be her raccoon mask (seen below on the left) or a 90s Shredder-style mesh metal mask (seen below the Taki picture):

I'd also love access to some of her classic armor sets. Her default demon-themed armor is great, but her rounded armor from her SC2 1P would be another great option. Another classic armor set I'd really like is from her SC1 2P (pictured below left). It leaves her shoulders bare, with only a single (elaborate) dragon gauntlet for defense. The asynchronous design makes sense, since she always blocks with the same arm anyway. In the opposite direction, I'd also really like for her SC2 2P armor (below right), which offers full coverage of her arms and shoulders and (nearly) full leg coverage. For when you want to convey that "fully armored ninja" vibe.

Nightmare's had so many cool helmets over the years that it's hard to choose a favorite. But here are mine. His SC1 2P, SC3 2P and SCV 2P (pictured below).



And please include some demonic arm options! I liked both of his arms in SC1, the 1P of which had giant animal horns growing out of them, and his 2P which had a dramatic shoulder spike.

And then you have the body-themed demonic arms. His SC2 2P arm had all these weird eyes growing all over it, and his SC3 1P had a mouth in his shoulder. That shit is awesome and disturbing and I want to see it again.

This is oddly specific, but I've also always liked this early concept art from SC1, where Nightmare's shoulder is a lion head and his arm is a snake. It looks fucked up and I think it could look awesome in-game. (They'd have to modify it so that the snake is emerging from the lion's mouth.)

Lastly, why not an option to turn his demonic arm back to a regular arm? Sure it'll mess up the hitbox, but that'll happen anyway with CAS characters. Just for the sake of variety, I hope they include this as an option.

I think that's all for now. I'll probably be back to continue my rambles.
Sophitia probably the best alternative costume Sophie ever had.

Mitsu, I like the right one a lot, it looks like Mitsurugi just got woken up and is ready to kill.

Kilik, I hope his 2P is something like this, a bit more traditional I would think.
Xian, I don't love this costume, but I do think they could take in a nice direction with minor adjustments
Groh, so I hope they rip off another character in series, I wouldn't mind if they revisit the white costume for early ZWEI

Pretty much hit the nail on the head on these (seeing as they're pretty much what I wrote down as well), but the thirstmaster in me just wants to see Grøh show off more skin after finding out he's basically wearing light BDSM wear under his 1P lmao.
Well, now we know that 2P costumes aren't a thing.

It sucks.

But I don't see any harm in hoping for better character customization options. Either at launch or as future DLC, I hope they give more options for customizing the main roster.

I really hope they bring back some of Astaroth's best headgear from previous games. My top requests are:
  • Classic mouth guard - SC1 1P
  • Psycho killer mask - SC1 2P (see below)
  • Crazy bunny - SC2 2P (see below)
  • Hammerhead - SC3 2P (see below)
  • Executioner's hood - SC4 1P (see below)
  • Skull mask - SC5 1P

Secondly, and this could apply to all the custom golems you make in CAS, I think you should be able to change the look of Astaroth's skin. These are all the flavors I'd like:
  • Classic w/ exposed heart - his default we've already seen
  • Grape - Purplestaroth without the exposed heart, but with spikes growing out of his back, as seen in his SC1 and SC2 2Ps (see above)
  • Raspberry - Pinkstaroth with a glowing yellow crescent on his chest, as seen in his SC3 1P
  • Rocky Road - Rockstaroth from his SC4 1P. SoulCharge should cause the "veins" of lava running all over his body to light up. (see below)
  • Lime - Greenstaroth from his SC5 1P. Electrical contraptions sticking out of his back, and more glowy green veins that light up during Soul Charge.

Again, most lizard customization options would be great if we're going to be able to make our own lizardmen. Here are some head and tail options I'd like to see:
Bring back his dinosaur-inspired heads, like the velociraptor-esque head from SC1, his pachycephalosaurus head (pictured below) from his SC3 2P, and his styracosaurus head from his SC4 2P (couldn't find a good shot of his actual costume, so here's just a drawing of the dinosaur),

Bring back some lizard-y heads from past games, such as his iguana look from his SC3 1P and frilled lizard from his SC4 1P.
How about a big ol' tyrannosaurus head? It would be like turning on bighead mode in other games.
My top request is for a cool alligator head. I want to dress up my lizardman like:

(For real P-S, if I can't make a Leatherhead you're dead to me.)
Actually, maybe my top request is for a chameleon head. It's very important that the eyes randomly move in weird directions during the fight.

And how about a collection of weird tails to customize our lizards with?
  • A spiked stegosaurus tail
  • A clubbed ankylosaurus tail
  • A curly, chameleon tail
  • A forked tail (King Ghidorah style, baby!)
  • A missing tail (You know how lizards can lose their tails as a defensive thing? Well, how about if this tail can get cut off mid-fight? And then just flops around on the floor? Or would that be too weird?)
I'm sure they won't go into this much depth, but there's a lot of potential to custom lizardmen. How about camouflaging skin, that automatically blends in with whatever stage you're playing on? How cool would that be?
Well, now we know that 2P costumes aren't a thing.

It sucks.

But I don't see any harm in hoping for better character customization options. Either at launch or as future DLC, I hope they give more options for customizing the main roster.

I really hope they bring back some of Astaroth's best headgear from previous games. My top requests are:
  • Classic mouth guard - SC1 1P
  • Psycho killer mask - SC1 2P (see below)
  • Crazy bunny - SC2 2P (see below)
  • Hammerhead - SC3 2P (see below)
  • Executioner's hood - SC4 1P (see below)
  • Skull mask - SC5 1P

Secondly, and this could apply to all the custom golems you make in CAS, I think you should be able to change the look of Astaroth's skin. These are all the flavors I'd like:
  • Classic w/ exposed heart - his default we've already seen
  • Grape - Purplestaroth without the exposed heart, but with spikes growing out of his back, as seen in his SC1 and SC2 2Ps (see above)
  • Raspberry - Pinkstaroth with a glowing yellow crescent on his chest, as seen in his SC3 1P
  • Rocky Road - Rockstaroth from his SC4 1P. SoulCharge should cause the "veins" of lava running all over his body to light up. (see below)
  • Lime - Greenstaroth from his SC5 1P. Electrical contraptions sticking out of his back, and more glowy green veins that light up during Soul Charge.

Again, most lizard customization options would be great if we're going to be able to make our own lizardmen. Here are some head and tail options I'd like to see:
Bring back his dinosaur-inspired heads, like the velociraptor-esque head from SC1, his pachycephalosaurus head (pictured below) from his SC3 2P, and his styracosaurus head from his SC4 2P (couldn't find a good shot of his actual costume, so here's just a drawing of the dinosaur),

Bring back some lizard-y heads from past games, such as his iguana look from his SC3 1P and frilled lizard from his SC4 1P.
How about a big ol' tyrannosaurus head? It would be like turning on bighead mode in other games.
My top request is for a cool alligator head. I want to dress up my lizardman like:

(For real P-S, if I can't make a Leatherhead you're dead to me.)
Actually, maybe my top request is for a chameleon head. It's very important that the eyes randomly move in weird directions during the fight.

And how about a collection of weird tails to customize our lizards with?
  • A spiked stegosaurus tail
  • A clubbed ankylosaurus tail
  • A curly, chameleon tail
  • A forked tail (King Ghidorah style, baby!)
  • A missing tail (You know how lizards can lose their tails as a defensive thing? Well, how about if this tail can get cut off mid-fight? And then just flops around on the floor? Or would that be too weird?)
I'm sure they won't go into this much depth, but there's a lot of potential to custom lizardmen. How about camouflaging skin, that automatically blends in with whatever stage you're playing on? How cool would that be?
Yeah I think it sucks so much that we aren't getting 2P outfits. I mean, it's been such al long standing tradition and I don't understand why they're not having them this time around. I mean Tekken 7 still had 1p/2p outfits. MKX did as well. I'm just... Upset haha I mean I'm still gonna play but this is definitely disappointing because part of the fun with Soul Calibur is seeing the character's alternate costumes. :/
I'm gonna take a guess:

Later down the line, the team will announce "Alternate Costumes Pack" that gives everyone a proper 2P outfit. Like the main outfits, they can be used in CAS.
I agree, I think we're going to get a system update or some other thing and it'll have some official 2Ps for everyone down the line.
@Rex Dart I love these ideas re. Lizardman! As I have stated somewhere else on this site before, I would love to make a lizardman CaS in honor of my crestie, Biscuit. And on a more serious note, suggestions like the ones you made would really bring the Lizardman concept to life in the CaS. I'm hoping such options are in the game. *crosses fingers*
I hope raphael gets his hat back :( in 2p at least.

Aside glitching and nerfing him out of the game Raph scV style was the best of the series.
NOOO, they didn't do 2P skins in the new game.
I can still live with hope that they release some old costumes as DLC
They did somewhat cheekily sneak Talim's SoulCalibur IV 2p in:



