SoulCast Episode #12: Something-Unique

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EVO is officially done and over with, but that doesn't mean that it hasn't given us plenty to talk about. By now you've seen and read some stuff on the top 2 placers, so it's time to show the US some love and chat with Something-Unique, the top US placer and de facto bronze winner.

We not only chat about EVO and his overall Vegas experience, but we also delve into some meta-game conversation. With Jaxel's ruleset announcement, we had plenty of controversial stuff. As a result, this was a pretty lengthy episode. You don't want to miss this one!

Shoutout to Mandy for the vid background. I'm guessing that it probably didn't take long for him to whip it up, but I know it would've damn well taken me forever, and it looks super slick, so much thanks.

8wayrun thread:
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Buzzsprout page (for audio file stream/download):
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it doesn't matter who I am, but by principle you really want to be part of a community run by a dictatorship? if so, u should just move to North Korea or one of those other countries ran by "noble" leaders...why not? their justification and philosophy is the same

nah let's get real, there's a lotta fake azz people in the SC community esp. among the top players and powers at be. everyone's all pretending to be buddy-buddy with everyone even when their own dignity and rights are trampled on and nobody's willing to call it out as it is anymore.

Reading Jaxel's hubristic post is one thing, but seeing a bunch of people and even some top players bend over and agree with him? LMAO.

and about sc2, yea WCMaxi was a delusional dictator as well so hey since it's always been this way, why change? hahahaha

i really don't care what y'all do, but I'm calling it as it is. y'all making yoself out as a bunch of spineless gamers who can't think for themselves and always need someone to make decisions for them. even after 5 iterations it still hasn't changed...good job!

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