Starting the round in Gloomy

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[08] Mercenary
Alright so I'm new to Tira but i was wondering how this guy::
Started the round out with GS. I'm not sure if it's random but she does it in all 3 matches.

How do you do this, or is it random? thanks.
u no... i realyy do not no... i don't care i use jolly just as much as i use gloomy... so i really don't care... but i hav bin wondrin' that
Yeah well since you do some crazy damage in gloomy and it's kind of hard to get to it, I was thinking that knowing this might give me somewhat of an upperhand.
wat i do is i the beggining if i want ot do sum pzoneing as gloomy then i just use my taunt after stunning them or using her Gestopf Maddness
oh that's cool. I thought maybe somehow he triggered it cause he get in in all the matches on that vid so just wonderin.
While I was watching some Tira vids, I noticed something strange in this one:
(to be more specific, it's exactly at 3:26)

Was this perhaps something like iGS?

Since I don't actually play as Tira, I don't know how he switched moods like that...
but If I had to guess, I'd say he taunt-cancelled (If a term like that exists).
Too bad I can't test it right now...;p
that was a nice vid so my wall combos lol but at 3:26 it does look like a taught cancel thingy ill test it out when i get home from school
While I was watching some Tira vids, I noticed something strange in this one:
(to be more specific, it's exactly at 3:26)

Was this perhaps something like iGS?

Since I don't actually play as Tira, I don't know how he switched moods like that...
but If I had to guess, I'd say he taunt-cancelled (If a term like that exists).
Too bad I can't test it right now...;p

That's really interesting, I've never seen that before. It can't be a taunt cancel, because she switches moods at the end of a taunt.

My speculation is that he G canceled a regular A, B or K move, and LUCKILY he managed to get that 0.000001% chance that his mood would change.

In case no one knew, Tira has a microscopic chance that she'll change moods whenever she does a move, or receives damage. So I'm thinking he does a quick A or something and G cancels, and suddenly he's in GS. There's no way to calculate this as far as I know.

i dont know why im still here i answered the question

but tiras not luck shes high skill and reading people

skill i dont posses so i play algol

i dont know why im still here i answered the question

but tiras not luck shes high skill and reading people

skill i dont posses so i play algol

Considering that there isn't even a guaranteed way to change moods other than taking a certain percentage of damage, I'd say an ounce of luck is actually involved with Tira it's just not outcome determining (most of the time).
actually, when ever I play Tira i ALWAYS start out in Gloomy. But then again, I play as the 2P AND I play with an original character. So, when ever I use my own Tira characters I always start out in gloomy (when I play 2P) I've also noticed that when you play the actualy Tira that no matter what side you're on you more than likely end up with Jolly.

so....make an original character with Tira's style, then play as the SHOULD start out in Gloomy...
if u make your own Character and your player 2 u start off in gloomy. im not sure why but it dont matter i like JS better anyway.
I don't like most of the combos in that vid, especially the ones that aren't combos. Multiple BF 66As do NOT combo. If I see that one more time I swear..... Anywho thread question's been answered several times before so hopefully everyone knows now.
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