[Sydney, Australia] Version 4.0

@ShatterICE: I have this horrible feeling that they only listen to Japanese forums and players - it would certainly explain why they've made the changes they have. If that is the case, it is utterly insane. Japan might be one of the strongest nations in SF, but in SC, Europe and the US are clearly stronger than them. I remember watching that match at WCG and it had nothing to do with Sieg being broken The Sieg player, I think it was pantocrator, was just clearly on a completely different level skill wise and the Japanese players clearly did not know the match up properly considering how they tried to play it.
In Singapore, I and Chan think sieg is top 8. And the nerfs are well deserved.

Because of wakeup 2A+B and 2B his guardbreak game was too broken. entry into BH B 44B BE K was just too stupid for a character that shouldnt do ridiculous damage. From namco's design i think they intended him to be a space monster, with a lot of control, which allows a high frequency of mixups... and to balance that they lowered his mixup damage.
@Anusone: You should try to get to some offline meetings if you can.
Thank Yeah I should do some offline meeting but atm I been busy and considering about using Natsu as my 2nd main, so I look forward to get some training off my friendz, and yeah if any offline all welcome meetup next month let me know and pass me detail, I be there! and you can check out my Madcatz SCV arcade stick.
@ShenYuan: I'm not sure that I would place Sieg top 8, though I would definitely agree that he is not as bad as lots of people were saying he was. That said, I don't understand why they didn't fix some of the basic hit detection problems that he suffered. I don't even really mind the 2A+B change because at least now I know when it will miss. Previously, I've had it go right through people under different situations. Concrete changes are much better because at least then we know what we're dealing with. I wouldn't really say he was all that nerfed either - in fact, based on some of the rumours that were going around, I'd say he got off lightly. All I want is for his moves to have consistent properties so that I know what will happen when I use them.

On that note, I'm a little annoyed that there doesn't seem to be a fix for Raph's 22B hitting people and then leaving them right next to you in a position where pretty much every move you have will miss. That was annoying and it seemed like you were actually being punished for hitting them, which is bizarre to say the least.

Also, are you and the other guys from Singapore heading over to Evo?
MAybe he's not top 8. i haven't seen enough of other characters honestly, but he's placing on the tiers is going to go up now, especially because there's been an overall nerf, and like you said, he got of very lightly.

I haven't really bumped into situations where my move whiffed actually; maybe when i play more i will see.

2 Siegs on the japanese nationals and will be going to vegas, and that's quite interesting

The Raph 22B thing is really really annoying. lol

We are going to evo... an army. yeah. :D you coming? if you are spend some time in Singapore around May/June and I'm sure you'd have a good time.
Hi everyone. Did TERRIBLE in the tourney. Beyond bad. Yes, went 2 and out as expected. I did play a lot of casuals though and was doing surprisingly good though. Either way, it was a mad experience. And because of the high level I had the opportunity to witness in Europe, I want to play the game. And play it for real REAL.

So when is next session? I'm in Brisbane this weekend for a friend's wedding but after that I'm good. I want to get better and I want real players to help me improve not like that faggot Bailey. Because he is a faggot.
Anything happening this weekend? By the way, I've been looking at the Raph forums. Why Namco? His 22B now gives pretty much nothing. LOL. It's not like he's broken, so why take away the move that allows him to compete damage wise against everyone else? LOL.

@FaYd: Nice to hear that you got some good casuals in. I don't know when the next session is, but if you come along, I'm sure everyone will be willing to help you improve - heck we all need to improve, if only to make sure that we kick the crap out of the people from Melbourne.

On that note who is going to Melbourne for the CW stuff?
I don't think I'm meant to play this game with you guys.

Seriously. I'm in Brisbane this weekend and the next weekend you guys are at CW. FUCK.
@FaYd Hey FaYd tell us about the exp. in Europe, how long was the trip and how the hotel? and how many day u stayed? what happen after the tournament?? and did you get to meet Kayane?? and do you get any gift?
Hey FaYd tell us about the exp. in Europe, how long was the trip and how the hotel? and how many day u stayed? what happen after the tournament?? and did you get to meet Kayane?? and do you get any gift?

Too much stuff to write it up. Will fill you in at the next meet. All I'm gonna say it was an amazing experience.