Tales Games/Offical Thread


[09] Warrior
Well, with the release of Graces f next week, i wanted to make a tales thread. As i am a huge tales fan myself, i wanted a thread were other tales fans could post about there favorite game, characters, story, battle system of the series.

If you ask me what my favorite tales game, it would he tales of the abyss for sure. Great and memorable story along with great characters. Be sure to tell us your favorite.

Also, please remember to mark spoilers!
Where's my Tales of Xillia? And Tales of Vesperia for PS3?
Idk, im about to go knocking on bancos door! After seeing that xillia sold 740,000 units, i want that sh*t localized! As for vesperia, im not sure about sales but i loved it on 360, i would so buy it on ps3 again! Well i think it depends on how good graces f sells....
Well Ves on sony's system was considered one of the best Tales games ever in japan lol. The amount of stuff added was amazing.
I want them to remake Tales of World from PSP, where you could actually make your own guy, moveset and team. It just needs a story.
Well I got Xillia it was ok. The battle system was epic but the boss battles were.... well sub par for the fact you cant combo bosses like how you could in a traditional tales game. My favorite tales would be vesperia but Destiny remake to me is the highlight when it came to the battle engine.
Unfortunately I won't be able to get Tales of Graces anytime soon because I don't have a PS3. :/ My first Tales game was Tales of Symphonia. It's been one of my favorite games ever since. I also have Tales of the Abyss for PS2, but I lose my memory card so I haven't been able to continue playing it and I really don't feel like starting over. :/ I also have Tales of Phantasia for the GBA, but I didn't really play much of it. I haven't played it in years, so maybe I'll attempt it again some time soon. Tales of Symphonia II:Dawn of the New World is a disappointment to say the least. The gameplay itself is fine, but the story is...meh. New characters weren't any that I found myself particularly attached to.
Man, I love this series. Final Fantasy gets the press but Tales has the mojo. I have Tales of the Abyss but never took it out of the shrink wrap. Same with Tales of Symphonia 2. I'm currently playing Tales of Graces F after my nightly SC5 bouts.
Man, I love this series. Final Fantasy gets the press but Tales has the mojo. I have Tales of the Abyss but never took it out of the shrink wrap. Same with Tales of Symphonia 2. I'm currently playing Tales of Graces F after my nightly SC5 bouts.
Abyss is arguably the best imo. It's sort of annoying at first, but it has some of the best action and flow of em all.
I Have Intresting News Guys! Appearently xillia is trade marked in europe,meaning it might get localized. After selling 750k in japan i could see this becoming the most successful tales game if released WW

Man, I love this series. Final Fantasy gets the press but Tales has the mojo. I have Tales of the Abyss but never took it out of the shrink wrap. Same with Tales of Symphonia 2. I'm currently playing Tales of Graces F after my nightly SC5 bouts.
I bought abyss on 3ds and i dont even own a 3ds yet! I knew it would become hard to find later....
Well I got Xillia it was ok. The battle system was epic but the boss battles were.... well sub par for the fact you cant combo bosses like how you could in a traditional tales game. My favorite tales would be vesperia but Destiny remake to me is the highlight when it came to the battle engine.

Comboing bosses in Xillia isn't nearly as bad as it was in Graces F. I don't know what went on in their heads in making several bosses even harder than they originally were in the Wii version. Doesn't help that Graces has a fairly lousy battle engine, whereas Xillia nailed a good balance and made it a bit fairer with how players could deal with bosses that were stagger immune or difficult to stagger.
I finished Tales of Graces f over the weekend and although it was good I liked Symphonia and Vesperia better. Graces is the first one in the series that I don't feel like going through again.
I finished Tales of Graces f over the weekend and although it was good I liked Symphonia and Vesperia better. Graces is the first one in the series that I don't feel like going through again.
Overall i enjoyed graces f but I enjoyed the battle system a lot, xillia looks promising but i heard the game feels rushed....

Only own Vesperia so far, havent played it in a long time. However, I think the animation and story is pretty good.
You should play graces f, its pretty good but tales of the abyss and symphonia were better
I started Tales of Symphonia 2 tonight. I don't think I can take much more of Emil. I'm hoping he cuts himself and bleeds out.
I finished Tales of Graces f over the weekend and although it was good I liked Symphonia and Vesperia better. Graces is the first one in the series that I don't feel like going through again.

Team Destiny games are like that. To be honest, I generally don't play Tales games immediately after beating them, so I always go for a perfect/near-perfect run, insomuch as getting everything I want.

As far as Graces is concerned, it's not the best use of Team Destiny's CC system, but its decent enough. ToDr is about the best one to utilize it, though even that game has its fair share of stupid bosses.

Xillia's not a bad game. Its major issues are its story from Milla's perspective - gaping plot holes can make it difficult to figure out what happened and why. As far as its battle system goes, its almost as good as Vesperia's. There aren't as many Link Artes for the supporting cast as there could be and most of the class lacks the depth and distinctiveness that Vesperia's cast has. Most of them just don't feel quite as fun as Vesperia's characters do, there's some flaws with the battle engine too, and it probably has to do with the game being rushed. Although to be fair, the only aspect of Xillia that feels rush is the latter parts of the story.

Xillia's not a bad effort for the team who brought us Tales of Hearts. It attempts to incorporate a lot of the elements from the previous two teams that made previous Tales games great, but I gotta say, I think Vesperia was better.

Just for background, I've played every Tales game that's ever made it to the US and even some of the Japanese Tales games like ToDr, and ToD2. I've played Phantasia on SNES, PSX and GBA; and I played Symphonia, Eternia, Legendia, Vesperia and Abyss.
WTF is Legendia? I heard that was a myth and it was so terrible that it was cancelled before production.

No wait..... it was released, and the masses had to suffer through that piece of shit.
Team Destiny games are like that.

I had to look up what you were talking about. I never realized different teams produced different entries to the series and that my favorites came from Team Symphonia specifically.

That explains a whole lot.
I had to look up what you were talking about. I never realized different teams produced different entries to the series and that my favorites came from Team Symphonia specifically.

That explains a whole lot.

Yeah, the original team for Tales came from a group called Team Wolfpack. They eventually left Namco to form Tri-Ace and created Star Ocean and other series. In a way, Tales and Star Ocean are cousins of sorts. The remaining team members of Team Wolfpack eventually made Tales of Destiny and formed a subsidy called Tales Studio and began working on Tales of Eternia and Tales of Destiny 2. They later became known as Team Destiny. Team Symphonia is made up of former developers who worked on the original Soul Calibur for Dreamcast and produced Tales of Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia. Though there were two different teams within Tales Studio, they often colluded and switch team members. Its more important to recognize that Higuchi was the director and head of Team Symphonia.

For what its worth, Team Destiny games are fairly good, but not particularly on the level of quality that Team Symphonia produced in the latter years. I have to say, though, ToDr is really impressive with its expanded characterization, combat system and more. As of right now, the most popular Tales game seems to be Vesperia and Xillia - which was not made by either Team Destiny or Team Symphonia - seems to be keeping up. Given time, we may see where Xillia stands in popularity as the years pass.
Banco has reported 200k sales for graces f in the US. They said they have big plans for the series :D

WTF is Legendia? I heard that was a myth and it was so terrible that it was cancelled before production.

No wait..... it was released, and the masses had to suffer through that piece of shit.
Legendia wasnt that bad :x some fans loved it lol..
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