Tekken 2010 Movie

wasnt there a peter jackson halo movie? i'm sure i saw a trailer?
not heard of a tekken movie, but according to the fighting game into movie tradition, tekken movie will be an almighty peice of shit XD look forward to it.
wasnt there a peter jackson halo movie? i'm sure i saw a trailer?
It eventually got canned because Microsoft is very protective of the property and that doesn't mesh with the "LOL! We need to make this shit!" mentality Hollywood approaches a property like this with. (A mentality which Jackson wholly embraces as well given how he crapped all over LotR.)

not heard of a tekken movie, but according to the fighting game into movie tradition, tekken movie will be an almighty peice of shit XD look forward to it.

Just try to follow Tekken's storyline. There's nowhere for it to sink. It already makes no sense and has no discernible focus.

Looks pretty damn accurate so far.
lol peter jackson gave life back to LOTR and immortalized it.

on that note i heard that the halo movie got scrapped and they used the weapon designs for section 9, which was fucking badass. i don't know if that's true though.

and lets hope on all hopes that there is never a damn tekken movie.
I'm sorry - Peter Jackson "crapped all over LotR?" Whaaaaaaaat?

It's not really news. Gandalf spinning on his ear, TT utterly sucking. (He messed up Rohan, pissed on Helm's Deep, failed with the Ents, and had Strider kissing a horse.) Turned Sauron into a one eyed monster, totally mis-characterized Denethor, ruined Gimili across three films... Abused the hell out of choppy ass panning shots.

LotR was never in need of "life" nor do the films hold up.
I would say you're one of the very few people in the world who believe that.

Nah. As I see it, if you like the books, you know the movies messed them up rather than "improved" them. Heck, it'll become cool to hate the movies once Red Letter Media gets around to doing his LotR reviews.

Just take Helm's Deep for example. It was an extremely tense high stakes fight in the book. You never got that sense in the movie. Instead you have random elves and Xtreme warfare involving using a shield as a surfboard etc.
Nah. As I see it, if you like the books, you know the movies messed them up rather than "improved" them. Heck, it'll become cool to hate the movies once Red Letter Media gets around to doing his LotR reviews.

Just take Helm's Deep for example. It was an extremely tense high stakes fight in the book. You never got that sense in the movie. Instead you have random elves and Xtreme warfare involving using a shield as a surfboard etc.

Yeah it lacked the epic feeling. Though the Movies couldve been much worse. Imagine if Michael Bay did them? EXPLOSIONS! ZOMG MORE EXPLOSIONS!
Yeah it lacked the epic feeling. Though the Movies couldve been much worse. Imagine if Michael Bay did them? EXPLOSIONS! ZOMG MORE EXPLOSIONS!

Heh. I dunno. Would Bay tack on a love story, (yeah, it was mentioned as an afterthought in the appendix... Definitely an important story to bring into the movie. Pfft.) and have Gandalf spinning around on his ear? Bay would've generated an interesting wizard duel at least.