The Patch of Justice! (v1.02 discussion)


I will show you...
  • :B+K: (Saintly Noble): launches opponent higher on normal hit.
  • :6::6::B+G: (Heroic Knee Punishment): decreased damage (35→25).
  • :6::6::B: (Justice Strike): fixed tendency for :6::6::B+K: (Rhadamanthus Punish) to miss

Small list, and of course you can immediately "observe the obvious"™. With 66B+K "fixed", let's hope that means a bigger hitbox so it's both distance and angle problems are history.

The knee nerf isn't a big deal. If we're honest, most random encounters aren't really attempting to escape the damage, anyways. It should still wall splat for extra damage and meter (236k), rings out and has tech traps.

B+K an excellent high crush with great guard damage. I often close in with 66A (-6 on block) which is perfect for B+K, as it will tech crouch quick enough to duck any high in the game. It should now always launch high enough for CE to connect, is what I believe the intention is. You could have a whole discussion on just that - if this combo is even true on NH or CH against various character models and ring locations.

We could go on about fixes we wish we had... such as 6BBB, if the first hit would force stand so the move isn't unsafe on hit on a crouching opponent. But a wishlist at this point would be just seeing another patch, perhaps.

I'm excited to test 66B+K to see if anything really changed about it. Throwing it out during different stuns might present new combos or tech traps. We'll definitely want to see "how" they fixed it and test accordingly.

Any thoughts?
I like the improvement to B+K and fixed 66B+K consistency, but what I'm really excited about is the universal backdash nerf. That's going to be a huge help to Pat.
B+K to CE works but it just required certain timing. Now I want to know what you can truly follow up with after the hit. Can her 236B after it now? Can he 236K? How high are you truly launched. we will know tomorrow n_nx.
Ce always enter
Without ce i can put just 2b idk If something else enter, 236b doesn't work
So far I see nothing new as far as tech traps using 66B+K, etc. Few new ideas however, even tho they prob existed before patch.

Backstep is way slowed down on start. You don't even need 66B to get them now, but as Brewtus said... MURDER 'EM!

Sadly, 66B+K still misses rarely in corners and situations where you get terribly misaligned. I guess that's just the nature of the beast.
236 B doesnt work? i could have sworn ive hit that earlier today but that could have just been because the clown i was playing wasnt air controlling.
The 66B+K buff is awesome considering you're going to get a lot of tip hit 66B... Fuck tech traps. It should also make it easier to hit confirm moves into 66B+K. Someone test to see if that change gives tip hit 66B 66B+K combos or if you have to change a combo based on that spacing

I'm actually going to start playing him again now because I said I would if he got a way to smash people for backstep... Because 66B is a way to SMASH backstep! So now you get to force people to decisions at advantage like, 6BBB if they want to push buttons 66B for backstep and 44A for sidestep and all of them are going to murder a health bar if they hit you as long as you can CH confirm 44A into CE... Which you don't want to do on the hitspark, you want to watch for them to sidestep or even just do anything after you hit the button and if they do pop off.

If they feel turtling will win once you scare them from attacking or moving 1B/4K/1K will make them cry.

I really feel like this character just shot up to A tier or better now that he can hurt people for backstep.
Looking into B+K closer. I'm able to link 236B and 3B sometimes when B+K is started as close as possible to the opponent. Seems impossible if there's space between you and the opponent. B+K seems completely consistent on comboing into super though.

I've played quite a few matches today with the patch, mostly against CPUs in quick battle since I don't have xbl and I want dem titles, but my 66B to 66B+K did not get misaligned even once. Seems to be a lot more consistent on tipped 66B for sure.
Kissing-distance B+K isn't difficult to land, either, to net the 236B/3B follow-up considering that if you're crushing a high with it, chances are their high steps towards you, thus making the hit very deep. I did notice 3B lands deep right after the patch came out, but didn't toy with it much. I'll have to lab 236B because that could become a very sick anti-high combo.
i got 66b+k to whiff after a 66b near the wall. its funny because the first hit of 66b+k hit the opponent behind pat then 2nd part whiffed. this charecter is badass imo. I feel his distance is still going to be an issue and will scare a lot of people away from him. pat gets really fun when you start incorporating jg's and gi. after a good jg or a gi 66b is guranteed (barring regi). jg 66b 66b+k 66a+b gives a 1/2 bar of meter, awesome lol.

also not sure if this is news but 236k wall slams on short walls. 3b is will launch after w!.
Yeah I'm going give him another shot after NCR. Keep in mind though he's still weak to 2A, as 6BBB doesn't CH combo crouching opponents, and the lack of range may make it miss against some attacks at some spacings. At +2 to +4 you have to 4K or BB, which aren't that scary and can be backstepped or sidestepped. Well there are other things you can do... but 2A forces you to do more than just 66B, 44A, 6BBB, or run-in mixup when you're at advantage.

Pat can still be spaced out I think, just not as easy as before where if you got hit and you were left standing, you could just backstep and be safe.

Outside of that, there's no easy way to escape these mixups. 66B will punish early GI attempts and JGs done the unsafe way. This combined with the fact that his mixup is super safe while being damaging (pushing the mixup is actually in his favor) makes him super strong.