The SC Revival Thread


[10] Knight
Attempt number two. This is the other thread for the other cause that is noted in my signature.

Jaxel I think u need to calm down ur mods. In this case Ramon as he is not doing a good job and is abusing his priveleges. Since u are the owner of this site it is fact that what u want goes but I ask are u allowing unjustifed thread locks to go on. If so can u please inform me in this thread and I will scrap both my threads. If not u need to inform Ramon to keep his ridiculous thread locks/post deletions in the Sophitia forums where people are scared to post.

M0-T3MP35T said:
BABY: Ayo! What up boi...glad to hear you're back on the scene.

*sigh*...This game wouldn't need a revival if key people in the community wouldn't post so selfishly and irresponsibly. It's down right reckless...but nobody cares when it matters. They don't realize that the online community pretty much = the community. That being that the game is so niche and everything they say and do makes an impression on people trying to get into the game seriously or stay once they're in. The SC community is like a moth to a flame....forever destroying itself because it refuses to learn from the past mistakes of itself and others. This happened with SC2 (towards the end of its life), SC3, SC4 and if Namco's future installments aren't 100% perfect with no bad glitches/character balance issues (very rare for a fighting game...especially one w/o arcade support), to the point where people can enjoy the game minus the melodrama that comes with the community that's already'll happen again. Stop blaming Namco every other year and look in the mirror. I'm not posting to rant, or to sound like a broken record...i'm just sayin, I don't know why you all are trying to convince people to stay in a community that is disfunctional. Why would anyone want to stay in this abusive relationship? now organizers are forced to bribe people into playing again. Really?? I spoke with Noface via text and I agreed (and Aris apparently) to go to a tournament with $500 garunteed...and decided to come on the boards and see what's up with this. Make no mistake...I would be playing for the money and I think I know Aris enough to say that he would too. While I appreciate what Ramon and everyone else is trying to do here...this is a truly fucked up state of affairs and it was totally unnecessary and aviodable. You telling me I gotta play for money now that I can't play for the love of the game...because of certain people in community? Nevermind Namco not updating the game consistantly. IMO, they did their part with the first couple of updates...then they left the community to govern itself with a pretty good game and you all dropped the ball with that macho, man up or get out shit. Now you mad because people left/are leaving?? ROFLGTFOASAP. What's worse is that you didn't care when people that actually were good at the game, cared to get better and were passionate about it, left...and now you're just trying to get people to play so a game that you enjoy for whatever reason doesn't die out completely and god forbid, you get lonely and have to play with yourself. Some I would even believe just want newbies and scrubs to continue playing to continue to add more money to the pot...some of yall are that selfish. Man up?? Some of you aren't men at all. Especially in the face of a "top player". Following suit and all that...

I said it before and i'll say it again. It's not Hilde that's the's the community and it's inability to compromise for the sake of everyone playing the game. You guys are worreid about "scrubs" quitting and asking them to stay...while in the same breath calling them fucking scrubs. LOL. Yeah, that's encouraging :/. Now you're all like ok, ok...we'll ban Hilde to give you some incentive. Again...ITS NOT ABOUT HILDE, and it never was. The people that have stuck with this game have been playing 2+ years WITH Hilde and Algol/SW/whoever because they respected the powers that be's ability to make a good decision concerning the well being of the community. Everyone with half a brain knew this game was gonna need some solid perimeters if the game was going to maintain some kind of competitive longevity...yet you all dropped the And after constant warning at that! My god. I love calibur, and I love certain friends I have met here over the years...but as a whole, fuck you guys. Seriously.

The SF commuinity and the Tekken community do well because they have structure and maturity. The organizers/heads/OG's of those communities can talk about these issues in a diplomatic fashion and give the people what's best instead of what they think they want, while at the same time empathetically respecting the community's views, concerns and opinions on matters that effect the future of the game. But above all else, once again...the game lives and dies by it's community, and it's ability to make decisions for the good of itself. The people that make the decisions in other FG communities aren't biased because they place at tournemnts like the SC community. Mr. Wizard, Castel and the likes don't even compete anymore, maybe that's why they can make sound decisions. I mean, didn't Jaxel make this site to get away from all that elitest, some > all, bureaucratic mentality? That's the impression he gave with all that drama at looks like either that wasn't the case and the site is either just poorly managed, has no worthwhile direction/mission or exists mainly out of spite. No hate on Jaxel...but this is just like a PG'er version of what caliburfourms was underneath all the tears. Same issues, new site. I say all of that just to say that this community is stuck on stupid and will continue to be and NEVER floursih unless it grows up. It doesn't take a leader and it doesn't take Namco to care... it takes you.
SC Free Discussion thread regarding community related problems

there really is nothin to talk about anymore. mods are lame though, this ain't a paid job (unless ur Jaxel) so who gives a shit. yall never heard of laissez faire. for sc5, only atlanta, france, and DR players should have a say in what gets banned, then things would run smoothly.
SC Free Discussion thread regarding community related problems


SC Free Discussion thread regarding community related problems

For the past few days, I have been seeing threads talk about the same shit over and over again. I'm all for free discussion, but you guys aren't really discussing shit. Plus this thread has already been trolled, so I can expect it to be locked soon.

And right now you have this thread with a big ass quote with nothing to discuss. If you have something you want to discuss, just say it.

My suggestion is to stop worrying so much about threads being locked and SC5 and just go play Calibur. There will be plenty of time to discuss SC5 when it comes out.
SC Free Discussion thread regarding community related problems

For the past few days, I have been seeing threads talk about the same shit over and over again. I'm all for free discussion, but you guys aren't really discussing shit. Plus this thread has already been trolled, so I can expect it to be locked soon.

And right now you have this thread with a big ass quote with nothing to discuss. If you have something you want to discuss, just say it.

My suggestion is to stop worrying so much about threads being locked and SC5 and just go play Calibur. There will be plenty of time to discuss SC5 when it comes out.

It was being discussed in the original SC Revival Team Thread which got locked. One thing thats interesting about that quote is that 2 of the people going to the tournament (Mo-tempest and Aris) that IdleMind invested money in are going for the money it seems. So I imagine immediately following that one tournament the scene will be back to where it is in SoCal. Though that entire posts has a number of different points.

I never did understand one thing about this website though. Why is it that threads get locked but the troll posts clearly lobo since he also posted that super irrelevant nonsene in the other thread I linked to a in my first post as well never get deleted.

Threads get locked. Troll posts never get deleted. Should be 8wayrun's motto. Since I assume that's gonna be the case again here. Whatever both threads canceled. Do whatever
SC Free Discussion thread regarding community related problems

It was being discussed in the original SC Revival Team Thread which got locked. One thing thats interesting about that quote is that 2 of the people going to the tournament (Mo-tempest and Aris) that IdleMind invested money in are going for the money it seems. So I imagine immediately following that one tournament the scene will be back to where it is in SoCal. Though that entire posts has a number of different points.

I never did understand one thing about this website though. Why is it that threads get locked but the troll posts clearly lobo since he also posted that super irrelevant nonsene in the other thread I linked to a in my first post as well never get deleted.

Threads get locked. Troll posts never get deleted. Should be 8wayrun's motto. Since I assume that's gonna be the case again here. Whatever both threads canceled. Do whatever

Here's what I saw. The SC Revival Thread did not have a new post in it for weeks until it was revived with more ban talk which should have went into another thread. Then that thread got to a point where it went way off topic.

These troll posts should be immediately deleted, especially in the offline thread for Soul Calibur. It's funny but doesn't contribute to anything and just makes this site look like a joke.

Of course there is people that is going to the tournament that Idle is investing in just for the money. If they loved Calibur and still played competitively, then there would be no need to. I'm hoping this will get them to go back to having fun and competing at this game.

I would say more, but I already wasted enough time writing posts that eventually get deleted. Keep playing that Calibur.
Wit the different persona's involved this site will have 50/50 serious & non serious people and those in between who just don't care and follow their own notions. For the most part people look at this site as a joke you would think some of these mods were getting paid the way they lock and close threads
Aiight. So here's your chance to go back to serious discussion. Let's see how it goes.
The SF commuinity and the Tekken community do well because they have structure and maturity. The organizers/heads/OG's of those communities can talk about these issues in a diplomatic fashion and give the people what's best instead of what they think they want, while at the same time empathetically respecting the community's views, concerns and opinions on matters that effect the future of the game.

I feel this is the only part of Tempest's post I can comment on.

The part about the leaders of different fighting game communities making the decisions yet respecting the views of the community is a good point. Its not some ideal unattainable goal that this community can't reach, not by a long shot. Even though all the tears/bans/etc. people are still coming here on this site to see what is up with the community. The one major thing that I think can screw up the "respecting the community's views, concerns and opinions part" is the closing/deletion of serious threads.

The one glaring example of this is when Oofmatic's SCV thread got closed. I was reading it when he posted it and was half expecting another sarcastic how to beat "insert banned char here" thread. Instead it listed he view on what should and shouldn't be ban with common counter arguments listed in the first post. I was litteraly like "holy shit its a serious constructive topic" and even though the topic title said "SCV" that doesn't mean that the points within couldn't be applied to SC4/other FG games as well.

I even half remember some people posting up some good responses, particularity Vincent saying something, but I cant remember now since THE ENTIRE THREAD mysteriously disappeared. Not locked. Some "poof" type shit.

Even the other threads which people were getting heated/interesting in "SC revival thread/SC needs to move on thread" was locked, which does what exactly? People would not post as much as they did if they did not have something to say. Yes there were many trolls/flames/banlalala/garbage in the threads but there were good points in there as well. Why the hell are these threads being locked/"poofed" instead of just deleting the garbage? I remember in one of the deleted threads Mikosu posted saying he was thinking about locking the topic but didn't because it was a good source of discussion on the site...good or bad I dunno, but it wasn't MEANINGLESS AT ALL.

If all of these threads keep getting silenced where the hell are people going to talk about this stuff. Yeah...they have been talking about "insert controversial topic" forever, I get it but I would think its better to have some semblance of discussion than to have the whole site be like the SC4 Online topics...dead god no.

At the very least if these topics stay open people will have the chance (key word) to learn from past mistakes/other people views. If people (we?) fuck up again, fine, at least it won't be because people were afraid to point out what was going on.

If i'm off base with any of this then please say so, I started rambling in the middle somewhere.
With SF and T6, what's there really that needs to be decided upon or issues that needed to be discussed? Nothing. So all that is left is people just playing the game.

Unfortunately, that's not the case for Calibur. It would help if this game was released in the arcade first, but what can you do.

The thread Oof made had some good points, but the topic was for discussing bans in a game that isn't coming out no time soon. When the game does come out, no one is going to follow whatever guidelines were decided upon. Plus it doesn't matter because tournament organizers are going to set rules how they see fit, so really, all that discussion in the end is pointless.

I'm not a fan of threads being hard deleted. As much as I would rather not see another thread on discussing bans, it's not like there is anything else to talk about. If there were posts in violation, those posts should have been removed and not the entire thread deleted.

Also, heated discussion is a good thing. As long as it doesn't turn into a trollfest with people attacking each other, it should not be stifled.

I also think that people need to spend less time focused on what goes on on this forum or judge this community solely on what's posted on here. Who cares. Play Calibur.

It's also time to move on from the ban talk and talk about other things.

My goal is to play Calibur and to have fun. This is a video game you know. Right now my scene gets together 2-3 times a week and the east coast is about to have it's 5th tournament in 6 weeks for Calibur. I want to see that go on across the country, but that's really up to those who make up that community locally and not what's said on a forum.

TL;DR: Play Calibur, have fun, play it offline, don't worry about what goes on the forum so much.
I think the point that is trying to be made is that as it is the community lacks organization and maturity, so we can either do nothing or learn from the past. Oofmatic's thread embraced this idea. If we have a set of guidelines as to how the community bans we are less likely to have issues. Yes there could be unforeseeable problems with future installments but at least if we have a frame of reference to begin with we can handle things better. Now this is not to say that if a new character is able to do a combo worth 75% health with an easy(relatively easy to land)/safe/unstepable/spammable poke(this is assuming no other characters have something of the same degree) people can start going around saying that doesn't break any rule therefore it should be allowed and anyone who disagrees is a whiner and is free to leave. Situations such as that are pure BS and should not be allowed.

Also the other thing mentioned about having appointed unbiased individuals with the communities best interest from different regions deal with rules on banning and any similar issues is a brilliant idea. I said this before but a forum full of people will never all agree on anything. This is the source of all the trolling and worthless input into important topics. People will sit there and yell at each other until half the people quit the game, the side still there will rejoice in their "victory" while the community suffers the loss of good players.

The community can avoid or at least attempt to avoid these issues if we prepare now rather than just seeing how things go once the next game comes out. I sincerely thing this will allow the community to grow rather than making it seem like a frustrating environment to be a part of.
I think most of the issues don't revolve around the organizers or the community but the creators themselves, Project Soul.

The Tekken community don't have many problems at all because most of their ports are straight from the arcade.

If I remember correctly (it's been a long time and wasn't really active for Tekken then) Gon was banned for T3 console tournaments. Tekken Tag was straight, T4 too, T5 DR Jinpachi was banned and now in T6 is straight too.

Not too many problems there so the Tekken people don't need to bother themselves with these issues and just play the game.

The Soul series have problems here and more when the team changed from SC2-SC3. Abandoning the arcade roots IMO was a big mistake and the guests and lack of arcade patching sure shows in the ports.

I have the blessing of still having SC3AE verB. 5 minutes from home and I am still bothered that this isn't the version that I could play at home.

TLDR-Project Soul gives the Soul players a very tough draw and situations with all the bonus, guests and shenanigans that other games don't need to bother with and on top of that there are balance issues as well to address. The leaders and organizers are only human and will I may not agree with some decisions, I don't feel is fair to just point the finger and burn them at the stake. Project Soul needs to deliver a solid game like AE and cut the shenanigans and the situation will definitely improve IMO.
I agree that if there were no technical issues with the game things would be run so much smoother. Nothing would make me happier than having a perfect game out the box. I'm still hoping for someday having some real communication between namco and the comunity. But while things are the way they are if there are issues with game the community should approach it maturely and try to prevent chaos. If SC5 comes out and it's perfect, great. But just in case we should prepare to deal with in game issues early.
Offline, there is no chaos. The chaos is just on this forum.

As long as two people disagree on anything, there will be issues. And no one needs to be appointed because no one is going to listen to them, plus there is nothing for them to do.

The Hilde/Algol ban came about on the east coast a year into the game when most people stopped holding or going to tournaments and was voted overwhelmingly to implement by those who came to that tournament. We've been using it for months now and I don't see how it's not anything but a success. Saturday will be our 5th tournament in 6 weeks for SC4. The proof is in the pudding baybee!

All people need to do is play Calibur, have fun playing it, and bring their ass to a tournament. That will bring about a revival.
i am waiting for ATL to have something happen, with or without a ban, i don't really care at this point. i'd just like to play.
Even if issues aren't discussed they don't disappear. When top ATL players quit the game cause of Hilde and the community maintained the "wait till Nats/evo", that's a serious problem. The community doesn't improve if good players walk away. The community needs numbers and new players to join but it's important that we keep top players like KDZ, SU, RTD, thugish etc etc. This is not to say that top players can decide whatever the hell they want and screw everyone else. If Hilde was banned from the start, sure people would complain about kilik, amy and maybe voldo and if nothing was done about those characters perhaps some lower level players would leave but we wouldn't be losing top players over it.

Keeping the hype for the game going is another issue all together. Suppose one region can decide to ban hilde/algol for tourneys but every major tournament/nats/evo will be allowing them. This defeats the purpose of a community. If everyone does there own thing it'll just be like getting together with a few friends and having fun. The purpose of a community is to have a large sum of players from all over which builds hype. If no one plays by the same rules then that's not an achievable goal. I mean suppose in the NBA every conference had there own set of rules, wouldn't work quite as well as it does.

The idea is to leave the rules at a reasonable level. Yes some will not like some part of the rules but not all would quit. It would still be enjoyable by the majority of players.

real discussion? this is a joke. this is a pathetic joke. something-unique...perhaps sometime you will be capable of making a point yourself. when that happens maybe people will care. until then, starting a thread with nothing but a quote...and a bullshit quote that spits in the face of those actually DOING SOMETHING to improve the community..will be considered a joke.

look, here is the long and short of it. you are an idiot. you insult the people who spend their time and money to try and make a scene for a game that we all love. you bark and bark and bark and shit all over the carpet but do nothing to protect the house.

maybe some day you will realize that we are not all here to play for a few hundred dollars, and that some of us want to actually see a scene for the game exist in multiple places. until then, please oh please just sit back and watch. SU you have shit on jaxel's tournaments many times. you have shown many times over that you have zero respect for anything that cannot potentially make you a quick buck. now you have TWO large tournaments coming up, and you wish to shit on those working very hard, and putting their time and money into making them happen. hell one player offered to pay for you to go to france...and you were so stupid you called him a nobody and shit on that as well.

this thread was trolled for a reason. that reason has nothing to do with silencing dissenting opinions. this thread was trolled because you and your ego pumping idiocy are poison to us, and you are too stupid to see that.

so by all means, continue to disrespect the international community by proclaiming that you will not go to france to rep the USA unless it is financially beneficial to you...even though malek paid most of your way and americans offered to pay the rest. continue to rag on us in arizona and those in florida because we are trying to make a scene that is fun for everyone to compete in. continue to fluff your ego, please, so that the rest of us can have something to laugh at.
finally an entertaining post, helps keep me from falling asleep, it'll prolly be deleted tho, cause you're bein a meany. G-sides, you can go and play sc4 at a few places in atl, and everyone's at least a little more interested in playing the game now because hilde and algol are banned. just no tourneys here for it anytime soon i don't think (unless ur goin to gamme), but who really cares about tourneys anyways, casuals is where the fun is. Well, most of atl quit cause of tourneys being broken, but tourneys are only like 5% or less of anyone's actual playing time with the game so I don't really understand the logic. but let me know if u wanna get some games in at my place g-sides, or come to east point 2morrow and play, I'll prolly be there, just let me know.