This is what happens when politics meet education.

Basically what it boils down to is this, guys:

1. Democrats ALMOST have/had a supermajority. But they don't/didn't.

2. Even if they DID, the following problem would still screw them: A lot of those congressional democrats were elected in conservative districts. Once they're elected, their primary concern is to make sure they get RE-elected. Therefore, divisive issues (abortion, health care, etc) usually get skewed right instead of left.

3. Therefore, the 'majority' by the Democrats is an illusion - which is pretty much what I told my brother when he was thrilled with the 2008 election results. But did he listen to me? Noooooo.
Id say extreme political views and education just had a baby. Political veiws and emphisis on something is one thing, but Omiting events that we know that happened is just unexcusable. I mean if Jefferson gets ommited whats next? The french didnt help us in the revolutionary war? Or How we didnt hurt a soul when we took NA? How about The presidents we dont like? What about the 60's? I mean I could go on here. If we just omit things we dont like, then we are doomed to Ignorance.

Heres a phrase that comes to mind in all this: Fuck you whale!!! Fuck you Dolphin!!!!

And Chuck if we are going to talk overall politics: Democrats are pussys and Republicans are assholes. We need some dicks..........
This issue is just typical white republican bullshit. It's to be expected, what's retarded is that the Dems just walked out without challenging this shit.

Well the gist I got from reading the part in the article that said "the vote was 10-5 split straight down party lines" was that the Republicans hold a majority vote, and the Democrats can't do dick about it. They're just straight up outnumbered, so any votes that get split down party lines will automatically go towards your typical Republican Christian conservative "values."

Naturally these include shitting on Thomas Jefferson and Latinos in the same bill, all while promoting Christianity in the classroom and advertising for the NRA. Interesting thought, I wonder if the passing of this bill sees a new textbook company in another more liberal state gain prominence throughout the country? That would be a huge shift though, they're not kidding when they say most schools get their books from Texas.
Politics and education has always gone hand in hand.

True enough, I'm studying Art Education right now, and it's coming back into vogue again in schools now that people have realized what a steaming pile of shit No Child Left Behind was. However years from now when numbers are STILL down, and people STILL can't blame parents for doing a shitty job raising their kids, some politician will "demand accountability from the system!" and implement similar number crunching performance goals and more standardized testing. Art is ill suited for those kinds of mathematically measured results, and so it'll become less of a focus again for a while.

Then years after that, when people realize AGAIN that this just produces unmotivated kids who are conditioned to produce specific responses and unable to utilize critical thinking skills required in many workplaces......
All I know is that there's gonna be a larger demand for short busses after this.

It was already mentioned but again, this isn't gonna make anyone dumber. It'll just promote one set of values more strongly than the other. Although the reduction of cultural diversity part is probably the most disturbing, considering the nation is getting less and less white. Much to the chagrin of these Texas politicians, I suppose.
It was already mentioned but again, this isn't gonna make anyone dumber. It'll just promote one set of values more strongly than the other. Although the reduction of cultural diversity part is probably the most disturbing, considering the nation is getting less and less white. Much to the chagrin of these Texas politicians, I suppose.

Restrictive ideology lends itself to restrictive learning. While fine in it's embrace as an individual who coherently accepts, it dilutes the educational experience when it becomes standardize for all without choice, harming all who would not seek better options if presented.

Texas while known for it's high test scores is often given credit for superior education, but in it's constant attempt to present these values it has had dramatic consequences in terms of general intelligence that exceeds acing a scantron. Sex ed for example is sculpted around similar values and pushes for abstinence teaching in hopes it will lower STDs and pregnancy. However tests have proven time and time again that it raises them and yet they keep pushing for ideology over education. It's lack of real education that exposed these kids to these harsh realities and the same will be said here. Racism and an even blinder patriotism to our countries flaws will be the future for some kids as now it lends itself to loosely related standard backed by law.

I think that justifies as retardation of our youths education and a dumber society. Liberalism and education goes hand in hand simply because it embraces diversity and allows others to find their own ideology and give a broader understanding of things. Conservatism seeks to only accept one core mind set and label everything else as incorrect, which would be fine except that one line of conservative thought will not be accepting to another and thus will create ignorance and prevent kids from thinking beyond the box their government saw fit.