Tira - Punishment List and Discussion


[10] Knight
General side step direction: right
3A -12: GS 4K
1A -17: wsK
6BBB -16: JS BB; GS 3A; JG 3B or duck second hit, SSR for backthrow
3B -16: JS BB; GS 3A
1B(BE) : JG 3B or duck second hit and wsK
wsB -12: GS 4K
3KK -6: Duck, wsB
1K -18: JS 4A; GS 4K
wsKA -16: JS BB; GS 3A
2A+B -22: JS 66A; GS 4A
B+K -14: JS A; GS 3A
8B+K : SSL and 3B, also whiff at close range
66A (BE) +6: JG or step 3B
22AA -12: Duck, wsB
33B -12: 4K
11B -14: JS AA; GS 4K
66K -16: JS BB; GS 3A. 3K at tip
11K -16: wsK
44KK -8: Duck, wsB
66A+B -12: 4K
66B+K -7: JS dash 66A, GS 2A+B after first hit
236AB -16: JS BB; GS 3A or SSR for backthrow
236B -20: 3B
236B (BE) -5: JG JS BB; GS 3A or SSR 3B (you change sides with opp)
236K -18: 3B
CE -20: 3BJG CE:
Jolly- iWR B.K.K 2K = 55 or 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

|Mixup opportunities|
Almost all Patroklos options leave him close enough on block to force a mixup.


General side step direction: right
Note: Wolf is GI’able
(A): Duck wolf, FC 2A (but with good timing everything is possible)
6A -14: GS BB
3AA -4: Duck, wsB
1A -20: JS 66A; GS 66B
4(A) +8: Step wolf, BB
(B) +2: Step wolf, BB
3B -16: JS BB; GS 3A
1(B) +2: Duck wolf, wsB
4B -14: JS AA; GS 3A
6K -12: GS AA
1K -16: JS BB; GS 3A
4KB -16: JS BB; GS 3A
A+B -16: 3K
8A+B -11: JG BB or 4K
4A+B -24: 3B (regular); JS 66A, GS 66K (hold)
6B+K series: JG ZWEI hit (same JG window on both), 3B
22A -18: 3B
44A -18: wsB
66BA -8: Duck second hit, wsB
33B -14: JS AA; GS 3A. Works for BE version too
22BB -15: JG or SSL 3B
44B +12: Step on reaction, 33B
11K -17: wsK
66B+K -24: 3B
BT A+B -16: 3K
214A -14: JS AA; GS 3A
3A (BE) -16: JG 3B; GS B+K; SSR 3B; wsK
4B (BE) -8: JG 3B. Delayed version can be stepped
1K (BE) +10: Quickstep, BB will stop ZWEI from doing anything
CE -31: Depends on range, 66B mostly
Jolly- 66B 66B BE BT B+K.B = 60
Gloomy- 3B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 101 or 3B 4A CE = 109

|Mixup opportunities|
3K -7
wsA, wsB, wsK, 44K -8
66A, 66K -9
8A+B -11
22K -12


General side step direction: left
AAB -15: JS BB; GS 3A
AAB (BE) +0: Step, 3B. You’ll manage to block if Leixia does a ground stun version
6(A) -14: 3A to beat ws options
3AA -8: JG AA or 4K
6BaB +4: Step on reaction, 3B
3B -13: JS AA; GS 4K
4BB -6: Step, 3B. You’ll manage to block ground stun
6KK -16: Step, 3B. On block, AA; GS 3A
1KK -2: 9K on reaction
A+B -14: JS AA; GS 3A
2A+B -22: wsB
4a+bB +4: Step, 3B
6BaB +4: Step on reaction, 33B
6B+K -6: JG AA or 4K
2B+K +11: JG 3B (close) or wsK (ground stun)
3B+KK -6: Step, 33B
FC 3bB +8: 9K on reaction
FC 2A+B -12: 9K on reaction
wsB -16: JS BB; GS 3A
wsA+B -18: On block –wsB; on hit – 9K
9K -14: JS AA; GS 3A
66AA -10: JG 3B
11AA -12: 9K after first hit both on block and hit
44aB +4: Step left on reaction, 33B
66B series: Step right (regular step, not quickstep), 3B
33BB -13: JG 3B. On block, GS 4K
44B -22: 66A
22K -16: wsK or GS 4K
22K series: JG third hit, 4K
Jolly- iWR B.K.K 2K - 58 or 4B+K.B 236K BE = 69
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

|Mixup opportunities|
2A, 6BA, 8B+K, 44(A) -6
1B+K -8
1B, 3A+B, 4A+B, FC 3B, wsA, 22A, 44A, 66K -10
However, 44B will evade all throw attempts.
Moves that counters 44B:
2B, 3K, GS 66B, 1A, JS 6AB, JS 2AB, 22A, 33B, GS 4A, GS 2A+B


General side step direction: right
AA6 -15: JS BB; GS 3A
A6 -14: JS AA; GS 3A
6AB -14: SSL 3B. On block, JS AA; GS 3A
6AB : Duck, wsB
3A -13: JS AA; GS 4K
1A -26: wsB
4A: 6K on hit, wsB on block
BBK -10: Duck, wsB or 6K
BB4A+B -8: 6K to interrupt
BK: Duck, wsB
3B -18: 3B
4B -14: JS AA; GS 3A
KKK -14: Duck, wsB
KK2K -14: FC 2A
3KKK -14: JS AA; GS 3A
3KKB+K: 3A
1K -14: FC 2A
4KK -14: FC 2A
8KA -18: 3K
A+B -12: 4K
6A+B: 6K, GS 2A to beat PO stuff
2A+B, 4A+B: 9B, 9K
wsAAA -18: 3B
66AB -16: 3K
66AB4: 3B on reaction
11A -3: wsB if you blocked first hit
66B -16: 3K
22B -12: GS AA; 4K
44B -12: GS AA; 4K
66K -16: JS BB; GS 3A
33K -2: Duck, wsB
22KA -18: 3B
22K into stances: K beats Possession and combos into 4K, GS 3A beats all but have no combo.
44K -17: wsK; GS 4k
66B (BE) +6: Duck, wsB
|PO stance|
PO A:6 -14: Duck, wsB. On block, AA
PO B +8: JG 3B
PO K -21: JS 66A; GS 3B
PO A+B: JG or SSR 3B
PO B+K -26: 66B
|HO stance|
HO A & B: Step right, 33B
HO A+B: Hold A+B and deal 65 damage for free
|WR stance|
WR A -14: AA
WR BBB: Hold A+B and deal 65 damage for free
WR K -8: Mixup opportunity
|DR stance|
DR A -6: Mixup opportunity
DR B -12: GS AA
DR KA: Same as 22K scenario
Jolly- 3B 66A.A = 50
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

|Mixup opportunities|
2BA, 6KA, FC 2A+B, wsK, 22A -6 (Be careful as she can easily interrupt you with A:6)
11K -7
6AK, 2A, 6B, K2, 2KK -8
FC 3KK, 8B -9
A+B -12, -21 (if she goes into PO)


General side step direction: right
6ABB -16: Duck seconf hit, wsB. JG or SSR third hit, 3B. On block, 3K
1A -16: wsK; GS 4K
4AB -30: Duck, wsB or GS 3B. GS 4A against single 4A and step.
4B -18: 3K
6K2 -30: 66A
3K -12: GS AA
A+B -16: BB. 1A to interrupt follow-ups
2B+K -30: JG dash JS 66A or GS 66K
wsA -12: 4K
wsBB -16: JG or SS 3B
8B -14: JS AA; GS 4K
66A series: Duck, wsB against 66AB. JG JS 66A or GS 66K against 66A2B
22AA -23: 3B
11A -20: 3B (far block); BT B+KB (close block)
44A -14: JS AA; GS 4K
66B: SS 3B. On block, JS BB or GS 4K
11B +7: JG 3B
11K -16: wsK; GS 4K
44K -12: 4K
66A+B +10: Duck, wsB
BB (BE) -6: SS 3B
CE -18: wsK; JS 4A
Jolly- 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

|Mixup opportunities|
3A, 1K, 2A+B, 8A -6
3B, 6K, 4K -8
1BBB, wsK, 44B -10
However, Ezio can evade you mixup with 4B. You can catch his evade with all of your long-rangstuff.


General side step direction: left
AB -14: JS FC 2A; GS 4K
1A -16: wsK; GS 4K
4A -16: JS BB; GS 3A
BBB -16: Last hit is steppable to the right for backthrow. Punish with BB or GS 3A
6BBB -16: Last hit is steppable to either side for backthrow. Punish with BB or GS 3A
236B -12: JS FC 2A; GS 4K
1K -16: JS BB; GS 3A
A+BA -12: JS FC 2A; GS 4K
33A -16: 3K
33B -16: wsK; GS 4K
11BB -12: FC 2A
44B -16: BB; GS 3A (close)
33KB -16: 3K
11K -16: wsK; GS 4K
66B+K -12: FC 2A; GS 4K
6BB (BE) -12: JG 3B; GS B+K (JS B+K will also work but you’ll lose decent amount of health). You can also step right for a free 33B
33K (BE) +8: JG 3B
CE -20: 3B
|PREP stance|
Note: Step left, block against stance is a safest way to beat it. GS 3B will beat all Prep options but will lose to SE transition. 33B will beat all but Prep K.
6A(B), 6B(B), 3(B), 4(B), 66(B) (this transition is +7, so you’ll have to learn to GS B+K on reaction), PREP A(B), PREP B(B)
PREP AB: Same as 6AB
PREP BBB -16: Last hit is steppable on block. Punish with BB or GS 3A
PREP K -16: BB
PREP A+B -22: wsK; JS 66A; GS 4A
PREP BB (BE): Same as 6BB (BE)
PREP K (BE): Duck, wsB
|SE stance|
Note: Stance is interruptable on reaction.
Transitions: PREP 2
SE A +0: JG BB
SE B +3: Steppable to either side, JG AA.
SE K -13: FC 2A
Jolly- iWR B.K.K 2K = 57 or 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67 or step right backthrow = 70
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92 or step right backthrow = 75

|Mixup opportunities|
2A, 1B, 3K, 4K -6
2B, 8A+B, 8K -8
6B+K -9
3A, 22K, 44K -10
6K, 8A, 66A, 22A -12
All throw attempts can be avoided with 44B. This move is easily stoppable and can be countered with the following options:
1A, 236K, 33B, 22A, JS 2AB, JS 66A, GS 66K, GS 2A+B, GS 1K, GS 44A


Note: orb is GI’able
General side step direction: right
ORB AAB -19: JS 66K; GS 3B
SET AAB +5: JS 6K; GS 3B
6AA -16: wsK; 4K
6AB -4: Duck, wsB
1A -20: wsB; GS 4B: B: B
ORB 4A -13: AA; 4K
SET 3B -14: AA; 4K
1B -20: 3B
1K -16: wsK
ORB A+BA -18: 3B
ORB 6A+B -19: 3B
SET 2A+B -19: JS 66A; wsK on close range
1A+B -21: wsB; GS 4B: B: B
ORB 8A+B -23: 3B
SET 8A+B -14: Step or JG orb, 3B
66AAB -6: Duck second hit, wsB. Works against 66AA too
ORB 33A -14: JG 3B
SET 33A -18: JG 3B. On block, wsK or JS 4A
ORB 22AB: JS 66K; GS 3A
SET 22AB: 6K
ORB 44AB -14: JG BB or GS 3A
SET 44AB -18: 3B
44B -14: JS AA; GS 3A or 4K
33K -13: AA; 4K
22KB: 3B between hits
44K -16: wsK
ORB 66A+BB -19: wsK, JS 66A or JG 3B
SET 66A+BB -22: 3B
SET A+B (BE) -7: 9B before orb
SET 44A (BE): JG second Viola hit, 3B
66K (BE) -7: Step orb, 3B

|Mixup opportunities|
6B, wsA -6
22B -7
3A, wsB -8
66K -9
4K -10


General side step direction: right
AK -14: JS AA; GS 3A
3A -14: GS A
1AA -22: 3B
4AAA -22: 3B, BE version last hit whiffs leaving her open for 3B
4AB -14: FC 2A; GS 4K
BK -10: Duck, wsB
6BK -14: FC 2A; GS 4K
3B -16: BB
2BB -20: 3B
4B +0: Duck, wsB
3KK -16: Step or JG. 3K on block
1K -16: wsK; GS 4K
B+K B -20: 3B or step for backthrow
6B+K -12: GS A
2B+K B -16: Block first two hits, then 3B
wsA+B -12: GS 4K. On hold version, SSR 3B
wsB+K -12: GS AA
11AA: FC 2A will interrupt string on block. AA or 4K for punish
33B -14: AA; 4K
66B (BE) +10: JG BB or 4K
22BAK: 4A after her jump
44B -14: JS AA; GS 4K
66K -15: JS BB; GS 3A
22kK -3: 3K on reaction
44KAB -16: 4A after first block
66B+K AB -16: Duck second hit, wsB
236AA -16: 9B between two hits. Works for BE version too
236B -16: JS BB; GS 3A
CE -20: 3B
Jolly- JG twice, step right 66B 66B BE BT B+K.B = 60 or JG twice, step right backthrow = 70
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92 or JG twice, step right backthrow = 75

|Mixup opportunities|
I will list options which leaves you no mixup:
3A, 1B, 4B, wsK, 3A+B, 44KB, 8B+K, 33A+B, 236K.
Otherwise just go for it.


General side step direction: left
AAB -14: Duck second hit, wsB
3A -14: JS AA; GS 3A (close)
1AA -16: wsK after first hit
BB series: 6K will shutdown all options but simple BB is safe
B4 +10: JG 3B
6B -18: 3B (close); 3K (tip)
1B -16: JS BB; GS 4K
3KKB -17: 3K after first hit or JG ender for 3B
2K -18: JS 4A; GS wsK
1K -14: FC 2A
4KK -14: Duck,wsB
A+BA -14: FC 2A; GS 4K
wsAA -23: wsB
wsK -14: JS AA; GS 3A
66A +11: Duck, wsB
44A +2: Duck, wsB
66B -22: JS 66A; GS 66B
22BB -18: JS 66A; GS wsK or JG 3B
44K -16: Duck, wsB
66A+B -16: wsK; GS 4K
BT BB -20: wsB
22KAAB: B can be stepped. wsK for punish
CE -22: JS 66B; GS 66K
|SBH stance|
Note: Stance have aGI that will repel all horizontals
AA(B) – Same as regular
(B) – Hard to react
2(B) – BB
2(A+B); 44(B) – FC 2A will only lose to aGI
SBH A -20: wsK
SBH B -7: Steppable to the right
SBH K -14: JS AA; GS 3A. Steppable in any direction
|SRSH stance|
Note: Mixup between SRSH B and SRSH K, both unsfe
ag(A) – BB, 3K on reaction
4(A) – 3B, Sieg can't step it from regular version
44(A) – Duckable on reaction
SRSH A +0: Hits high and duckable on reaction
SRSH B -21: 3B. Steppable to the left
SRSH K -22: wsB. Beats transition too
|SCH stance|
Note: Hori/vert mixup
BBA6 – Same as regular
3(B), ws(B), 66K (BE) – Transitions with -1 on block
22BB4 – Hard to react
11(B) – Transition with -6 on block, interrupt with AA for safety
44b~G – 3B on reaction
44B(B) – 3B. Punishes regular version too
22K(A) – Hard to react
SCH A -2: Anti step. JG gives you nothing. Can go into SSH on hold
SCH B +2: Steppable to the right
SCH KK -14: Second K is duckable but be aware of BE version. After single A use AA to interrupt. Steppable to any direction.
|SSH stance|
Note: No real mixup: SSK is i9, SSB is i27, SSA is i23
(A) – Hard to react
6(A) – TiWS A to beat SSH options and step after regular 6A
ws(A) – wsB on reaction
22KA(A) – Step and act accordingly
SCH (A) – Hard to react
SSH AA -17: wsK after first hit to beat everything
SSH BBB -18: Steppable after first B
SSH K -14: High. Punish with JS AA or GS 3A
Jolly- 66B 4A 4K = 47 or 66B 236K BE = 45
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

|Mixup opportunities|
6K -6
22A -8 (Requires a little dash)
11K, 4B -12


General side step direction: left
6AK series: SSL second hit, 3B
3A -13: AA or 4K. JG or SSR 3B against hold version
1A -18: wsB
BB -12: JG 3B
6BBB -16: Duck last hit, wsB
3B series: Same JG window, 3B
1B -17: wsK; GS 4K
1KK -13: AA
4KK: Use BB after first hit to either interrupt or punish
A+B -16: 3K (regular); JG 3B (hold)
2A+B -16: BB; GS 4K
2B+K -22: wsB
22AA +0: Duck, wsB
11A -16: wsK; GS 4K
22B +12: Step on reaction, backthrow; JG 3B
66A+B +5: JG 3B
3B (BE): JG or SSL 3B
66B (BE): JG or SSL 33B
CE -20: 3B
Jolly- 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

All level 3 charges can be answered with JG 3B.
|Mixup opportunities|
4A, wsA -4
2A, wsK -6
22K -7
2B, 66A -8
44A -10
44K -11


General side step direction: left
AA -12 /AAK -16: Duck second hit, wsB. On block, JS BB or GS 3A
6AK -6: To interrupt: GS BB, GS 3A or GS 2A. Hold 8 for Xiba to whiff (works on hit too).
3AB -4: Duck, wsB
1A -17: wsK or 9B on reaction
4A -13: AA (JS AA gets blocked on tip), GS 4K or duck on reaction.
BB -9: Step 3B (on block) or JG 3B (on hit)
6BK -6: To interrupt: JS 6AB, GS 2A. On JG BT B+KB or 3B depending on distance. Step left BE follow up after JG.
3BK -9: Duck, wsB
1B -16: wsK on close range
3K -15: JS BB; GS 4K
3kB -18: 3K
4KB -8: JG wsK
8K -14: JS AA; GS 3A
wsK -13: AA; GS 4K
A+B B K -6: 4A after B. Works for BE version too.
1_3 A+B -16: wsK
6B+K -12: GS A (second A will whiff); JG BB.
4B+K +2: JG 3B or QSL
FC 2A+B -8: JG AA
33AA -24: wsB; wsK on BE version.
22AB -16: JS BB; GS 3A; JG 3B. Safe at tip.
44 AA -5: 9B between two hits
66BBB -17: JS BB; GS 3A; JG second B then BB to either interrupt or punish string or SSR for backthrow
22B -16: JS BB; GS 3A. 3K at tip.
11B -14: 2K; GS 4K
66KB -16: Step and 3B. On block, JS BB; GS 3A
33KB -7: QSR, backthrow
22K -12: wsK
44K (BE) -5: JG 3B
BT B+K -16: BB; JG 3B
|REM stance|
3A(B), B(B), 3(B), 22A(B), B+K.
REM AK -15: JS BB; GS 3A
REM B -6: JG 3B
REM K -19: wsB
All rem options can be stepped right both on hit and block (even AK) and this grants you backthrow in case of REM K and 33B otherwise. If you have good reaction, you can try 6K or if you were ducking try wsB. You can't interrupt 3(B) transition this way though.
Jolly- 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

|Mixup opportunities|
2A -6
6K -7
4KB -8
66A -8
33AA -10 on hit
44B -4
44K -3


General side step direction: right
AA_(A): Duck second hit, wsB
6AK -2: Duck, wsB
6(A) -18: 3B
3(A) -18: 3B
1A -16: wsK
214A: Duck, wsB
BB -6: JG AA or 4K
(B) -20: 4A
bK -16: wsK; GS 4K
6B8_6B8K: 9K
6(B)2_4 -28: JG dash 66A
214B -14: AA
6KBK -11: 9K; 9A (to beat 6KB)
1K -20: wsB
1A+B -12: JS FC 2A; GS 4K
8A+BB -20: 3B (regular) || JS dash 66AA; GS 66K, JG 3B (hold)
4A+BB -22: JG 3B
B+K -2: JG 3B; Steppable on reaction
FC 1(B)B -18: 3B
ws(A) -16: JS BB; GS 3A
wsA+BA -3: Duck last hit, wsB
wsB+K -13: JG 3B
66(A) -16: 3K; JG 3B
11A -18: wsK
44(A) -22: 3B
22(B)BBB -16: wsK; GS 4K
44BBB -14: 3B
22K -20: wsB
44K -18: wsB
44A+B -14: AA on block. Steppable
44B+KB -14: Quickstep, 3B
9B -15: AA
6B8 (BE) -22: 3B
1B (BE) +12: JG 3B
66B (BE) -3: JG BB or GS 3A
22B (BE) +12: JG JS 66A; GS 66K

|Mixup opportunities|
3A, 2A, 4B, 66K, 9K -6
wsK -7
4A, 2B -8
wsB -9
2A+B -10
22A -12
Ivy can nullify your basic mixup completely with 3B or 214B.
Moves that counter that:
AA, 66A, JS 2AB, GS 2A, GS 1K, small dash throw


General side step direction: left
aB -18: 3B (close); 3K (tip)
3A -15: JS BB; GS 3A
1AB -24: 3B
4aBB -16: JS BB; GS 3A
BBB -16: Step or JG 3B. On regular block, wsK or 4K
bA -16: AA
6BB -14: Step, backthrow
3B -13: AA; GS 4K
1BB -12: JG 3B
4BK -14: Duck, wsB
6K -16: BB; GS 4K
1K -22: 4A
4KK -12: SSR 3B. On block, GS AA or 4K
3A+B -16: JS BB; GS 3A; JG 3B
8A+B: 3B
4A+B -20: Backthrow
2B+K -16: wsK; GS 4K
9B+K -14: FC 2A; GS 4K
4B+K -14: AA; GS 4K
wsAB -16: wsK; GS 4K
wsB -12: GS AA
wsK -12: GS AA
wsA+B -16: Step, 3B (change sides with opp)
wsB+K -58: 3B
66A -12: GS AA; 4K
33A -12: Duck, wsB
22AA -15: FC 2A
11B -20: wsB
44B -16: BB (close); 3K (tip)
11K -16: wsK
44A+B: Step, 3B
214B -16: JS BB; GS 3A
214:B -21: Backthrow
214K: wsB
214B+K: Step, 3B
BE versions of moves can be dealt with GS B+K on reaction or same as regular.
Jolly- CE = 64
Gloomy- CE = 91

|Mixup opportunities|
22K -10
2A+B -11


General side step direction: right
3A -14: JS AA; GS 4K
1A -16: wsK
BBB: Step either hit, 3B
6BB -18: Duck, wsB
3B -14: AA; GS 4K
6(K) +15: JG or step 3B
1K -18: wsB
B+K +3: Duck, wsB
4b+k~G: JS 22B; GS 66B
wsAB -16: SSR 3B. On block, wsK or GS 4K
wsK -13: GS AA
22AB -16: JS BB; GS 3A
33B -14: JS AA; GS 4K
22B -12: FC 2A
11B -14: FC 2A
44BAA +13: Duck, wsB
66K -16: JS BB; GS 4K
11K -23: wsB
44K -16: wsK; GS 4K
6B (BE): Step, 3B
CE -20: 3B
Jolly- 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67-72.
Gloomy- 33B 4A 4K (4K) 666B = 89 (101) -- Extra 4K depends on angle of 3B launch. or 3B 4A CE = 109

|FLY stance|
Note: This stance have only two real options, both steppable.
44A (-18), 66B (-21), A+B
8B+K (-26): JS 66A; GS 66B against regular version. wsB against follow-ups
FLY K -26: JS 66A; GS 66K
FLY A+B UB: Steppable to either side
|Mixup opportunities|
8K, 22K -6
4A -7
3K, 4K, 8B -8
33K -10
wsB -13


General side step direction: right
JS 6AB -18: wsB
JS 2AB -21: 3K, 4K or bait aGI and 3B
JS 4A -14: AA; 4K
JS 3B -12: 4K
JS 4B -18: 3K
JS 1K -21: wsB
JS 66AA -20: 3B
JS 44AA -15: JS BB; GS 3A
JS 44A2A -18: wsK; JS 66AA
JS 11B -14: FC 2A
JS 66B (BE) -6: JG 3B
GS 3AA -12: Duck last hit, wsB. Same against BE
GS 6B -12: 4K
GS 3B -14: AA; 4K
GS 4B: B: B -17: Step or JG any hit, 3B
GS 1K -16: wsK; 4K
1A -14: FC 2A
236K -20: wsB
4B+KB -10: Step, 3B
wsA -12: 4K
wsB -16: BB; GS 3A
8A -14: AA; GS 3A; 4K
8B -16: 3K
8K -12: 4K
22A -11: GS AA
CE -20: 3B
Jolly- 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67 (must be close during CE startup) or 66B 4A 4K = 46
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

UD A -14: AA; 4K
UD B +2: JG 3B
UD K -16 (mid), -18 (low): Mid: BB, GS 3A. Low: wsB
|Mixup opportunities|
22K, JS 66K, GS 4A -6
JS 44K -8
236K (BE) -11


General side step direction: right
AAB -16: Duck second hit, wsB. If you eat AA, block B and punish with wsK
A2AA -16: 9K after first hit on reaction
6A -14: JS AA; GS 3A
3AA -20: 3B. Sometimes you will be too far - JG helps in this case
3A2A -18: wsB
4A +2: Duck on reaction, wsB
BB -8: SSL after first hit, 33B
1B -16: wsK
2K -16: wsK; GS 4K
1K -14: FC 2A
4KK -6: Duck second hit, wsB. Works for BE version too
A+B -20: 3B
2A+B -16: wsK; GS 4K
2B+K -12: FC 2A; 4K
FC 3B -18: 3B. 3K at tip
wsK -16: JS BB; GS 3A
22B -16: wsK
44K: Duck on reaction, wsB
66A+B -16: wsK
33B (BE) -16: JG or SSR 3B. On block, 3K
CE: Step and punish
Jolly- iWR B.K.K 2K = 57 or 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

|GS stance|
Note: GS A aGI all H&M except horizontals
1A6 – JS 4A; GS FC 2A
66A6 – JS 6AB; GS 3A. However it's safe if NM doesn't go into GS. Good thing will be to learn to duck 66A on reaction
22AA6 – Step left on reaction for backthrow
33B6 JS 6AB; GS 3A to either interrupt or punish
GS A -16: High, punish with BB or GS 3A
GS B -9: Backdash against GS B6 will make NM whiff everything
GS K -18: 3B. Duck against BE version
|NSS stance|
Note: GS A aGI all H&M except horizontals
(A) – Backdash will make NM whiff everything but NSS which will be blocked and punished
6(B) – 3B. NM can't step it from regular version
3(B) – wsB
ws(B) 6K will interrupt all NSS options but will lose to GS transition. GS 3B will beat all
44(B) – wsB but NM can step it
4B(B) – JS AA; GS 3B
NSS A -12: GS 2A will beat everything. In JS do FC 2A but be aware of TJ moves
NSS B -18: JS 4A; GS 4K
NSS K -16: BB; GS 3A. Steppable to the right
NSS bA -16: BB; GS 3A
NSS A+B -14: AA; GS 3A
|Mixup opportunities|
8K -5
3K, 22K -10 (22K requires a little dash)
8A -12
Be aware that throw attempts can be evaded with B+K. 3B will stil hit him though.


General side step direction: right
1A -16: JS wsK; GS 4K
1AB +12: Step for backthrow or interrupt with 3B
bA -22: JS 66A; GS 3B
6B2 -12: FC 2A; GS 4K
3B -16: At tip range: 3K; close range: JS BB, GS 3A
3B (BE): Step, 3B
4B -12: JG 3B
kB -16: wsK; GS 4K
2KB -26 (on block)/-16 (on hit): 3B on block; 3K or 1B on hit
1K -14: FC 2A
4_44 KB -8: JG BB or GS 3A
B+K -17: 3K
FC1BB -8: 3B between
11A -16: wsK
44A -14: JS AA; GS 4K
33BB -23: 3B or SSR between two hits for backthrow
11BAB -12: Duck A and wsB
236B -16: 3K
CE -20: JS 66A; GS 3B
Jolly- iWR B.K.K 2K = 57 or 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92 or (on block) 3B 4A CE = 105

|MST stance|
4A6, 4B6, BB6, 2KB6, 11BA6, 44B6.
On block: GS 3B beats everything, SSR beats everything but KB .
On hit: iWS K beats everything but B+K which is steppable.
|Mixup opportunities|
Mitsu can 4B of all of his safe moves. To counter 4B use 33K (yes, 33). In JS most of the time you will launch with second hit.


General side step direction: left
3B -14: JS AA; GS 3A
2KB -18: JS 4A; GS 4K
1K -14: FC 2A
236K -15: AA; 4K; GS 3A
2A+B -25: wsB
4A+B -16: 3K
wsB -18: 3B
wsKK 0: Step, backthrow or duck, wsB
44A -17: JS BB; GS 3A
22KA: JG wsB
22KK: JG BB or SSL 3B
66B+K -11: GS AA
|RIGHT CROSS stance|
a+b~G (-26 on block)
22B (JS 66A or GS 66K either on hit or block)
AA (3K to beat everything)
BBB, 4BB (6K is sort of universal answer as it will also deal with LO BK but will lose to RC K)
RC AB: JG 3B; BB on regular block
RC B: wsK to beat LO options
|RIGHT OUTER stance|
6A (AA, 4K beats everything)
1B, FC 3AAA, 44B
Good risk/reward options against this stance will be JS 6K, GS 4A (beats RO A and RO K) and step left (beats RO B)
RO AK: High-mid, -10 on block. On hold version, JG BB or 4K
RO B: 3K or 4K to beat RC options
RO K series: Same defense as against 22K
|LEFT OUTER stance|
Note: Because the only mid is LO B you can either 9G if you don't see it and go for backthrow
or 3K if you are afraid of transition
9B (wsK)
BB (4K, GS 2A)
LO B: 6K to interrupt or duck, wsB
|LEFT INNER stance|
Note: If you see Maxi going into LO, step left, 3K or 4K
22A (can't interrupt LI A)
6B~4G (step right and whiff punish, but must have good reaction)
6A+B (BE) (+12 on block)
66B (FC 2A; 2K; JS 6AB)
If you see Maxi going into LO, step left, 3K or 4K
LI A: 3B
LI B: 2A
LI K: +4 on block but hits high
11A (JS 66A, GS 3B either on block or hit)
RO A (strong transition)
4A, 33B, wsB+K (3K, JS 2AB)
BL A: Maxi is too far away to really do something
BL BB_B~LO: Step and whiff punish
BL KK: wsB
Jolly- JG first hit, B+G (stops his CE, no impact) +.75 bar or iWR B.K.K 2K = 57 or 4B+K.B 236K = 27
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

|Mixup opportunities|
2B -8
8A+B -10
B+K series


General side step direction: right
6(A): Duck second hit, wsB
3AB -16: JG 3B. On regular block, BB or GS 3A
4AAAAA: JS 66A; GS 66K
214A -17: wsK; GS 4K
3B -14: AA; GS 3A; GS 4K
1B -16: 3K
6KK -16: BB or 4K between hits. On block, 3K
1K -8: JG 3B
4KB -8: JG AA. On hold version, AA to interrupt
A+B +15: Duck, wsB
6B+KBBB -8: Duck second hit, wsB
9B+KK -14: 33, backthrow. On block, AA
FC 3K -22: wsB
FC 1KKKKK -22: wsB
8K -12: 4K
66A -12: 4K
22A -14: FC 2A; 4K
33B series: Duck third hit, 33B
22B -14: A
11B -16: BB; GS 3A
66A+B2B -20: wsB
44B+K -8: JG BB
3AB (BE) -14: Step, 3B
66A (BE) -6: Step, 3B
|FLE stance|
FLE A -16: wsK
FLE B -10: Mixup opportunity
FLE K: 4K to stop DRG options
FLE (K) -22: wsB
FLE 66 -27: wsB
|MED stance|
MED A -16: wsK
MED B +8: JG 3B
MED 4_6A+BK -35: wsB
|DRG stance|
DRG K -24: wsB
Jolly- WR B.K.K 2K = 59 or 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67 or 9K at CE startup (on reaction) UD K 2K = 57
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92 or 9K at CE startup (on reaction) UD K 2K = 57

|Mixup opportunities|
6B, wsK -6
aB+K -7
44bB -9
66K -10


General side step direction: right
AA -6: Duck second A, wsB
3AA -15: Backdash after first hit, 3B
1A -18: wsK; JG wsB
3BB -15: Step or JG 3B
1B -28: JS 66A; GS 66K
4B: 66B
1K: JS 66A; GS 66K
623K series: Step, 3B
A+B~PB: JS 22B 66A; GS 66B
2A+B -18: wsB
8B+K -14: FC 2A; 4K
wsA -4: JG second hit, AA or 4K
wsK -15: BB; GS 3A
22A -16: BB; GS 3A; 4K
44AB -16: Step or JG 3B. On block, wsK or 4K
66B -28: 66B
33B series: AA or 4K to interrupt
11B -22: 3B
44BKBK -12: 4K
66K: 66B
22KK: UD B or 66B after first hit
11KK -22: wsB on block, 3B on hit

|Mixup opportunities|
wsB -6
6K -8


General side step direction: right
6ABA -14: AA; GS 4K
3A -16: 3K
1A -16: wsK
3BB -14: JG 3B
2BB -10: JG BB; step 66A
1B -16: 3K
4BA -8: Duck second hit, wsB
6A+B -14: AA; GS 4K
2A+B -17: wsK
4A+B UB: Step left
FC 3B -16: 3K
FC 3A+B +4: Duck, wsB
wsAA -16: JG 3B. On block, JS BB; GS 3A
wsBB -15: SSR, 3B
66A -14: JS AA; GS 3A
11K -16: wsK
44K -17: 1B; Duck, wsB
66A+BK +0: Duck, wsB
44A+B -16: 3K
6B (BE) +10: Step, 3B; GS B+K
66B (BE) +10: Step or JG 3B
|MC stance|
Note: This stance have revenge, step when you initiated it.
6(A+K), 2B+K, (interruptable on reaction)
ws(B), CR (B) (backdash on reaction)
(B+K) (step right second hit, BB)
MC A +2: Backdash on reaction, 3B
MC B -26: 66A
MC K: Dash, 66B on reaction
MC A+B: On block, BB or GS 3A
MC A+B2: 2K
|CR stance|
Note: This stance is a shortcut to ws moves.
4(A+K) (interruptable on reaction)
A+B3: BB will beat all
CR AA -16: Same as wsAA
CR BB -15: Same as wsBB
CR K -8: Safe
CR A+B -26: wsB. Also this move is -10 on hit
CR 1: 3B on reaction
CR B+K: Transition to BS, BB on reaction
|DR stance|
Note: Since Voldo is laying on earth, some mids will whiff
2(A+K) (interruptable on reaction)
8A (3B beats stance attacks but will lose to rolls, BB beats all but DR K)
8K (Voldo is BT)
MCHT 2_4 (8K)
DR A -19: wsB
DR B -5: 2K to stop all Voldo options. On BE version, JG 3B
DR K: Safe
DR A+B UB: 3B on reaction
DR B+K: Safe. Has useless in-built revenge which is duckable, interruptable and steppable
|BS stance|
Note: Voldo has tons of options in this stance, so I will list only the ones that are punishable
4A -2
2B -8
1(K) -4
44B +2 (wsK)
BS 6ABB -12: JG 3B
BS 8BK -22: wsB between two hits. It will whiff, however, against simple 8B
BS 8KA +10: Duck second hit, 4A
BS A+B -16: JS BB; GS 3A
BS 2A+B -22: JS 66A; GS 66B
BS 6BK -18: 3B
Jolly- 3B 66A.A = 58 0r 3B 4A 4K = 56
Gloomy- 3B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 107 or 3B 4A CE = 109

|Mixup opportunities|
3K -7
BS wsB -8
66B -10
6B -12


General side step direction: right
AA -8: Duck, wsB (wsA to beat step)
AB -12: Step, 3B
6AA -6: Duck, wsB (wsA to beat step)
3A -12: GS AA; 4K
1AA -24: Jump over, 3B
1AB +10: Step, 3B
214A series: Wait until he stops, 33B
3B -16: JS BB; GS 3A
2B -14: GS 3A
1BB -18: 3B
6K -14: JS AA; GS 3A
1KA +0: Duck either on hit or block, wsB
4KK -14: JS FC 2A; GS 4K
A+B -18: 3B (close)
3A+B -17: 3K
4A+B -16: JS BB; GS 3A
2B+K -18: wsK
4B+K +0: Jump or step, 3B
9B+K +0: Step on reaction, 3B
wsKA -16: 9G, 3B. 3K to punish single wsK
66AB +4: Step, 3B
66B -14: JS AA; GS AA
22B -10: JG 3B
11BK -4: Press G to realign, 66A
66K (BE) -10: JG 3B

|Mixup opportunities|
Astaroth can evade some throw attempts with 4B+K. 3B will hit him though.
Not avoidable:
B+K -6
3A, 6B+K -12
1B+K -8
6B, 66K -10
FC 3K, 22AA -12


Devil Jin


Alpha Patroklos
General side step direction: right
agB -23: 3B
6AA -16: JS BB; GS 4K
1AA -22: JS 66B; GS 4A; JG 3B
bA -23: 3B
1B: B -8: JG JS BB or GS 3A
4B -12: GS AA
6K -13: JS AA; GS 4K
1K -14: FC 2A; GS 4K
2A+B -16: wsK
B+K -14: JS AA; GS 4K
FC 3aB -22: 3B
FC 3B: B -7: Step, 3B. Works against BE version too
FC 3A+B -16: BB; 4K; 3K depending on range
22AA -5: Duck second hit, wsB
11A -16: wsK
44A -12: 4K
22BA -3: Duck, wsB
11K -16: wsK
44B+K -14: JS AA; GS 3A or 4K
BT B+K: B +8: Step right, 3B
2A BE -18: 3B
CE -20: 3B
Jolly- iWR B.K.K 2K = 56 or 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92


JG CE: The only way to JG punish this CE is for Tira to be against a wall as she creates an annoying amount of space while Just Guarding.
Jolly- 66B 4A 1B = 45 or 66B CE = 71
Gloomy- 66K 666B = 75 or 3B 4A 4K 666B = 89 or 3B 4A CE = 105


General side step direction: right|| Step bubbles to the left
6AAB -16: Duck second hit, wsB. On full block, BB
3AA -14: JS AA; GS 3A
4AB -16: 3K; JG 3B
6BBB: Duck second hit, wsB
3BB_33BB -14: JS AA; GS 3A or step second hit to the right and 33B
1B -13: AA; GS 4K
4BA -18: 3B
623B -23: 3B
6KK -10: Duck, wsB
1K -18: wsB
4K -13: AA; GS 4K. On hold, duck wsB
4A+B: You can whiff punish with 3B on close range
2B+KB -13: AA; GS 4K
FC 8B -15: JS BB; GS 3A
wsB -14: AA; GS 4K
wsKK -16: wsK. On hold, quickstep on reaction or JG 3B
33AB: Step second hit in either direction
44AA -18: 3B
11B -21: wsK
11K -16: wsK; GS 4K
66B+K -14: AA; GS 4K
41236K -20: 3B
4A+B (BE): wsK on close range
41236A+B (BE): Step, 3B to punish throne
Jolly- 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92

|Mixup opportunities|
B8, 66K -6
8A -7
8B, 22K, FC 8B (BE) -8
8K -10
66A -12
Note: Algol can evade your mixup with B+K teleportation. If you anticipate it, you can easily punish him with 3B


Pyrrha Omega
General side step direction: left
1AA -24: 3B
4AA -4: Duck, wsB; JG JS BB or GS 3A
4AB -18: 3B
3B -18: 3B
2BB -20: 3B
1K -16: wsK; GS 4K
4K -14: JS AA; GS 4K
B+KB -20: 3B
FC 1BB -20: 3B
wsB -12: GS AA
wsA+B -12: GS AA
wsB+K -12: GS AA
11AA -16: 3K
33B -14: JS AA; GS 3A
44B -14: JS AA; GS 3A
66K -15: JS BB; GS 3A
44K -16: JS BB; GS 3A
66B+KAB -16: Duck second hit, wsB. JG third hit, 3B
NS A -16: JS BB; GS 3A
NS B: 3B
NS K -14: JS AA; GS 3A
6B BE +11: JG 3B
CE -21: 3B
Jolly- iWR B.K.K. 2K = 59 or 4B+K.B 236K BE = 67
Gloomy- 4B.B.B 4A 4K 4K 666B = 92
I dont think you can mixup on 33k block its -2 ) otherwise good job setto kun!
While you were discussing hairstyles and voice actors, Leixia and Astaroth were done!
Would you mind if I put each character into their own spoiler? I think it would be nice to have a faster way to find exactly what you're looking for.