Tira- Trailer Analysis


[14] Master
English Trailer
Japanese one (It has better frame rate)

-The attack grab at the end of the first string seems like a crouch grab/counter.

-6B can LH

-The second hit of 4B+K B is a GB

-Like many others if she win RE with a B there will be a special combo

-Her A seems to go into a string on SC that launches opening for 66K on Gloomy

-Her CE seems to start into a attack the moves to a special combo which is also a characteristic she had on V, the difference is that on V she didn't launch which made the move acquire a different property if it hit in the wrong way, the last hit puts her at a distance of the opponent.

-The slash effect are still different with Jolly being Canary Yellow again and Gloomy being navy blue
The attack grab wasn't a counter hit (Kilik ducked), so I'd guess just the B input on hit in the mixup string. If the alternative to the B isn't a low, it seems like it'll be a bad option. But yeah, based on the duck, I'd hope it is.

Due to A+B's recovery frames seeming to be reduced (based on SC5 animation) and the fact that they even showed A+B there, it seems the 6B is a followup, probably only on successful persona change.

The GB on 4B+K.B is nice, and it looked like they may have landed close enough for a 666B, should that even exist anymore.

Her throw on RE's B input is nice, but I worry it's breakable since she actually grabs them. This could mean one of her Gloomy grabs is this rather than mirroring Jolly's.

Her A now has a K mixup option (outside of Soul Charge based on the energy pulse happening AFTER the kick lands). This could be exclusive to Gloomy since that's the persona shown. The BE followup to the kick seems to be a mid version of her 4A, it's also a GB. If 2A+B exists and stuns, it's potentially a stronger combo than 66K's attack throw.

All CEs in this game shown to date (aside from Astaroth's) are attack throws that work on standing or airborne opponents. Based on screenshots also provided, her CE's visual effects change colors (Jolly is Yellow, Gloomy is Purple). This could mean that the Updraft-style smackdown isn't going to be present in Jolly's version of the CE, assuming they do something similar to SC5's CE.
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That would be nice if she had 2 CEs Jolly and Gloomy.. But Namco didn't even have time for 2p costumes.. so I doubt it ..
I think Violent meant the last hit, Jolly in SCV had a hit less in her CE combo.
I don't think you can break it, cuz she won the RE with a B and the damage should be guaranteed.

I mean that the grab in particular was meant to counter ducking, sorry for not making it clear. >.<
If their CE changes, it’s confirmed to have the same startup animation. The damage is likely lower and leads to Gloomy like it was in SC5. Being that it’s an actual throw animation, I’d guess just lower damage...
But maybe the part right before the jump just changes you to gloomy and that’s it.
Jolly isn't great, but her attacks you'll typically use don't take chunks of your life. Gloomy is ruthless and has great attacks and combos but that's offset by self-damage (though it's unknown yet if that's still a thing).
Not playing tira in 5. What where the benefits of gloomy and jolly?
Simple Answer Frames...

Jolly had bad Frames. only pokes and strikes
Gloomy had Safe Frames and Traps, And Launches.. And did more damage.
And Random Mood swing switches mid-combos??
She loses life for doing moves but Algol can spam shoot all day with no disadvantage
In SCV there is no reason to be in Jolly.
was there a benefit to doing mood changes?
Tira mood changes are mostly for combo extension, most of the time greeting your teeth trying to go into Gloomy is your best bet. Jolly used to work as a step killer in IV, but in V she lacked most of her options.

Tira is the most gimmicky Calibur character, she is somewhat kinda like Zappa from GG, but due to only having two moods it is easier for her to handle the random aspect of her movelist. There are several ways to transition between moods, some are more likely than others, taunts being a fairly big way of doing it.

Tira will almost always start the match in Jolly and the third round in Gloomy.
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You're forgetting that Gloomy also had self-infliction on many of her strings, that self-infliction could also kill. That was the additional balancing factor that kept Tira from being too good in Gloomy.

In truth, though, I think a lot of players heavily underestimated how good she was in SC4 and especially in SC5. There were tweaks to her movelist in the early patches of SC5 for a reason, and undoubtedly, many players could tell or predict that Tira was in a really good spot, even after the patches.
Regular SC3:Tira was GARBAGE.
Tira was a Unique fighter in SC3: ACADE EDITION.. She actually fought with a hula hoop and looked like a Pro Gymnast while doing it.
[SC3:AE Tira] is a Stun Combo StringMachine

- In SC4 they toned her Style down and made her Bi-Poler, with more poke so she could compete with the other heavy poke characters.
- In SC5 her style is gone and her moves have been turned into Single-Strikes and poke launcher. Then they put all her spammable power damage moves in Gloomy. "66B. BE"
"Would anyone have played SC5: Tira if Gloomy 66B wasn't there??" now SC6: Yoshi has the same style 3B..LMao
I quite liked her pokes in jolly, stopped a lot of backdash and lead to mix ups. 6A with a situational B follow up.

44K was a great for counter hit stuff and push back, amazing for wall combo extensions.

Did not hear "genocide!" once. S#cared for how changed she will be, looks fun though.