Vincent's Review of SCV

No they aren't. "Omg Critical edge sucks because its trying to copy Capcon" isnt credible. It doesn't ruin the game at all, people just like to see these franchises as war.
That's ridiculous. SC is the game I'm proud to tell people I compete in. Seeing it be a shameless rip-off is nothing to be so proud of anymore. You should be strangled and stomped on for misjudging me. What war are you even talking about? There's almost no reason to EVER respect imitators.
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That's ridiculous. SC is the game I'm proud to tell people I compete in. Seeing it be a shameless rip-off is nothing to be so proud of anymore. You should be strangled and stomped on for misjudging me. What war are you even talking about? There's almost no reason to EVER respect imitators.

Is this joking? I mean the entire modern fighting game genre stems from immitating a SFII glitch. Doesn't mean in the least that they are all identical and don't have substantial differences.

The thing with critical edge: Better then Critical Finishes. CF's were flashy and neat, but they were damn near impossible unless you set up a VS comp match right.
No they aren't. "Omg Critical edge sucks because its trying to copy Capcon" isnt credible. It doesn't ruin the game at all, people just like to see these franchises as war.

Okay, MOST of his complaints were valid then. Still, I don't blame anyone for being pissed that they're trying to be like Capcom. I want to play Soulcalibur, not Capcom's crap.
SCV would've been much better is Namco wasn't smoking crack when they decided to remove moves and stances from good characters. That's not balancing, that is taking 5 steps back.
I gotta admit buying the collector's edition wasn't that impressive. Sure I get the the gold and dark armour but the other's who bought the standard edition from A&C got Dampierre. All the DVDs are a disappointment especially the music CD which doesn't have all the music.

The art book wasn't that bad though tells the story of each character and includes concept sketches of all SC characters in SC5.
That's ridiculous. SC is the game I'm proud to tell people I compete in. Seeing it be a shameless rip-off is nothing to be so proud of anymore. You should be strangled and stomped on for misjudging me. What war are you even talking about? There's almost no reason to EVER respect imitators.
So a cutscene for a special attack is a rip off? People generally act as if SF invented and copyr
ighted such a combination. A lot of games used this, just an asethetic here. most commonly anime based or supernatural Japanese games. Why isnt this compared to BlazBlue? The CEs are a lot closer to the special attacks in that game actually. SF ia just overrated mechanically imo... and what war? look around (outside this site) the arbitrary hatred towatds this feature alone is the SF argument nonsense... "war" is just an exaggeration but not far from the truth.
The problem with arguing against Edge is saying you don't like it because it's like other fighting games isn't an argument; it's an ad homeneim. If you don't like the mechanic, say why you don't like it, not "I play SC not to be SF". I mean, really; the primary things that make SC SC, and not, some other fighting game are still very much present -- the vert/horizontal/step rps and the jump/mid/low mixup system, the overall 3dness of it, and most of the character's fighting systems. People add resource management like the 2 in SCV not to be "like Street Fighter" (as if Street Fighter always had resource systems), but because adding the guard break system rewards aggression and helps push the balance towards activity rather than reactions, and because having a resource that lasts between rounds means the players have to make hard resource management systems and have powerful attacks that they can't just spam. And, of course, there's the "gain a bar of Edge if you only have one round left to go" mechanic, which favors more exciting matches and acts as a comeback mechanic.