Why is everyone a dick on 8wr?

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All this being said... damn-I-suck is treated like shit because he IS shit. The guy not only trolls threads, he has created DOZENS of accounts which all have been merged/deleted into his current account. You guys may notice that damn-I-suck comes from the same region of America as the infamous Jorn/Shinku/BITE.
Quoting this so it doesn't get lost in the mist.

The original poster of this thread, Jorn (damn-I-suck), also made this video about 3yrs back. Enjoy...

1. Obesity
2. Shortage of chicks
3. Malice's post
4. They are mad because they are 30 years old, still virgins, still play video games, and still live with their parents
5. You're fat and ugly so no one likes you. At all. :)
I'm not a dick D: I was giving out cookies on my profile a few days ago XD
COOKIES? :O /fat kid

On topic: people seem okay here. but then, i try to avoid posting walls of text about 'revelations' I've had about this game I've been playing for 2 months while not-so-subtly insulting everyone who might disagree with me.

also, there's not a huge difference between "You don't know what you're talking about" and "You're a fucking idiot." It's ultimately the same thing, but one involves words that society has deemed impolite or whatever. Asking for people to pretty please use nice words on an informal message board is fucking stupid.

also also: If someone's actually making personal attacks that's one thing, but being called a scrub is just a comment on your ability to play (or not play) a video game. If that's legitimately upsetting you on a personal level that's...uh...unfortunate.

Watercolors is great. Fingerpainting, also good. My kids love both of these activities. Participating in them is surprisingly therapeutic. :P

If someone's actually making personal attacks that's one thing, but being called a scrub is just a comment on your ability to play (or not play) a video game. If that's legitimately upsetting you on a personal level that's...uh...unfortunate.

I've been wondering about that. About why people react that way, specifically. The only conclusion I can come to is that some of these people (I refrain from saying kids, because many are adult age) base a major portion of their worth as a person on their skill in these games. At some point the games leave hobby territory and ventures into that dark place in the brain where shit is taken way too seriously.

Ever notice that about people? I guarantee that everyone you know has something they take way, way too seriously.
ok, time to pull the immature, discussion ending power card.

a: i hate all of you for leaving this for me to read.
b: threads like this are pretty much the worst thing ever.
c: there is no way that the OP is jorn.
d: the community has a far larger influx, currently, of terrible, annoying scrubs/dipshits/both. it is a side effect of increased popularity of the new game with the general public combined with integration from other FG communities...which, by and large, are more annoying, terrible and scrubby than "us"...and the elimination of 'competitor' fansites that used to cater to the casual crowds. what we have here is a smorgasbord of SC fans, all looking at the game/community differently, and all expecting something different. at the end of the day, sadly, things like this have to happen.

I have a feeling this thread will be closed because some of the moderators are exactly the kind of asshole I'm talking about. And I also know that someone will post on here with "Stfu scrub, your just butthurt". Please spare me the bullshit. I've heard enough of that garbage for 10 life times.

to everyone who has replied in this thread, especially in encouragement: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

to the OP (damn-i-suck): your "feeling", unlike pretty much everything you have ever asserted in any post for the duration of your stay here, is correct. by all means, this response to you personally should be done by PM. that would be the mature and responsible thing for me to do.

...however, i firmly support and advocate public ridicule for public dipshitidity. if you have an issue with the moderation staff here, please do bring it to our attention. do it like a fucking adult, though. if you got a shitty burger at mcdonalds, would you bring it up to a manager?...or would you dress in neon leggings and make a sign about the shitty burger and then waste your time parading about the mcdonalds property, trying to dissuade others from eating there? if the girl bagging your french fries calls you a limp-wristed snerd nergler, would you sit outside telling new patrons about the insensitive bitches that worked there?...or would you just report her to her boss?

one of these actions would make you a regular, self respecting adult human being. the other would make you a childish fuckwit who is still going to go home hungry. this thread has made it clear which side of the fence you fall on.

oh, the boss also says that you nergle snerds? never mind, then. i'd just go somewhere else for my cheeseburgers.

we are lenient here. we are very, very, very friendly. i have personally closed dozens of your retarded threads, and deleted hundreds of your ill-thought, childish, bigoted, racist, crass, brain dead, uninformed, wrong, boring, laughable, english language raping, condescending, mind blowingly fucking stupid posts. i have done it without making fun of you, or banning you, or even making an issue of it outside of mentioning to chill out. the rest of the mod team has been as lenient as myself or more so. from flaming members, unprovoked, to pretending to understand a game system and mislead people into buying your shit, to making several accounts...well you should be banned for more than a few reasons. yet here you are, fully allowed and screaming for attention from people who do know nor care about you... and all this in those hideous leggings.

you wonder why are newcomers sometimes treated like scrubby dipshits? well, the answer is simple. newcomers are sometimes you.

TL:DR - shut the fuck up, scrub. you're just butthurt.
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