Xiba Combo Discussion

I have found that rem B, rem B, 33AA(BE) works. It's nice damage and I'm not sure but I think you can still 2A+B at the end.
Size 3 characters can left ukemi the 2nd Rem B and bigger characters can right ukemi. Also if you manage to get the 2nd Rem B, 33A BE can be teched and then low blocked for a punish. Like Slade said you should 6B BE since it is guaranteed.
I personally like doing Rem B 6B.K 33A.A
They can tech up before the 33A.A and it tech traps for fairly good damage. If you notice they don't and you need more, you can trigger its BE for however much it'll throw your way.
can someone explain how xiba's wall combo moves work? 6B+K doesn't send the opponent right back into the wall for the 2nd wall splat, it always transport opponent to the right so I can't do the 2nd wall splat. also the startup is really slow and easy to miss out the combo. which move should be used to wall splat 1st before I do 6B+K?

is 3AB a good move to do the 2nd wall splat? is xiba usually close enough to do this move for 2nd wall splat?

when should I use 3BKK for wall combo ender? some times this can connect out of wall splat, but sometimes the opponent falls down before 3B could even hit them.

does 33AA BE ever combos? it seem opponent can tech and block the BE part for free if they know the timing.
6B+K is the best for the second wall splat, but it is risky. If you're going for more guaranteed damage, I think 3A.B would be the next-best option. After 6B.kBE W!, it's usually guaranteed to work.

Also, I think 66B.B.B is the best combo ender. You get good damage and decent forced blocks.
33A.aBE does occasionally combo, but 2A+B works more often and doesn't cost gauge.
6B+K moves the opponent to the right while you are wall comboing, so that is probably why it isnt working sometimes, you have to angle it. 3AB/6BK BE are good alternates (although if 6B+K is missing 6BK BE will miss also). The ideal wall combo ender is 66BBB unless it will have an axis issue to where the 2nd hit misses OR ring out with something else.
I usually start my combos with 6bkBE the 6b+k and the 66bbb that's the signature wall combo. when you start a wall combo with 6b+k you can't always follow with a second 6b+k so i usually use 3ab and the 66bbb (the strongest ender) if there's a mid wall use 3bkk for the RO depending on the angle and the wall somes time is better to follow with another 6bkBE to get the RO with 3ab. as second splatter 3ab works tricky cause you have lots of traps there, so if you know an ukemi may come, you should do 3ab THEN 6B and then 1a+b as a trap... and if you want, 3bkk as a second trap, both catch all the sides, that's almost a freaking 100% combo
I discovered this and I know others who have as well.

66BBB (CH)~3BKK (98 Daamge)
- Precise timing required.
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He is just wondering why you are putting the wrong inputs.

E.g. 3BBB doesn't exist. It's a simple mistake though.
If 66BBB connects on BT opponents it is guaranteed as well. Main uses for this would be 22AB w! 66BBB 3BKK on the cage or certain voldo mashes
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Speaking of the 66B.B.B string, what's the best option off the launcher? Sometimes I'll do a 6B and then random pressure but I dunno. It seems like an ewwy launch.