Your favourite super-white indie bands


[11] Champion
All these blacks get to talk about their rap music, and all these angry kids get to talk about their metal and punk.

What about those of us who just want some soothing noise to mope to on a rainy day.

These are not my top 5, because I'm too lazy to try and quantify things that I like, and so white I know that it's all superior anyway.

Here are 5 at random:

1 - The Concretes - Grey Days. From their album In Colour, which I love, and which was the last album they released before Victoria Bergsman left the band. I get extra bonus indie cred for having to upload the video myself, because it's too cool for youtube.

2 - The Deep Dark Woods - How Can I Try. That's right, I listen to country music. Because I'm white. Here's another one of their songs.

3 - Rural Alberta Advantage - Edmonton. Alberta is the Texas of the north, and I was born there. Like this band, I moved to Toronto because that's where the good Korean food is.

4 - Japandroids - Young Hearts Spark Fire. One of the whitest songs I know. Is it about youth, or is it about growing old? It's sure as hell about being white as fuck.

5 - The Whitest Boy Alive - Burning. I said the last song was one of the whitest songs I know, well this is the whitest song. Not only is the band named The Whitest Boy Alive, but they play what is generally known as Eurofunk, and if that's not white as all get out, nothing is. To top it off, they're from countries like Germany and Norway, and have names like Erlend Øye, and some white dude made a video of him doing some white-tastic dance steps while the song plays, and then applied a super-white and grey film grain to it.

Come on everyone, revel in the whiteness.
Back in the early 90's, I was a huge-mongous Smashing Pumpkins fan.....before they went all emo/marylin manson. The "Gish" album was constantly in my tape deck bumpin that shit!!

Your whiteness levels have increased by 50% from posting in this thread.

Better watch yourself.
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Here's another one I had to upload myself, because I, and it, are too cool for youtube.

New Buffalo - It'll Be Alright. Now she goes under her real name, Sally Seltmann, but back then she was just an Australian known for writing Feist's 1234 and being the only foreign artist signed to Arts & Crafts.

Here's some Au Revoir Simone, a band made up of 3 white girls from New York with keyboards. Vints secretly likes them.
She sold out to the man and doesn't count.

White people making money for other white people. Doesn't she know that's the black man's job? Top 40 should only be terrible hip-hop and r&b.

Born Ruffians are a trio of white kids from Ontario who write songs about Kurt Vonnegut, among other super-white topics. I wouldn't expect any non-whites to even know who Vonnegut is, aside from being a dude who made a cameo in that one Rodney Dangerfield movie.
In Canada we don't even have 40s. We get 1.14Ls. It doesn't roll off the tongue very well. Minorities are severely deprived up here, and that's not even counting the cold weather.

Chad Vangaalen is another white dude from the prairies. He even animates his own videos.
first person to list the pixies gets banned.
I'll just sidestep that limitation by listing Blood on The Wall.
Blood on The Wall-Mary Susan

I love Avril Lavigne too. "Under My Skin", great album.

Real talk.
Hey Vince, do I come into your thread with some brown bag malt liquor and spinning rims to talk about Vanilla Ice?

1 - The Concretes - Grey Days. From their album In Colour, which I love, and which was the last album they released before Victoria Bergsman left the band. I get extra bonus indie cred for having to upload the video myself, because it's too cool for youtube.
Actually, I don't know if you heard Page, but the concretes are back together. They put out a new album in October called "WYWH". I guess Taken By Trees wasn't the smash hit Victoria hoped it would be.

As for me

1- Beach House - Norway. It's neither house music nor filled with sand, but it is some hypnotic and beautiful music.

2- Class Actress - Journal of Ardency. 80's inspired Electronica from Elizabeth Harper. She's new, not even a full album yet but she's got promise. Check out "Careful what you say or do" and "Terminally Chill."

3- The Joy Formidable - Whirring. I enjoyed their debut EP "A Ballon Called Moaning"'s version of this song better, less effects more genuine sound. But this version is part of their full album release "The Big Roar" and it's gotten some air time on MTV.

Page your music kinda has that Saddle Creek sound going on. I think you'd enjoy:

5. Camera Obscura - Let's Get Out Of This Country. Think the concretes with violins, a twangy guitar and some Mo-Town influence.
The Concretes never broke up after Victoria left. They put out Hey Trouble, which was kind of meh. Victoria is still doing guest spots and such on other albums, she'll probably do another solo album eventually.

Beach House are a pretty good band. They put me to sleep, but I can't hold it against them.

Here are the super white Crystal Castles. They're so great.
The Concretes never broke up after Victoria left. They put out Hey Trouble, which was kind of meh. Victoria is still doing guest spots and such on other albums, she'll probably do another solo album eventually.

Beach House are a pretty good band. They put me to sleep, but I can't hold it against them.

Here are the super white Crystal Castles. They're so great.

I Told crimson not too long back my favorite from them was Alice Practice. Check last post for edits too man. Still can't believe they did a collab with Robert Smith lol. That's great. Reminded me of when Bowie sat in with the Arcade Fire. Wonder if that hurt Wolf Parade's feelings.

For the unitiated.

Crystal Castles, Robert Smith (of The Cure) - Not in Love -
He fought Mecca-Streisand once, you know.
Camera Obscura is oldschool, and Let's Get Out of This Country is their best album by far. My Maudlin Career tried to be the same thing, but failed. I still love them, though.

My favourite track from that album is If Looks Could Kill, but they're all really solid.

And I know I'm in the minority, but I really prefer Alice's version of Not in Love. It fits better with the rest of the album, and their style.

For more white people doing remixes and covers of other white people, Pictureplane's Goth Star, which is actually a very chopped up remix of Fleetwood Mac's Seven Wonders.
Am I allowed to make a favourite porn stars thread? lololol
The trouble is if you post too much in a thread like that, people will start making assumptions about you lol.

But come on, every body does it. Though we do have to worry about HRJ's moral fiber. Oh and Lobo will just put dicks in it. So many dicks.
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